Sentences with phrase «during replication»

This opens the possibility that the risk of suffering cancer might be due to the inability of the cell to repair correctly breaks in DNA that happen during replication.
A research group from the University of Seville has revealed the role that the protein Rrm3 plays in the repair of breaks that occur during the replication of DNA, by using the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model organism.
One might well expect that accidental changes in DNA during replication would be deleterious to the organism that harbors the changed DNA.
A sheepish post on the game's official forum states, «Unfortunately a defect occurred during replication of the PC version of Terminator Salvation, which does not allow end users to install the game.
She explored how the innate immune system of animals recognizes invaders, in particular disease - causing viruses that generate a double - stranded RNA during replication.
The OIST researchers speculate that condensin is trimming the hedgerow of the genome during the replication and dividing phase.
Telomeres provide protection to chromosomes during the replication process to prevent the loss of DNA strands.
This is because during replication, DNA polymerase can only synthesize DNA in a 5 «to 3 «direction and can only do so by adding polynucleotides to an RNA primer that has already been placed at various points along the length of the DNA.
It has multiple hosts and can evolve by mutation but also reassortment (when two closely related strains infect the same host and exchange gene segments, producing new strains — a process distinct from mutation, when the RNA of a virus is miscoded during replication).
Fishel and Kolodner had been studying the bacteria and yeast genes involved in the repair process that operates when base pairs slip out of alignment during replication, producing mismatches of bases.
Influenza gene segments visualized in cells during replication.
The breaks in DNA that occur during replication require a specific mechanism for their repair, the recombination mechanism.
To monitor such changes, they isolated DNA at several time points during the replication and repair process, and quantified the bound proteins using mass spectrometry based proteomics.
Tanaka had sequenced the middle region of the code for NS5B, the enzyme that makes new genome copies during replication.
To understand the UTMB researchers» work, it helps to picture DNA strand separation during replication as analogous to the opening of a zipper.
It corrects mutations that arise during the replication of the genome during cell division.
Based on the nucleotide context, the authors suggest that a new mutational mechanism may be at work involving cytosine deamination of single - stranded DNA (presumably during replication).
«So clearly during the replication cycle of influenza virus, the genomic RNA is at least partially naked.»
Hargreaves has uncovered an interaction between SWI / SNF and topoisomerase II alpha, a protein involved in DNA maintenance during replication, which underlies the essential activity of the complex in stem cells.
These tests detect a protein produced during replication of the FeLV virus which is usually present in the blood of cats persistently infected with the virus.
The PR - 2B DENV - 2 produced increased levels of subgenomic flavivirus RNA (sfRNA) relative to genomic RNA during replication.
That's a lot of T's, C's, G's, and A's, and sometimes mistakes happen during replication.
One might well expect that accidental changes in DNA during their replication would be deleterious to the organism that harbors the changed DNA.
For instance, classical and alternative pathways interplay and compete for the repair of DSBs occurring during replication (i.e. damaged replication forks)(Figure 1B).
This basic event in evolution is a random or chance change, an accident if you will, during replication.
«The role of the protein Rrm3 in the repair of breaks in DNA during replication
The team was able to determine when replication was being inhibited because they used a derivative of dengue virus that expresses luciferase, a molecule that produces bioluminescence, during replication, said corresponding author Ronald van Rij, PhD, associate professor in the Department of Medical Microbiology, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
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