Sentences with phrase «during elementary school»

More than half of the reading gaps of 9th graders can be explained by summer learning loss during elementary school.
Average More at Four funding reduced children's odds of being held back during elementary school by 29 percent.
You probably did so naturally during elementary school when grades were less prominent and important; keep up a similar attitude after the transition.
Level and change in reading scores and attention problems during elementary school as predictors of problem behavior in middle school.
Both programs also lowered the odds of children needing special education during elementary school.
Being a 90s baby (I was actually born in 1989 and also claim the 80s), mock necks were on pretty heavy rotation during my elementary school days.
Early results of their study show that learning to play music can significantly affect children's brain development during the elementary school years.
Overall, we found that social behaviors in second grade made a greater difference in how much youth were bullied among boys during elementary school and among girls through middle school.
Indeed, by late adolescence most children report feeling as close to their parents as they did during elementary school.
Children are ready to move into cognitive learning during the elementary school years.
There were 100,000 homeless students in New York City public schools during the 2015 - 16 school year, a number equal to the population of Albany, and if the current trend continues, a new report says, one in seven city kids will be homeless at some point during elementary school.
In fact, according to a study by Johns Hopkins University, summer learning loss during elementary school accounts for two - thirds of the achievement gap in reading between low - income children and their middle - income peers by ninth grade.
Children's pre-academic skills — including vocabulary, knowledge of the world, letter recognition, and phonemic awareness — are strongly associated with academic outcomes during elementary school.
By 1991, the board had concluded that assigning elementary school students to two or more schools during their elementary school years had proved educationally unsound and, if continued, would undermine Kentucky's newly adopted Education Reform Act.
Boys who were more aggressive (black solid line) were bullied more during elementary school than boys who were less aggressive (black dotted line), but the difference diminished over time.
«Differences in children's summer learning experiences during their elementary school years can ultimately impact whether they earn a high school diploma and continue to college.»
Even if the teacher was from the distant past, for instance, during the elementary school grades, they remember the teacher's passion, energy, caring, love, and commitment and that became a driving force for choosing to go into teaching.
Hartsbrook High School builds on the strong academic, aesthetic, practical, and ethical foundations established during the elementary school years.
If she is able to sit and listen for longer periods as a reader, she will have the skills necessary to sustain her own reading for longer periods of time, which is imperative during the elementary school years.
Perhaps during the elementary school years your child came home and begged you to participate and volunteer at their school whenever you could be there.
«These findings point to the need for effective interventions during the elementary school years to combat peer victimization, as well as programs designed to help children who have experienced repeated peer victimization learn how to effectively cope with stress,» Troop - Gordon explains.
Further highlighting the relationships between peer victimization and children's developing stress responses, the study found that when peer victimization decreased during elementary school, girls» effortful engagement rose significantly and their involuntary disengagement fell.
«The tendency to draw male scientists did significantly increase during elementary school and middle school,» said David Miller, a graduate student at Northwestern University and lead author of the new study.
Those who attended large day - care centers after age 2 1/2 did not receive the same protection against illness during their elementary school years as their counterparts who started group day care at younger ages, the new study showed.
Whereas the end of summer meant simply a return to the grind of homework during elementary school, it came to mean the return to a place of terror in high school, a place where I could count on harassment and isolation as being part of my normal school day.»
The evidence that does exist often shows that pre-k-induced improvements in learning are detectable during elementary school, but studies also reveal null or negative longer - term impacts for some programs.
The 16 - year - old student says she developed such debilitating health problems from pesticide exposure during elementary school that she had to give up outdoor sports and attend classes in a special wing of the school.
Recent evidence also shows that exposure to disruptive peers during elementary school worsens student achievement and later life outcomes, including high school achievement, college enrollment, and earnings (see «Domino Effect,» research, Summer 2009).
And, it is true, compared with peers who have progressed normally through early grades, students who repeat a grade during elementary school tend to have notably worse outcomes.
And an 8th grader who first learned about the Civil War in Spanish during elementary school would have some basis for understanding the conflict between North and South even if the subject was now being taught in English.
We ask students to prepare a short slide show when they introduce a hands - on activity or lead a discussion with their college peers or elementary children (during our elementary school field experience component).
Research has shown that black - white achievement gaps grow most noticeably during the elementary school years.
Reading achievement trajectories for students with learning disabilities during the elementary school years
For example, Balsen and Moore cite a 2007 study that found that «two ‐ thirds of the 9th [sic] grade reading achievement gap can be explained by unequal access to summer learning opportunities during the elementary school years.»
John: The first game I can really remember making was an adventure game in QBasic / QuickBasic on an old DOS computer (I don't remember which language I had used) sometime during elementary school.
We want the player community's help to «evolve» ARK into the dinosaur world game that we've been dreaming about since the days we played with plastic green T - Rex toys during elementary school recess, since we shed a tear to «The Land Before Time», since we wistfully imagined the towering cities of «Dinotopia», and since we nearly choked on our popcorn to the thrills of «Jurassic Park».
You can traverse through the game as one of the four playable characters, (i) As Kawase - san the main character of the series, (ii) Kawase - chan, who is a younger version of Kawase - san during elementary school, (iii) Emiko - chan, Kawase - chan's elementary friend and (iv) Yokoyama Nokko, an inspector of time and space and a descendant of Kawase.
He is about 10 years older than me and was my grade 7 teacher during my elementary school years in Kitchener, Ontario.
In contrast, girls who were more shy (red solid line) and girls who were less shy (red dotted line) were bullied about the same amount during elementary school, but the difference became larger after sixth grade.
Many children are able to make this transition well, behaving skilfully with peers, interacting well with teachers in these new social settings, and appearing generally well adjusted, all of which predict success during the elementary school years.
Contributions of teacher - child relationships to positive school adjustment during elementary school.
If the current homeless rate among families continues in New York City, one in seven school - aged children will be homeless at some point during elementary school.
Additionally, both Smart Start and More at Four reduced the probability of students being held back during elementary school.
According to the National Summer Learning Association, summer learning loss during elementary school accounts for two - thirds of the achievement gap in reading between low - income children and their middle - income peers by ninth grade.
According to the National Summer Learning Association, more than half of the reading gaps of 9th graders can be explained by summer learning loss during elementary school.
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