Sentences with phrase «during daily naps»

Also, follow this routine by darkening the room during daily naps.

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Will you give me a daily report or is there another process for informing parents of what children did during the day (naps, bottles, BMs, etc.)?
Toddlers need between an hour and two hours of naps during the day so as to get their 12 - 14 hours daily dose of sleep.
However, if you are traveling with a child who naps, fitting in their daily snoozes won't just be an issue on the days of travel, it's also something you will need to consider during the trip.
Additionally, the incorporation of moderate exercise into your daily routine may have a profound impact on your sleep patterns, making it easier to fall and stay asleep at night and reducing the impulse to nap during the day.
They should also take two naps during the day, which should bring their total amount of sleep up to 14 - 16 hours daily.
For me, being able to exercise at home during nap time or when my husband gets home from work makes a lot more sense and likely increases the chance of me fitting in a daily workout.
We are trying to adjust his bed time by limiting his naps during the day (he currently has 3 naps daily between 1 - 2 hours), and putting him down at the earlier cycle (usually around 2 am) but even when he goes to sleep, he's up after half an hour and then up until 5 am.
Within two month's modification of the training and eating changes, the athlete reported increased perception of daily energy during and between training sessions, less perceived hunger and fatigue, and reduced need for daytime naps.
Liversidge got the gallery's workers to take daily naps in whatever part of the gallery they wanted, but they had to be taken, according to his instructions, «for a minimum of two hours during gallery opening hours.»
Your brain even goes into pruning mode during a short catnap of 10 — 20 minutes, which is why a short, daily afternoon nap is so helpful.
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