Sentences with phrase «during naptime»

So, again, keep up the good work, stay consistent and eventually, she will return to sleeping during her naptime even if it's every other day.
We have found that babies tend to sleep more reliably at nighttime than they do during naptime travel after the first few weeks.
Most of my blogging happens during naptime or after my toddler goes to bed, which doesn't leave much opportunity to experiment with endless ingredients and complicated instructions.
This feature is both awesome and hilarious... the other day she was playing in her crib during naptime when she was supposed to be sleeping.
Working during naptime has its advantages but one of the things to keep in mind about naptime is that nap schedules change — sometimes day - to - day but always over time.
Balconys on each hotel room — awesome for parents to relax on and not be stuck in a dark hotel room during naptime or early bedtimes.
Back when I had my first three, I worked full time, sure, but it was local and I had a full year of mat leave, I blogged during naptime for the fun of it.
For some babies, flying during naptime works terrifically, because they sleep for most of the flight, but for others, the flight is so exciting, they miss their nap and are cranky for the rest of the trip.
Oftentimes daycares don't allow for lovies or blankies during naptime, as they can be a sleeping hazard.
* Someone to check - in with during naptime and after your child goes to bed to decompress with talk about any frustrations * Have someone on your support team who has experience potty training and can help you trouble shoot (not just moral support) * Look for a place that you can be encouraged by others who are in a similar state of potty training as you.
Others play lullabies for babies, which parents can use during naptimes.
Others provide parents with a daily update that is then emailed (written during naptime).
Looks like I have some fun links to look through during naptime today.
It's hard for parents to catch a break during naptime when they have an infant taking two naps a day and an older child taking one, but stick to their schedules as much as you can.
Strawberry Margaritas from A Place of My Taste are the perfect way to end the day... or a special treat during naptime if it's been a particularly rough morning.
Instead, I wrote most of my book at my kitchen table during naptimes or sitting on the bathroom floor while a kid was in the bathtub or at the public library with earphones on so that the study groups of teenagers wouldn't distract me.
If your baby has good thoughts about the crib then if they awaken during naptime, they may be able to fall back to sleep easier.
When you have a baby, you find yourself packing frantically during naptimes, listening to lullabies, chugging coffee hoping to stay awake, and then waiting for someone to offer to help.
Any suggestions on helping her sleep longer during naptime.
If an overnight stay before the birth isn't possible, you can at least arrange to have the person care for your child during naptime, so that she'll have the experience of going to sleep and waking up with her caregiver.
Though the APA, CDC, and many medical professionals do NOT suggest having a newborn or infant sleep in a separate room during the night, a baby monitor can be extremely helpful during naptimes or when the babysitter is staying with your child.
Hold your sleeping baby against your breast during naptimes to help shorten the strike.
Learn more about nursing strategies at night and during naptime as well as ways to gently wean your toddler.
You frivolously decide to paint your nails during naptime... just before they're dry, any one of the above happens and the baby wakes up.
While it's okay to ask parents to refrain from unscheduled visits during naptime, avoid providers that frown upon unannounced visits other times of the day.
Travelling on an airplane with a little one can be tough, especially during naptime!
Just a few months ago, a little boy was pronounced dead due to strangulation from his teething necklace during naptime.
In reasonable weather windows can be left open a crack during naptime and nighttime.
She will hold it for 2 or 3 days and then have an accident during naptime or right after we put her to bed.
, I have had my guy out during naptimes since he was just a couple of weeks old.
The nursing during naptime was the last one to go.
If you're a regular reader here at the Cloth Diaper Blog then you may have read a post I wrote a couple of months back about how our beautiful little girl opened one of her pocket diapers with hook and loop closures during naptime and proceeded to finger paint her crib with poop.
However, when we don't or can't get a sitter, we find creative ways to be alone while in the house with our little girl — usually during naptime or after bed.
You'll need to find things in the middle of the night, and quietly during naptime.
Whether catching the sights during naptime, your child can still sleep comfortably in this one - handed reclining seat with adjustable footrest.
This thermometer can be set to beep when it's finished taking a reading, or you can turn the sound off for taking temperatures during naptime.
Need to check in on a little one during naptime?
Moreover, using a Dot Probe task, we find that the emotional attention bias present prior to the nap / wake interval is reduced following a nap but not when children stay awake during naptime.
This is a great way to squeeze in some toning exercises during naptime or in the morning before work.
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