Sentences with phrase «during most of the years in»

So far this seems to be eluding us all... (Please note that during most of the years in which there appeared to be significant support for GW, that the Bermuda High appeared in it's «Classic» position of approximately 60 Deg.

Not exact matches

For example, I clump most of my necessary phone appointments during a month into one day and book my Phone Day in each month a year ahead.
In fact, this $ 9.95 - per - month service is better than most stand - alone Web design applications I've used during my 13 years of building sites.
The protagonist in the film, Andrew, is a drummer, and the story takes place during his freshman year at one of the most elite music conservatories in the country.
The Force Awakens earned $ 124 million during its run in the country (compared to $ 596 million in the U.S.), but was only the 13th most popular film of the year in China.
Already the most diversified food franchisor in the country, MTY has quickened its pace of growth in the past three years, during which it almost doubled its number of outlets.
The most precipitous real estate crashes in Canada in the past 30 years — Calgary during the 1980s oil bust and Toronto in the early 1990s recession — resulted in losses of 25 % to 28 % in the average price of a house.
In his most recent interview to date, Vidal Sassoon has a highly personal and moving discussion with CNBC Meets presenter Tania Bryer in which he talks about his impoverished childhood, his years in a Jewish orphanage in the East End of London and candidly about how his mother had to hand him and his brother over, as she could not afford to look after them during the DepressioIn his most recent interview to date, Vidal Sassoon has a highly personal and moving discussion with CNBC Meets presenter Tania Bryer in which he talks about his impoverished childhood, his years in a Jewish orphanage in the East End of London and candidly about how his mother had to hand him and his brother over, as she could not afford to look after them during the Depressioin which he talks about his impoverished childhood, his years in a Jewish orphanage in the East End of London and candidly about how his mother had to hand him and his brother over, as she could not afford to look after them during the Depressioin a Jewish orphanage in the East End of London and candidly about how his mother had to hand him and his brother over, as she could not afford to look after them during the Depressioin the East End of London and candidly about how his mother had to hand him and his brother over, as she could not afford to look after them during the Depression.
So the discount chain, hoping to avoid the 1.3 % decline in comparable sales of the 2016 holiday season quarter during the most important time of year, is streamlining the number of promotions and making them simpler and easier to understand, Target executives told reporters at a briefing last week in New York.
According to most of the projections I've seen, my home is expected to rise in value 5 % a year for at least the next year or two due to the severe devaluations the market saw during the financial crisis.
Perhaps most notable, according to the July 6 notice, is the fact that the IRS is only trying to obtain records on users who have conducted «at least the equivalent of $ 20,000 in any one transaction type (buy, sell, send, or receive) in any one year during the 2013 - 2015 period».
Ex-Fed Governor Daniel Tarullo, who was in charge of bank regulation during his tenure, once called the tests the most important supervisory innovation of the last 20 years.
Joly stated during Best Buy's most recent conference call that 89 % of the U.S. population now lives in states where Amazon collects sales tax, up from less than 50 % three years ago.
During our discussion Monica asked me a number of questions (in addition to the questionnaire that assess your risk profile that Vanguard emails you before your call with a Vanguard Personal Advisor) not just about my finances and tolerance for risk, but about my life — what did I love to do, how often did I travel, what kind of lifestyle do I want to live in 5 and 10 years, and then finally the most important question — when would you like to retire?
«If you want to have the most progressive, forward thinking vehicle design, you have to have use the most progressive and forward thinking methodologies,» Kim told Automotive News during a tour of the company's headquarters in Gardena, California late last year.
This despite the fact that our most reliable statistical evidence indicates a recession in progress which will eventually be dated as having started during the first quarter of this year.
In fact, most of the Silicon Valley folks weren't old enough to be working during the last big bear market 15 years ago that wiped everyone out.
Analysts at investment research platform Seeking Alpha found that of all the months of the year, October has historically experienced the most 1 - percent swings in either direction for the S&P 500 index — and during election years, stocks have finished the month lower, on average.
Although gun sales rose consistently during the Obama years, most of these sales were to existing owners, reacting to his appeals for more stringent laws after several mass shootings during his time in the White House.
During the five and a half years we have grown into one of the most significant operators in the Nordics and we believe that our solid experience in the sector as well as our well developed brand is one of our key competitive factors during the internationalization prDuring the five and a half years we have grown into one of the most significant operators in the Nordics and we believe that our solid experience in the sector as well as our well developed brand is one of our key competitive factors during the internationalization prduring the internationalization process.
Add - ons have only become more and more popular in recent years, with our most recent US PE Breakdown revealing that they comprised no less than 70 % of all US buyout activity during 1Q 2018.
The most recent response provided by the Board of Directors in 2013 updated for certain changes in Berkshire's energy - generating holdings during the past year follows.
«We are launching this campaign during one of the most - viewed events of the year, so that everyone can see that great taste runs in the entire Heinz family.»
The most salacious behavior that she described is of relatively little consequence, even if totally true — it would be completely in character for the man Americans have gotten to know during years of trashy tabloid coverage to (per her account) flirt with a porn actress, compare her to his daughter, brag about a magazine with his face on it, get spanked with it, and cheat on his spouse.
There have been periods, such as February - April of this year, during which the fundamentals had a bullish skew, but after tipping in the bullish direction for at most 3 months they have always tipped in the other direction for a while.
[4] Non-tradable inflation was elevated during the boom years and growth in nominal unit labour costs was relatively strong for most of this period.
Jeff Sutton, for one, has purchased $ 2.96 billion worth of prime Manhattan retail properties in 18 deals over the past five years, according to RCA, which found that he was the most active investor in the sector during that time period.
During my (almost) two years with Canada Learning Code, as an Experience Coordinator for the Toronto chapter, I've helped coordinate Ladies Learning Code workshops, Meetups (formerly Coffee & Code) and Digital Skills programs hosted at some of the most innovative, creative and richly diverse tech companies in the city.
