Sentences with phrase «during growth spurts»

Expand for a limited time period — during growth spurts or while renovation occurs — without the long - term expense or commitment of a permanent facility.
We know the application of ergonomics works in the office but it is sadly lacking in education establishments, where there is no health and safety legislation to protect growing limbs and ligaments — which incidentally are more at risk of injury during growth spurts.
The same holds for pregnant or lactating women, teenagers during growth spurts or puberty, or people with celiac disease, diabetes mellitus or recurring diarrhea.
They may also eat more during growth spurts and less in - between.
In exclusively breastfed babies, milk intake increases quickly during the first few weeks of life, then stays about the same between one and six months (though it likely increases short term during growth spurts).
During growth spurts it is also likely baby will feed as often as 1 1/2 hours.
During growth spurts you can expect your baby's nursing to increase.
Also, during the first few weeks and during growth spurts, your baby may likely engage in what is called cluster feeding.
Some research shows that babies are more fussy and clingy during growth spurts.
This is why during growth spurts babies tend to cluster feed, or feed more frequently or for a longer duration.
If you are noticing an increase of tantrums at home and you think it may be related to hunger you may need to change the time of meal and snack times or offer more food during growth spurts.
Be flexible and adjust the nap and feed time on your baby's demand, especially during growth spurts.
Babies often are fussier than usual during their growth spurts also.
So maybe my daughter is just drinking more ounces / feeding during her growth spurts instead of adding a feeding?
I still get up in the night during his growth spurts and then have to get myself out of the house in the morning.
Your baby's appetite will increase during growth spurts.
You can hire a house help but for me, my husband was very supportive and did all these chores during the growth spurts for all our babies.
The same happens during growth spurts.
The increase in baby's milk intake during growth spurts is temporary.
Your baby may drink more during growth spurts or less when she starts solids, which will decrease or increase your pumping output.
DANIELLE BLAIR: Well, during growth spurts which are age when baby's nursing very frequently.
They will be able to fill up more while breastfeeding and go for longer stretches in between, except during growth spurts.
Babies are also fussier during growth spurts because they need to eat more.
Cranky behavior can be par for the course during growth spurts.
This condition typically arises during the growth spurts in the adolescent years; between the ages of 8 and 13 for girls, and 10 and 15 for boys.
It's more than okay to be flexible with your baby's schedule during growth spurts, and regardless of your thoughts on routine, you'll find that it's easier to go with the flow during these days.
There's no easy fix for these rough patches, so just know that your baby may be more sensitive during growth spurts because they're more tired and hungry than usual.
It sounds painful, and there's a reason babies become extra fussy during their growth spurts.
Cluster feeding is most common in the first few weeks of life, but you may find that your baby will cluster feed again during growth spurts and other developmental milestones, as mentioned.
my baby just turned 4 months yesterday:) she has been pretty much sleeping through the night since about 2 months, she has her moments where she won't stay asleep, usually during her growth spurts and it lasts about a week, then we're back to normal, thank god, LOL.
Outside of the first few weeks after birth, you likely do not need to wake your baby from naps, even during growth spurts.
Peter, Jolene, Henry, I always still follow the eat / wake / sleep cycle during growth spurts.
I have a 16 week old boy and I always wonder how to handle feed / wake / sleep during growth spurts.
This is why during growth spurts babies tend to cluster feed, or feed more frequently or for -LSB-...]
At times, a nursing mom's supply of breast milk may not be sufficient to keep up with her baby, especially during growth spurts.
But, babies generally go through growth spurts around 2 - 3 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months, and during these growth spurts they will want to eat more.
Cluster feeding can happen during growth spurts as well, but babies generally take in more milk during this time.
During growth spurts, she might want to feed more frequently, or she might drink more than usual at a particular feeding.
However, increased feedings during growth spurts are normal.
The other thing is that (and I say this as someone who has an oversupply and an easy time aside from managing engorgement) is that it is VERY hard work to manage a milk supply especially if one can't nurse on demand during growth spurts.
If it was 10 minutes or if it was a marathon during a growth spurt (thank you, Jesus, for co-sleeping at those times!)
If your kids are like mine, they get hungry often, especially during a growth spurt.
During a growth spurt, bones may grow faster than the muscles and ligaments, causing muscle imbalances and pathologic tightness.
Slippage usually occurs during a growth spurt, and is rarely due to trauma.
During a growth spurt, babies tend to eat more frequently and sleep a little longer than usual.
If you're exclusively expressing or pumping regularly to feed your baby expressed milk, you'll need to plan on pumping more breastmilk to accommodate baby's needs during a growth spurt (you may need to dip into that freezer stash, too).
This mimics the feeding pattern that baby might do during a growth spurt.
Read our complete guide for more ways you can increase your milk supply during a growth spurt:
This time around I am making sure I eat more often and don't skip meals, this is extra important during a growth spurt as your baby is going to be trying to up your milk supply.
Your child might be hungrier at some times than at others, like during a growth spurt.
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