Sentences with phrase «during class discussions»

The student notes were compared to what the students shared during the class discussion.
Take notes during the class discussion and the individual and group work on the number lines.
Evaluate students based on their responses during class discussions and on their behavior after the lesson.
I'm always moving about the room during class discussions and just have a hard time standing still.
In a divisive climate, it may be difficult for educators to remain neutral during class discussions.
Encourage students to generate questions, summarize, and form opinions during class discussion, collaboration, and debate activities.
They should work on combining their individual diagrams as well as any modifications they noted during the class discussion.
Several students said Pittman made the Hitler comparison during a class discussion about the events.
Several students said Pittman made the Hitler comparison during a class discussion about the events.
Students might take pictures of the whiteboard during class discussion and then add them to their personal notes.
Pollack says she noticed that more students were completing the assignments that went along with the readings, and there was more lively participation during class discussions.
«During class discussions Jabari thoughtfully made insightful connections during discussions of the texts.
I think about a former, Polynesian student of mine, who was completely immersed in black hip - hop culture, yet seemed worried she would offend me by saying my race out loud during a class discussion on immigration and ethnic backgrounds.
For example, Tracey and Tom typically return to their success criteria during class discussions.
This individualization often goes well beyond the creation of classroom rules and routines — it includes what texts and topics are studied in depth, how student grades are calculated, what type of contribution is welcomed during class discussions, the extent to which technology tools are integrated into the classroom, whether students are required to conduct research, and how much homework is necessary to further student development.
I am still interested in honing my lessons, but along with planning the sequence of learning activities, I also prepare to question students about their thinking during class discussions, in individual conversations, and on written assignments.
They also noted the power of Webquests for guiding student research and inquiry and blogs for giving students voice in response to classroom content, as noted in anecdotal records kept during class discussions.
Students artfully tuck their iPhone inside the book, allowing them to swipe through Snapchat during class discussion.
Instruction in sublevel 1B focuses on speaking in English during class discussions, completing written grammar and vocabulary exercises in English, writing English dictations, and learning «sight words.»
You begin by coming from those rights and discussing within those rights what a safe environment looks, sounds and feels like; what a respectful environment looks, sounds and feels like; and what it feels and sounds like to have a learning environment where we support one another — and that includes everything from noise level to reasonable sharing during class discussion and even allowing healthy disagreement.
Collectively, these recordings equip this teacher with a data set that helps him explore how to increase the rigor of his questions during class discussions.
During class discussions, Hart gives each student two pennies, and asks for each student's «two cents worth» about the topic at hand.
During a class discussion, or during direct instruction when I'm modeling something or asking them to look at something not on their device, they shouldn't be looking at their phones or computer screens.
During a class discussion, Karina, a third - grade student in the plants - and - animals group, incorporates a social - history perspective into her description of the ranch's stand of eucalyptus.
During the class discussion, talk about what it means to be white, too.
Given his learning challenges, he struggled to keep up during class discussions.
During class discussions, he brought up the fact that his billionaire had all of these cars, boats, and planes, which really had nothing to do with the financial aspect of the unit.
For this class, the policy meant that students could either print out the readings or not have them in front of them during class discussion.
It would peep up during our class discussions, but we spent precious minutes trying to remember exactly why they chose a particular quotation.
During a class discussion, use a list or graphic organizer to highlight similarities and differences among the formats and ideas expressed in all three titles.
Post these in the room to refer back to during the class discussions.
During our class discussions, it becomes apparent that many emerging adults are scared of commitment or believe that they have commitment issues.
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