Sentences with phrase «during stressful days»

Drink in the evenings to unwind or to hit the «reset» button during stressful days.
(Classical music is great for mom's mood too — so when you are feeling tired use something with a strong beat to pep you up, or something soothing and calm to relax you during a stressful day!)
Playing is a great «mental break» during a stressful day.)
Practice great client communication skills — the art of sounding calm during a stressful day, responding helpfully to client needs, using a «sunny» tone of voice, asking the right questions (rather than simply taking a message for the lawyer), is more difficult than it sounds when speaking to a multitude of clients each day.

Not exact matches

Stress happens before, during, and after these decisions — and I haven't even mentioned the fact that we make hundreds of small (but stressful) decisions each day — even about lunch.
Now matter how stressful my day is, during the 55 minutes of class I can set everything aside and focus on myself.
Also let your child know every day, and especially during stressful moments, that the toddler is loved and safe.
But yeah I just kind of need to figure out because I, you know work can be stressful enough to have a fair commute, and I would actually have to add time into my workday to fit in the pumping's during the day and that would take time away from my daughter at night and I really don't want to do that.
We've all enjoyed the lovely sensation of sinking into a lovely warm bath after a stressful day, so why not harness the relaxing power of warm water to help you during labour?
This is difficult even during in - person visit in the family home — let alone at stressful in - hospital visits the day after a long birth, or awkward office visits where mom is already struggling to tend to her baby in public — so the idea that some online reader could possibly tell the difference is a little crazy!
So then — you know much less stressful trying to pack in that third pumping session during the work day.
After a long, stressful day at work, during which your main consolation was knowing your child was in good hands, you come home to your nanny telling you she's accepted another position and is starting there in two weeks.
This made life so much less stressful and happier during the day.
Research dating back to the 1950s had shown that rats handled by humans for as little as five to 15 minutes per day during their first three weeks of life grew up to be calmer and less reactive to stressful environments compared with their non-handled littermates.
During three consecutive days, all participants were exposed to three personalized five - minute imaging sessions that represented stressful (S), relaxing (R), and alcohol cues (C), followed by an «alcohol taste test» (ATT) to measure alcohol motivation and intake.
To make their discovery, Korosi and colleagues mimicked a stressful early - life environment during the first week after birth (postnatal days 2 - 9) for newborn mice and their mothers.
Because the comfort of our patients is a priority, we offer amenities such as a non-oral, same - day colon irrigation prep option for colonoscopy; your choice of music during the procedure; warmed blankets and robes; and colonoscopy shorts to make the experience more comfortable, and a little less stressful.
Lastly, it's important to always have some happy thoughts or memories before you doze off to help counterbalance anything stressful that happened during the day.
Some improvements, including larger yoga sessions with more kids, starting mornings relaxation techniques, and prioritizing mindfulness practices for both staff and kids during stressful times of the day, have already been implemented.
So, if you're under a lot of stress during the day, you know, then we may want to take it during stressful period.
I wonder if some more randomness in the use of this protocol would be better, less hormetically, repetitively stressful; perhaps using MCTs during the fasting window or just not doing this every day.
Vitamin C is extremely safe and isn't stored in the body, so you can also use it short term, during a particularly stressful day or week.
This strategy keeps my energy high during the day when I am doing my most stressful and demanding activities.
However, the increasing level of stress many people are exposed to every day keeps them from processing stressful events during their sleep.
Now matter how stressful my day is, during the 55 minutes of class I can set everything aside and focus on myself.
Bliss Triple Oxygen Instant Energizing Foaming Mask ($ 56) brightens, detoxifies and refreshes skin, because that's exactly what I needed after stressful days and sleepless nights during the finals.
Little Ways to Brighten Someone's Day This time of year can be so stressful and, if you're like me, you may be feeling a bit overwhelmed at the thought of everything you need to accomplish during the holidays.
Exercise not only keeps me healthy, it lifts my spirits and helps me relax during busy, stressful days.
On the third day of school during pack - up, a usually stressful, loud adventure, I spied a student across the room taking a Purrell bath.
In Seven Days Of Us, Francesca Hornak has her characters quarantined for seven days during the holiday season; Days trapped with one's family is stressful enough, but the added pressure of «The Holidays» can really turn up the hDays Of Us, Francesca Hornak has her characters quarantined for seven days during the holiday season; Days trapped with one's family is stressful enough, but the added pressure of «The Holidays» can really turn up the hdays during the holiday season; Days trapped with one's family is stressful enough, but the added pressure of «The Holidays» can really turn up the hDays trapped with one's family is stressful enough, but the added pressure of «The Holidays» can really turn up the heat.
After the branch closes, depending on the volume of transactions during the day, and the size and efficiency of the staff, the process of proving up tellers» work during the day can be a lengthy and stressful process.
That led me on a search to find schools that embraced the human / pet bond and allow them to remain together during those stressful college days!
You may feel tempted to cuddle your puppy all day to comfort them during a stressful first night.
We also appreciate just how difficult and stressful it can be to care for critical patients during the day.
If your computer fries itself during an incredibly stressful / important / life - altering day, how fast could you be up and running?
While findings from research using this structured interview document the importance of collaboration in promoting adherence and glycemic control (Wiebe et al., 2005), the measure itself is limited to parent behavior during stressful events, as opposed to day - to - day events, and the time and interviewer burden of a structured interview limits the measure's utility in future research and practice.
We've still got you on the Prayer List on our Tuesday post, Come to Jesus and Pray... and Tom and I say a special prayer every day for you and your family during this stressful MOVING time!
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