Sentences with phrase «during inhalation»

Stenotic Nares (Figure 3a) are malformed nostrils that are narrow or collapse inward during inhalation, making it difficult for the dog to breathe through its nose.
During inhalation as the diaphragm flattens to allow the lungs to fill with air, the diaphragm will «pull» slightly on each of those attachments, effectively giving you a gentle mobilization.
Heavy, noisy breathing (audible wheezes, whistling sounds, or crackly sounds during inhalation and exhalation)
It's a result of the pressure from the growing uterus, the diaphragm can not be drawn down as far during inhalation
Although at this time, lung surfactants, which aid in lung expansion after the birth of the baby, is already present, the lungs are still very immature to function properly like sending out oxygen to the bloodstream during inhalation and releasing carbon dioxide during exhalation.
Each of the breathing techniques described in the research focus on precisely and intentionally changing airflow during the inhalation part of breathing.
Snoring is the sound produced by vibrating structures of the upper airway, typically during inhalation.
Conversely, during inhalation in Aṣṭāṅga yoga, the action of squeezing the anus (mūla bandha) and contracting the lower abdominal muscles (uḍyāṇa bandha) prevents the lower abdominal organs from moving downward.
If an athlete doesn't know how to control this or has normalized some faulty patterns, the default position of the ribcage during inhalation is to «open the top bowl» forward.
Here, a number of pauses are interspersed into the breath — first during the exhalation, then during the inhalation, and finally during both.
Mula Bandha and Uddiyana Bandha are engaged throughout, and Jalandhara Bandha, the Chin Lock, is added only during the inhalation retention.
In normal breathing, the rib cage expands and the sternum elevates during inhalation; the ribs and sternum descend and settle during exhalation.
While the external intercostal muscles are the primary movers of the ribs during inhalation, many other muscles assist with rib cage expansion and sternal elevation, including the rhomboids, middle and lower trapezius, and serratus anterior (5).
These poor patterns of breathing can be caused from stress, the stigma of not showing their belly during inhalation.
Diaphragmatic breathing involves actively engaging the diaphragm during the inhalation phase and allowing the diaphragm to relax during the mechanical exhalation phase.
It's been experimentally demonstrated that we use only 1/7 of our lungs in normal breathing, breathing in only 500 cubic centimeters of air during each inhalation.
As the diaphragm is activated during inhalation, the pelvic floor relaxes to accept the contents of the abdomen / pelvis.
The ribs will also move during inhalation and exhalation to allow space for the lungs to fill.
In diaphragmatic breathing, you actively expand the abdomen during inhalation.
They purr during both inhalation and exhalation with a consistent pattern and frequency.»
Listening to the heart and lungs will determine whether abnormal respiratory sounds are heard during inhalation or exhalation.
The abnormal nostrils are too narrow and may collapse inward during inhalation, making it difficult for the dog to breathe.
They performed two chest CT scans that included the trachea, one during inhalation and a second during expiration.
The investigators designed and built two prototype systems: in one the NO generator is a separate «offline» system continually generating gas that is delivered into a ventilation system via tubing; the second «inline» system is incorporated into the ventilation system in a way that synchronizes the generation of NO during inhalation with the pulsed delivery of oxygen and other gases to be inhaled, reducing the NO that would be lost during exhalation.
While it seemed obvious that it would be a form of carbon, studies of the temperatures of burning cigarettes show that they were 800 to 920 degree Centigrade (1472 degree Fahrenheit to 1688 degrees F) during inhalation — high enough to create the nanoparticulate carbon black.
During inhalation the abdominal muscles relax and extend outward, while the diaphragm muscle moves downward.
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