Sentences with phrase «during labour»

If you did need to go into hospital during labour, your independent midwife would be able to stay with you, but your care would pass over to the hospital team.
I would like to use gas and air for pain relief during my labour.
Many interventions during labour and birth impact both the mother and the infant.
At least during the Labour years 70 % of the press and, blogosphere, media hated them.
A midwife cares for the woman during labour and birth referring to a doctor if there are any deviations from the norm or in the case of an emergency.
I was so ill and tired towards the end that I had to have an epidural during the labour as I had no self - control over the contractions.
A double - blind, randomized, placebo controlled study on the influence of carbohydrate solution intake during labour.
You may find that a water birth provides extra support during labour, and takes pressure off your hips.
Remember, the body releases natural oxytocin during labour.
Many women have no problems during their labour but complications are fairly common; in most cases, these can be treated very quickly and effectively.
When you ask couples about their delivery experience with us, most of them mention how the presence of their birthing partner during labour kept them going.
Certainly there are circumstances that arise during a labour, in which case we will transfer with you to a hospital and continue there.
Decision - making during labour and the use of interventions were not significant elements of the childbirth experience when women were confronted with scenario choices.
An employee who obtained a doctor's note to justify his desire not to work overtime during a labour dispute, deserved a three - day suspension, an arbitrator has held.
A: Bring a change of clothing, toiletries, and any items that may help you to feel at home during labour.
These include a greater chance of a spontaneous birth, feeling in control during labour and initiating breastfeeding.
These babies have excellent outcomes, and no special measures need to be taken unless the baby develops distress during labour.
She was badly brain damaged due to lack of oxygen during labour and only survived for 24 hours.
Partners may also bond better with the mother during labour, because the whole experience is less stressful.
It simply strengthens the uterus and this helps during labour.
Now's the time to gather together all the essentials you'll need during labour and birth and for after your baby is born.
You may be worried about how you'll cope during labour, or be looking forward to experiencing childbirth; but either way, you are probably curious about what it will feel like.
However, you may need some extra monitoring during labour just to make sure everything is progressing well.
If you do want pain relief the midwife can administer it for you at any time during the labour.
An epidural should provide good pain relief, but may restrict your movements during labour.
Changing positions, and moving around during labour and birth, offers several benefits: increased comfort / reduced pain, distraction, and an enhanced sense of control.
We know what to do during labour to ensure a positive birth experience.
It is advised that you make sure there is enough petrol in the car and that you have all you need to make sure you are comfortable during labour.
If there is an emergency during your labour, the midwife should be able to spot it early and get you to a hospital.
Women who gave birth at home attended by a midwife had fewer procedures during labour compared with women who gave birth in hospital attended by a physician.
One woman suffered from sudden collapse during labour, when she was already in secondary care, and died.
If there are problems or complications which may potentially cause risks during labour, the doctor will advise against water birth.
Some babies are unwilling to nurse, or suck poorly as a result of medication they received during the labour.
In a normal birth, various hormones work together during labour to facilitate uterine contractions and the movement of the baby down the birth canal.
In most cases there had been warning signs during labour.
Fact: You do not have to spend all your time on a bed during labour.
Using a birth ball during labour has been shown to help reduce the pain of contractions.
If you are worried about how to cope with pain during labour check out these tips.
Let's talk about sex The theory behind this is that sex can trigger the release of oxytocin, a hormone that controls contractions during labour, and may cause labour.
It is not true that babies move less often towards the end of pregnancy, a woman should feel their baby move right up to the time of labour, and during labour too.
It's important to stay calm during labour, so concentrate on your breathing and try not to panic.
This book gave me a lot of insight regarding my options during labour and how to prepare for birth.
I hadn't realized how many emotions would be triggered during labour and delivery.
In contrast to the births shown in movies, not all women swear during labour, in fact many become very quiet.
She was so calm and collected during the labour and birth, making it look so easy.
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