Sentences with phrase «during one's first year of teaching»

I remember during my first year of teaching at a new high school, one of my worst fears occurred.
After certification, new teachers need special science - specific teaching support during their first years of teaching to enable them to apply their science and pedagogical knowledge and skills successfully.
It was connected to the topic at hand — what do teachers know about assessment during their first year of teaching?
In some cases, virtual coaching may be used to coach fellows during their first year of teaching.
According to the study, new teachers consider engaging and working with parents their greatest challenge (beating out obtaining supplies and maintaining order and discipline in the classroom) and the area they are least prepared to manage during their first year of teaching.
The greatest potential for school districts to improve student achievement seems to rest not in regulating minimum qualifications for new teachers but in selectively retaining those teachers who are most effective during their first years of teaching.
During my first year of teaching general chemistry, I based much of my curriculum on the textbook.
At least in math, the size of the Teach For America advantage during the first years of teaching is just large enough to offset the cost of higher turnover.
JM: When I was on the board of education for the D.C. public schools, I asked the person in charge of teacher induction how she determined which of the district's teachers had been successful during their first year of teaching.
Foote goes on to follow Hrag and several other TFA teachers placed at Locke High School in south Los Angeles during their first year of teaching.
Classnotes Podcast (November 9, 2007) Although new teachers are expected to assume the same job responsibilities as teachers who have taught for 20 years, most face this task with little assistance or guidance during their first year of teaching.
Opportunities to pursue additional endorsements during first year of teaching (i.e. Bilingual, ELL, SPED)
La Expedición follows the growth, progression, challenges and successes in two classrooms during the first year of teaching at the new Mundo Verde Public Charter School.
Below, Eric describes the stages of first year teacher culture shock he experienced and suggests strategies to support educators during their first year of teaching.
One teacher, trained in Tribes during the preservice year, has great success in implementing the process during the first years of teaching.
When determining action based on incompetency, the superintendent must consider factors that include the following: the time between the unsatisfactory ratings, the quality of the remediation plans, and whether one of the unsatisfactory ratings occurred during the first year of a teaching assignment.
During my first year of teaching middle school English, I re-read a lot of the books I'd loved as a kid and discovered some wonderful new MG and YA novels.
During her first year of teaching at 21st Century Charter through the Teach for America program, Ms. Rustad joined Leadership for Educational Equity (LEE), a nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering Teach for America corps members and alumni to grow as leaders in their communities.
A big part is not only the longer prep time but consistent support during the first year of teaching and picking schools that are high - need but also functional. . . .
And during the first year of my teaching, I realized there was a big gap between my fantasies and reality.
During my first years of teaching, I shouted at students fairly regularly.
During my first year of teaching, I assigned students homework over the holidays.
During my first year of teaching, I worked at a small school that had a number of sports teams but no track team.
During my first year of teaching at Porter Ranch, my school's curriculum coordinator presented me with the opportunity to pilot Eureka Math in my Grade 3 classroom.
During her first year of teaching at 21st Century Charter through the Teach for America program, Ms. Rustad joined Leadership for Educational Equity (LEE), -LSB-...]
During his first years of teaching, Justin began an exploration of the impact of race, class, power, and privilege on adolescent literary experiences in the classroom.
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