We're most vulnerable to sequence - of - return problems in the first 10 - years, so it is a good idea to have a generous bond buffer during that period.
But no sooner had China's industrial base started to show some positive effects from the pickup in global commodity prices — which has allowed its factories to push through some price increases after many years of producer price deflation — than several of the industrial materials most reliant on Chinese demand started to come under pressure during April.
Most Canadians know of Arar's national profile: During a 2002 layover in New York, the United States detained him without charge and extradited Arar to Syria, where he was tortured and held for nearly a year.
Strong growth in business investment has occurred in most sectors of the economy during the past year.
In contrast to other movements in the current account deficit during recent years, which were mainly the result of fluctuations in Australia's trade balance, the most recent increase largely reflected rising payments on Australia's stock of net foreign liabilities — the net income deficit (Graph C1In contrast to other movements in the current account deficit during recent years, which were mainly the result of fluctuations in Australia's trade balance, the most recent increase largely reflected rising payments on Australia's stock of net foreign liabilities — the net income deficit (Graph C1in the current account deficit during recent years, which were mainly the result of fluctuations in Australia's trade balance, the most recent increase largely reflected rising payments on Australia's stock of net foreign liabilities — the net income deficit (Graph C1in Australia's trade balance, the most recent increase largely reflected rising payments on Australia's stock of net foreign liabilities — the net income deficit (Graph C1).
I found this surprising considering that during 2005, the most recent year for which the Center for Disease Control offered statistics, 10 percent of women in the United States between the ages of 15 and 44 were pregnant» about the same percentage of woman in the United States diagnosed with diabetes.
But beyond all debates about what caused the 2008 financial crisis, even during the prosperous years of the aughties a sense of unease was growing, a feeling that if this society was what triumph of global capitalism entailed, in which the small towns shriveled and most manufacturing went overseas, then maybe it wasn't a good thing.
Even back during my most fundamentalist / evangelical / pentecostal years I felt that, rather than being for the purpose of entreating God to intervene in circumstances or change others, prayer was a way to draw strength, comfort, courage, and wisdom for dealing with those circumstances.
But I think that for most of us, including Jesus (and Joseph, Moses, David, Paul, etc), there is something God does in our lives during the «back burner» years that can not be accomplished any other way.
In view of the current concept of the historicity of the self, it is not surprising that the most characteristic distinction between Jesus and Paul during recent years has been in terms of the differing situations in which they found themselveIn view of the current concept of the historicity of the self, it is not surprising that the most characteristic distinction between Jesus and Paul during recent years has been in terms of the differing situations in which they found themselvein terms of the differing situations in which they found themselvein which they found themselves.
But my basic convictions about them were derived not from these philosophers but partly from my being surrounded from birth with the reality in question; partly from Emerson's essays and the works of James and Royce; partly from the poems of Shelley and Wordsworth (which similarly influenced Whitehead); and most of all from my own experience, reflected upon especially during my two years in the army medical corps, when I had considerable leisure to think about life and death and other fundamental questions.
At the time of the interview he had been in AA for four years, and during most of the time he had been plagued by slips.
the proof of Gods presence in us is not limited to the material or biological evolutionary development only, but most important scientific proof is the effect of His will in historical development of the world.A computer program now used and tested a powerful machine by inputing all recorded events in history during the last hundreds years and found out that it has a purpose and not random.Meaning that an intelligent being could have influence it.It is now presumed by the religious observers that it could be His will.The process now is under improvement, because the computers is not powerl enough the deluge of information and data since the beginning of history, some analyst believes that in them near future if the Quantum computers which is much powerful than the present coventional will be used, then dramatic results and confirmation will be at hand.
During his ten years as state senator and four as attorney general, Earley spent most of his time «working on how to put more people in jail and keeping them there longer,» he said in a speech at the Washington Convention Center.
As in the case of physical malnutrition, severe shortages of psychological food have their most damaging effects during the early years when growth is the most rapid and personality the most plastic.
If the basic art of loving mutuality was learned during the young adult years, most couples take the middle - years crisis in their stride.
Charles Francis Adams, scholar, gentleman, and an ambassador to England during the Civil War, remarked in 1871 that the years after the war «witnessed some of the most remarkable examples of organized lawlessness, under the forms of law, which mankind has yet had an opportunity to study....
During a recent journey to Japan I discovered that 250 years after his death Bach is now playing a key role in evangelizing that country, one of the most secularized nations in the developed world.
Due to this, during the past 30 years or so, Japan has developed some of the most sophisticated and earthquake proof architecture in the world.
So wait you aren't going to blame what was obviously Politics on Religious Wars lets not forget that there were a few things involved in these «Wars of Religion» and I am sure most historians will agree with me, firstly the Crusades weren't thought up as some ideological crusade to protect Christians from some horde of Muslims coming from the east, they were in - fact land grabbing and trying to stave off the eventual fall of what is now known as Istanbul, secondly I highly doubt that most of the average religious person had any idea just how politicized the church became during this time period or up until probably John Paul the II took over, I mean the Thirty Years War could have been called a Religious war under this Videos silly assumptions.
During the years I have been a teacher of systematic theology I have continued to preach, most often in college and university chapels.
For a peasant woman's child in occupied territory in an out - of - the - way corner of the Roman Empire to have become the man he did, attracting what looked like flash - in - the - pan attention during his brief years of ministry, unknown to most of his contemporaries and viewed as an upstart, a wonder - worker, or a fanatic by most of those who knew about him, dying a felon's death deserted by most of his close and trusted friends with the incredible rumor then circulated that he had risen again — what chance had he of any lasting fame?
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