Sentences with phrase «during one's delivery»

However, mothers who are ill will likely experience more difficulties and complications during the delivery of their babies than those who are healthy.
Unfortunately, fairly high: First - time moms have a 95 percent chance of experiencing some form of tearing during delivery, since the tissue down there is less flexible.
A birth injury is a brain or physical injury to an infant that occurs during the delivery process.
Other times they are the result of complications during delivery.
The labor and delivery nurses have responsibilities that cover the health and safety of you and your baby during delivery.
Knowing about a rare, horrific event that happened during the delivery of a baby, and most likely will not happen again, doesn't do anyone any good.
They typically occur during delivery of the infant, due to excessive pressure or trauma to the infant's head.
Most infants develop their first yeast infection during delivery when passing the mother's birth canal.
Did your infant sustain a preventable spinal cord injury during delivery?
Consider taking a birth class to learn about the stages of labor, options for pain management, breathing techniques, and medical equipment that may be used during your delivery.
If you lost a lot of blood during the delivery, you might have a deficiency of iron in your body.
Some examples include if your phone was purchased as a resale, if your phone was lost during the delivery process and if your phone wasn't purchased from the provider's store.
The condition results in high blood sugar levels, which can increase the risk of early labor and a larger than average baby, which may result in problems during delivery.
It's when a baby's head and shoulders are stuck behind the mother's pelvic bone during delivery.
A great option for families who would like to capture the special moments surrounding their baby's birth without the concern of having an extra person present during delivery.
They are provided by many hospitals in order to help expectant moms reduce their pain during delivery naturally, without medication.
Your dog may have retained a placenta or have suffered some trauma during delivery.
It also can be caused by a lack of oxygen flow to a baby's brain during delivery.
Birth injuries are generally caused by something that went wrong during the delivery of the child.
You may have this procedure done during delivery if you're having a c - section or within 48 hours of a vaginal delivery.
Pregnancy workshops also help to prepare you for the possibility of interventions during delivery.
Infant death during delivery can can be attributed to various causes.
Many birth trauma injuries are caused by medical negligence during the delivery of a child.
This condition sometimes occurs during pregnancy, but can be brought on by blood loss during delivery.
You may also experience a headache if you chose to receive an epidural during delivery.
If your child has yet to be born, get a head start on ways to save in the hospital during the delivery.
Doctors can fail to perform necessary procedures, and they can also make terrible mistakes during delivery.
Then I was more gentle with myself after my second daughter was born, partially because I had to be due to pelvic floor damage during her delivery.
But let's move on to what to expect in the delivery room during delivery.
If the medical professionals who treat you and your child during the delivery fail to use appropriate care and timely responses, your baby can suffer serious and even permanent injuries.
I lost his big brother during delivery at 39 weeks.
Did a living being not exit my body during my delivery?
This can also improve your communication with the people who'll be helping during your delivery.
My pregnancy was not progressing well and I was afraid that I would have difficulties during the delivery and have an unhealthy child.
I was thrilled and very happy during our pregnancy and even during delivery (that went sour and ended in a c - section).
It can also reduce friction as your baby passes through the birth canal during delivery.
But if yours does not and you have ANY reason to suspect you might need antibiotics during delivery, get yourself some capsules.
They will give you much needed strength and support during your delivery.
The doctor or team of doctors who delivered the child may be liable for failing to follow the standard of care during your delivery.
Yet there's another reason a little poop during delivery might not be such a bad thing, although the research is still in its infancy (sorry).
While many women use pain medication, there are many reasons not to use any medication during delivery.
A friends baby died of an infection contracted during delivery.
And if a mother gains too much weight, her baby is at risk of being born large, which can cause trouble during delivery and future health problems for babies.
There is also focus on teaching women about the medical procedures required during the delivery.
I tore during delivery so 6 weeks was not long enough for me to recover and it hurt for a while!
Seeing her for all the appointments and not worrying about who will be on call during the delivery is such a bonding time.
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