Sentences with phrase «during isometric»

On the other hand, many other researchers have reported that the EMG amplitudes of the prime movers are lower under unstable conditions than under stable conditions, both during isometric (McBride et al. 2006; Chulvi - Medrano et al. 2010) and dynamic (Kohler et al. 2010; Chulvi - Medrano et al. 2010; Saeterbakken & Fimland, 2013c; Andersen et al. 2014) muscle actions.
Kim & Yoo (2015) explored gluteus maximus EMG amplitude during isometric hip extension exercises performed with either the upper or lower body moving.
In contrast, Lehman et al. (2004) compared the lat pull - down performed with either a wide (150 % biacromial width) pronated grip or a supinated medium (100 % biacromial width) grip width during isometric contractions with the bar positioned at approximately eye level.
Increasing external moment arm lengths during isometric core exercise, either by using extended legs during hanging leg raises, or by performing long lever planks, leads to greater rectus abdominis and external oblique muscle activity.
Similarly, Fujisawa et al. (2014) found that hip flexion angle did not affect gluteus medius muscle activity when the knee was in full extension during isometric hip abduction.
Assessing the effects of upper or lower body movement, Kim et al. (2015) explored erector spinae muscle activity during isometric hip extension exercises performed with either the upper or lower body moving and with either neutral or maximal lumbar and hip extension.
During isometric core exercise, rectus abdominis and external oblique muscle activity are higher when using posterior pelvic tilt than when using abdominal hollowing, and when using unstable surfaces than when using stable ones.
The linearity of the relationship between the size of the EMG amplitude recorded and the force produced during isometric or slow, controlled dynamic muscle actions is unclear.
It appears that during isometric contractions at 80 % of maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC), the heads of the triceps start to fatigue at 50, 40 and 65 seconds, for the lateral, long and medial heads respectively.
During the isometric hold, deep core stabilizing muscles such as transverse abdominis and iliopsoas and other nearby muscles get contracted simultaneously to stabilize and enable the straight body alignment.
Exploring the effect of knee flexion angle, Cresswell et al. (1995) assessed the gastrocnemius and soleus muscle activity during isometric plantarflexion with varying degrees of knee flexion ranging between a fully extended and 130 degrees (flexed) position.
Hammer curls are a perfect low - intensity exercise for building of the brachialis, which is an important muscle in the upper arm that's activated during isometric elbow flexion.

Not exact matches

During the winter Tebbetts sent them isometric - contraction exercisers paid for out of a kitty built up by $ 25 donations from players who made «unforgivable» errors.
The fatigue index curve of EDL muscles from IL - 15Rα — KO mice was shifted to the right during the first 70 seconds of the repeated stimulation protocol, demonstrating the maintenance of isometric force with repeated contractions (Figure 1A).
Isometric exercise is a type of strength training in which the muscle length and joint angle do not change during the contraction.
Also, if you're experiencing a sticking point at a particular joint angle during a certain lift, targeted isometrics are a great way to solve that problem in a quick and efficient way.
The goal is to become able to fully contract the muscle without resistance by practising isometric contraction both in home and during a workout by flexing your muscles in certain poses.
P.S. Don't forget that you get a free copy of my New Isometrics Strength ebook when you pick up a bundle during the Harvest Your Health sale.
Any isometric ab exercise — like the plank or side plank — where you are NOT lying on your body is fine to do during pregnancy.
ACE IFT Model Phases: Phase 2 on the isometric squat, phase 3 for the pulling motion to hold tension and phase 4 for the shoulders during the rapid action to wind the ropes around one another
While isolating the weak muscle as during muscle testing, the patient is taught to contract and resist as the practitioner gives verbal cues and the appropriate isometric resistance against the weak muscle's direction of movement.
As above, Maganaris et al. (1998) assessed the Achilles tendon moment arm length during rest and maximal voluntary isometric contractions (MVIC).
When comparing the effect of load on trapezius muscle activity, Naddeo et al. (2008) compared the upper trapezius muscle activity during a seated isometric shrug exercise with relative loads between 10 — 80 % of MVC.
However, it is unclear whether the soleus muscle activity is greater during flexed positions when performing isometric contractions.
Milner - Brown, Stein, and Yemm, Journal of Physiology, April 1973, two articles: 230, no. 2: 359 - 70 The orderly recruitment of human motor units during voluntary isometric contractions», and 230, no. 2: 371 - 90 «Changes in firing rate of human motor units during linearly changing voluntary contractions».
In vivo human gastrocnemius architecture with changing joint angle at rest and during graded isometric contraction
While CrossFit traditionally calls for maximizing power output and intensity during a training session, there is sometimes magic in improving both the eccentric and isometric portions of a lift...
the static or isometric phase, during which time the weight is changing from the negative to the positive phase (in other words, «holding» the weight)
The orderly recruitment of human motor units during voluntary isometric contractions.
When isometric external resistance is applied during a joint action, the dynamometer does not move and angular velocity is zero.
In addition, the medial hamstrings are more strongly activated normalized to maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) than the lateral hamstrings during running (Jönhagen et al. 1996; Higashihara et al. 2010b).
Thus, these studies suggest that the length of the muscle during strength training may not be an important factor for altering muscle fascicle length, at least when using isometric contractions.
In addition, they compared the muscle activity during a maximal isometric contraction during the dumbbell bench press and again found no difference in triceps muscle activity despite a significant loss in force output.
The presence of different levels of muscle activity has been observed both using surface electrodes and fine wire (intramuscular electrodes) and during maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC), resistance training exercises, and normal humans movements such as gait.
Lehman et al. (2005) compared narrow, middle and wide hand spacing during the bench press by comparing the muscle activity of the triceps performing an isometric contraction with the weight near the chest.
This elastic energy is then released during a subsequent isometric contraction.
During the precondition test, the subjects performed 2 MVCs (with 5 minutes of rest between each MVC) to determine their maximum isometric force output.
The virtual deluge of isometric RPGs during the last two years is also a factor.
Dead Maze is a free - to - play 2D isometric MMO game emphasizing player cooperation during the aftermath of the zombie apocalypse in Western United States.
There are over 50 levels for you to complete from an odd isometric perspective that occasionally gets in your way during boss fights and particularly frenetic maps.
Made by French studio Atelier 801, it's a vibrant looking isometric MMORPG focused entirely on cooperation between survivors during a zombie apocalypse.
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