Sentences with phrase «during domestication»

Wolves were domesticated more than 15,000 years ago and it is widely assumed that the ability of domestic dogs to form close relationships with humans stems from changes during the domestication process.
This means that by studying the effect of genetic changes during the domestication of dogs we can also learn about our own species» adaptations to the environment and related diseases.
Of the 125 genes undergoing positive selection during domestication, a subset is related to the differentiation, organization, and contraction of skeletal muscles, including ACTA1, C - SKI, MYBPC1, and delta - sarcoglycan (SGCD).
When Orlando and colleagues examined horse DNA for genes that may have rapidly changed during domestication, they too found genes involved in neural crest cell function.
To understand the population bottlenecks during domestication, researchers made a comparison analysis between vegetable and grain food crops.
During their domestication from their wild ancestor the wolf to the pets we have today, dogs have developed a unique ability to work together with humans.
Erik Axelsson of Uppsala University in Sweden and his colleagues analyzed DNA from 12 wolves and 60 dogs that represent 14 diverse breeds, looking for regions of the dog genome that evolved under selection pressure during domestication.
This means that the tendency to gaze into eyes must have evolved during the domestication of dogs, says Nagasawa.
The researchers believe that this behavioural trait may have been selected during domestication.
This suggests that restocking from a wild population descendant from the ancient horses occurred during the domestication processes that ultimately led to the modern domesticated horses.
However, the reshaping of the horse genome during their domestication also had significant negative impacts.
By Kraig Kraft The Search for the Origins of Chile Peppers Starts in Arizona As a graduate student studying crop evolution at U.C. Davis, I am focusing my work on describing the genetic changes that took place during the domestication of Capsicum annuum, a species that includes some of the most common varieties of chile peppers cultivated worldwide.
Much of what we know about how animals change appearance during domestication comes from a famous experiment in Siberia in the 1950s.
This social skill did not emerge during domestication, as has been suggested previously, but was already present in wolves.
Commonly accepted domestication hypotheses suggest: «Dogs have become tolerant and attentive as a result of humans actively selecting for these skills during the domestication process in order to make dogs cooperative partners.»
Pipes» study is an interesting example of what might have happened to dogs» brains during domestication, he said.
The comparison result indicated that the three vegetable crops (cucumber, watermelon, and tomato) probably underwent narrower bottleneck events during domestication than the grain food crops (rice, maize, and soybean).
«Sheep life revolves around interacting with shepherds, other keepers and dogs, so knowledge of this important aspect of their environment should be favoured during the domestication process.»
The authors note that it is possible that selective forces during domestication could have supported the emergence of the brain structure underlying this capability in dogs, but such rapid evolution of speech - related hemispheric asymmetries over a relatively short time period is unlikely.
The genes in the foreign DNA sequences were also shown to be active in sweet potato, which can indicate that they provide a positive characteristic which was selected for by the farmers during domestication.
These «selective sweeps» underlie the sweeter and less sour fruit uniformly selected by humans during domestication of the tree.
Secondly, as dogs are able to engage with humans in joint attention (Miklósi et al. 2003) and can cooperate to achieve goal - directed actions (Range and Virányi 2014), it is possible that humans selected dogs for characteristics that promoted social communication during domestication, including attentive and affiliative preference for DDS.
Alternatively, preference for DDS prosody may have arisen through various routes during the domestication process.
That lack of variation signals DNA that was so important for survival during domestication that any variation there was lost, so most dogs have the same SNPs.
«In fact,» she says, «modern dogs have adapted / evolved to eating a high starch diet during their domestication
Duplication of fgfr1 permits Fgf signaling to serve as a target for selection during domestication.
She added, «In dogs, it is possible that voluntary movement of facial muscles evolved later and in response to selection pressures during domestication
Xin Liu, Project Manager from BGI, said «This study not only generates valuable genomic resource including additional wild reference genome, genome - wide variations for further studies and breeding applications on cucumber, but also gave us a better picture about how the cucumber genome evolved during domestication.
The evidence that the SWEET4c gene was selected during domestication was discovered by the team of Jeff Ross - Ibarra at UC Davis, while comparing SWEET4 sequences from modern maize against its wild ancestor Teosinte.
The loss of genetic diversity in purebred dogs can be attributed to two major population bottleneck events: the first occurring during domestication; and the second arising from breed formation where the repeated use of popular sires, line breeding, breeding for specific phenotypic traits, and promotion of the breed barrier rule, contributed to overall loss in genetic variation [15 - 19].
The barley genome sequence also enabled the identification of regions of the genome that have been vulnerable to genetic bottlenecking during domestication, knowledge that helps to guide breeders to optimize genetic diversity in their crop improvement efforts.
In fact, the study revealed that during the domestication of dogs, selection acted on genes involved in all three stages of starch digestion, promoting mutations that facilitated the transition from a meat - centric diet to one heavy on starch.
«This confirms previous findings that wild horses were used to restock the population of domesticated horses during the domestication process.
«I seriously doubt that cat facial expression was subjected to selection during domestication,» he says, because humans kept cats around to catch vermin, not to be bosom buddies.
Possibly dogs lost this skill, or a predisposition for it, during domestication.
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