Sentences with phrase «during class»

But one important logistical concern often gets in the way: Since we're talking with individual students during class time, how do we ensure that the rest remain on task?
Right now, some schools are still using dial - up Internet, which is highly inefficient with all students needing to connect to the Internet at the same time during a class period.
Take notes during the class discussion and the individual and group work on the number lines.
But true authenticity comes from the activities we use during class time and leaves an impact on the communication skills of our students.
Please bring a towel to lay your baby on during class as we explore this soothing and rewarding technique.
But he addresses the problem by advising students individually during each class session.
During a class in which I'm feeling overwhelmed, instead of trying to hide that, I can use it as a learning opportunity by naming it and modeling a coping strategy.
If a student is not working during class time, we need to think about an alternate environment and time where he or she can complete assignments once the negative emotion has been drained.
The phone calls are made, the specific planning with an administrator is done, and volunteers come in and help the students answer the 10 questions during class with support.
Having one - on - one conversations with students about their goals, interests, struggles, etc. can be difficult to do during class time.
Students then practice using these skills in role plays during class, and in behavioral homework assignments outside of school.
Overall, students in our sample did relatively well on the final exam, but those who were prohibited from using Internet - connected devices during class did best.
One of the most common means of informal assessment is asking questions during class.
I am studying at an university and we have to sit during class for 2 hours per class, and during my commute to and from school another 1 hour driving.
Horse - safety instruction is provided during the class providing beginners safety awareness as they develop a comfort level around large animals.
They should work on combining their individual diagrams as well as any modifications they noted during the class discussion.
The assistants also perform the supervisory duties by paying close attention on children during classes, lunch, sports, and recess hours.
Hold a surprise reception for teachers, provide treats, or recognize teachers during class.
Students demand better grades they have not earned, stay on their cell phones during class, ignore the instructor and do mediocre papers.
The school finally adopted a policy where any cell phone taken during class was kept in the vice principal's office and would only be returned to a parent.
Find out from her how the teacher gets feedback during class time and what your daughter does to participate.
Pregnancy exercising and relaxation methods which you will learn during classes will help you to stay healthy and fit during and after pregnancy, it will also help you during 2nd stage of labor.
Help students get to know each other during class by assigning group projects.
The children, virtually all of them white, wear clean, tucked - in shirts, say thank you and no thank you, and don't talk during class.
In particular, teach your child not to share food with his friends unless it's in some approved manner, like during a class party.
I remember being more present during the class than I had been in years, and that it felt so spacious on all levels.
Every day during class, teachers will ask students reflective questions.
It may contain a digital means of sharing information, so that active learning can happen during class time.
Dogs may behave worse or better during classes with other dogs.
All dogs will be kept on leash and separate from each other during class.
Physical activity on campus is the movement your child gets from physical education class, recess, active learning, and physical activity breaks during class time.
You can't in schools, as it would violate an individuals right to have religion thrust upon them (same reason they don't allow praying during class hours).
I know of no «sheep — stealing» activities occurring during these classes.
Sometimes teachers will give instructions during class and a child will need to remember what the instructions were.
You can ask any questions you like during the classes, and get your specific concerns addressed.
You will benefit from meditation and mindfulness practices taught during class.
All these questions receive focus during the classes to provide you with the best answers in a changing industry.
They will usually take good notes and will appear to be paying attention during class.
Second, the right bodybuilding training and diet will enhance your energy levels, thus allowing you to focus even more during your classes.
This is the moment during class when you stop talking at your students and «flip» the work to them instead.
Platform that allows students and teachers to connect during class through polls, discussion boards, and other response systems.
It is amazing how many people I caught reading GTA reviews during classes and in the library yesterday.
You will activate your core prior to starting any exercise during class.
We talked about our progress as a group during class meetings, where we also learned to speak honestly, openly, and with respect to one another.
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