Sentences with phrase «during intercourse»

If you feel pain during intercourse remember there are options for you and that you are not alone.
However it has very particular effects on women during intercourse, breastfeeding and childbirth.
This area is susceptible to infection if bacteria is introduced during intercourse.
If a woman is infected with a virus during intercourse, she may transmit the virus to her developing baby during pregnancy.
Yet many women who experience unwanted pain during during intercourse are under the impression it's just a reality of sex.
I have not had a total failure during intercourse yet, but I am worried that this is next.
Whether you like it or not, your subconscious thoughts and desires control more of your actions than you'd imagine - especially during intercourse.
Rear - entry positions are some of the most consistent when it comes to stimulating the G - spot during intercourse.
Also 60 % of these naughty singles like to have a bit of rhythm during intercourse and listen to music.
His enjoyment of sexual activity is significantly diminished as he has lost sensation in his penis during intercourse.
Symptoms can vary from none at all to heavy or painful periods, bleeding between periods, pain during intercourse, lower back pain, frequent urination, and reproductive problems.
The WHO and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommend using condoms during intercourse to prevent transmission.
There is a significant drop in hormones during menopause which reduces desire for intimacy and can also contribute to vaginal dryness — which leads to physical discomfort during intercourse.
In situations where low levels of virus are transferred — as during intercourse — Kirchhoff says, SEVI can make HIV up to 100,000 times more likely to spread when compared with the virus alone.
One theory for males is that testosterone levels increase during intercourse with a partner (not necessarily during masturbation) and higher testosterone levels are associated with longevity.
The virus from his semen can be transmitted to his sexual partner during intercourse.
Symons believes arousal is an adaptive mechanism in female sexuality, and that female genitals have indeed been «designed» to provide pleasurable stimulation during intercourse.
Here's a neat piece of inside info: I have heard from a number of reliable sources over the years that when a woman uses natural progesterone cream as a vaginal lubricant during intercourse, it can increase the intensity of her (male) partner's orgasm.
In tantra, some men train themselves to last longer during intercourse by learning to orgasm via masturbation more.
The study authors also noted that the clitoris appears to have shifted in anatomical position throughout evolution — so that it now is less likely to be directly stimulated during intercourse.
Higher testosterone levels are associated with longevity, and one theory for males is that testosterone levels increase during intercourse with a partner, not necessarily during masturbation.
For instance, drinking enough water can aid a man's body in lubricating joints, regulating their body temperatures, keeps brain synapses and hormones in good shape to aid in an erection during intercourse.
While estrogen heightens sensitivity during intercourse, progesterone maintains your libido and testosterone plays a vital part in both women and men's sexual functions.
Oxytocin is also the hormone released during intercourse, which is one of the reasons intercourse is thought to induce labor, too.
Small tears in the foreskin during intercourse can also allow the virus to slip into the body.
For 40 years, researchers thought that Neisseria gonorrhoeae, the bacterium that causes the sexually transmitted disease, glommed on to wiggling sperm during intercourse.
They may have an abdominal separation (diastasis recti), urinary incontinence or a scar that is painful during intercourse.
Welcome to episode 63 of the Sexology Podcast, my guest today is Liz Dube who talks to us about painful sex during intercourse, potential causes that might lead women experience painful intercourse and the link between sex and power in sexual...
I have no problem with arguments against organized religion and the counter productive dogma they preach (like the Catholic Church not caring about the spread of HIV / AIDS by telling people not to use prophylactics during intercourse); but the argument for or against the existence of God is such a waste of time.
Chocolate affects the brain thanks to the neurotransmitters it contains, which are the same ones that are released naturally during intercourse.
If you delivered your baby vaginally, it's likely that you're somewhat timid about allowing anything near you lady bits for a few months, but if you're breastfeeding also, you may be experiencing more pain during intercourse due to vaginal dryness.
Plenty of lactating women have experienced their breasts leaking during intercourse, but does that mean the husband or SO is obligated to drink the milk?
The bunching and unbunching of penile skin during intercourse enhances a man's pleasure, but it also excites the woman.
Sunny Gault: Yeah, no room for penis but, you know, that is one of the things you hear from, from a lot of guys is that they are scared, that they are now going to hit the baby during intercourse.
Lubricant and sperm produced during the intercourse make the uterus more elastic, which is a great advantage during the labor.
This makes them feel uncomfortable during intercourse that makes them uninterested in intercourse.
«What's important to remember is that saying 31 percent of female orgasm that occurs during intercourse depends on genetics is also saying 69 percent isn't genetic,» says Khytam Dawood, a behavioral geneticist at the University of Chicago and author of one of the studies.
Those other methods included condom use, seroadapive behaviors (such as taking different positions during intercourse to reduce transmission risk) and treatment as prevention (which could reduce the «viral load» and make it less likely to transfer).
In 1963 a Japanese pathologist reported that of 34 men who had died during intercourse, nearly 80 percent had died during extramarital sex, most of cardiac causes.
Billy Crystal may have been shocked when Meg Ryan so effectively — and amusingly — faked an orgasm in a restaurant during the 1989 movie When Harry Met Sally, but surveys suggest only one - third of women are regularly fully aroused during intercourse.
If you hear a popping and / or cracking noise during intercourse and all of a sudden your partner is wailing in pain, you could have a penile fracture on your hands.
My vagina felt numb during intercourse — or even hurt.
This can happen during intercourse as the bacteria are easily pushed towards the urethra.
(Most documented cases of sudden death during intercourse involve extramarital sex, the guidelines note.)
Most of the time 58 % «I do nt need to have one, but I usually do during intercourse or just when my breasts are played with.»
Psychological causes of erectile dysfunction tend to be diagnosed when erections still occur during the night or in the morning, but fail during intercourse.
If the average time for men during intercourse is 6 minutes, then millions of women are not climaxing because it takes 20 minutes for a woman to become aroused.
If dryness is an issue during intercourse, vaginal lubrication using gels and creams can help with irritation and prevent increased inflammation.
By simply moving your hips from side to side during intercourse, not only will he know that you are aroused and responsive, you both may discover different angles for maximum pleasure and penetration.
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