Sentences with phrase «during surgical procedures»

The work description of surgical nurses primarily entails providing required assistance to surgeons during surgical procedures.
If there is a time your pet requires anesthesia during a surgical procedure, your veterinarian will fully examine your pet.
We use a team approach during surgical procedures by combining the best veterinary and technical expertise to ensure a safe, effective surgical outcome.
As an experienced operating room nurse, I am fully aware of the various aspects of preparing surgeries, laying out instruments and operating equipment required during surgical procedures and providing patient education.
A sterile environment, advanced monitoring, and a thermal heating system provide the optimal health and safety needs of your pet during surgical procedures.
This will allow the investigators to determine the status of breast tumor margins in real - time during surgical procedures.
There are two main reasons why a patient might be injured during a surgical procedure: surgical errors or surgical complications.
Typical duties listed on a Clinical Research Nurse resume are collecting and reviewing clinical data, assisting investigators, screening subjects, and providing support during surgical procedures.
He / she is a registered nurse and assists the surgical team during surgical procedure.
The veterinary technicians act as the veterinarian's prep nurse before surgery and as their surgical assistant during surgical procedures.
Your pet's safety and comfort are our highest priorities during all surgical procedures.
It also helps reduce the amount of blood lost during the surgical procedure as well.
Our caring and well - trained veterinary emergency nurses monitor your pet constantly during the surgical procedure to ensure the safest possible plane of anesthesia.
Any negligence or error during a surgical procedure may cause devastating injuries or wrongful death.
The surgical nurse makes instruments and supplies available as required by the physician during surgical procedures.
They may be required to assist the vet during surgical procedures and thus need to possess both knowledge and training of working with animals.
For example, if you were injured during a surgical procedure and wanted to recover compensation from your surgeon, you would have to prove that he or she was negligent.
Observed patients during surgical procedures to detect possible complications and / or breaks in sterile technique
He was named President and Chief Executive Officer and led ZymoGenetics» successful development and commercialization of Recothrom ®, a recombinant thrombin for use during surgical procedures.
«In our study, using a tumor - specific fluorescent agent and a dedicated imaging system, a fluorescent signal was detected in tumors in real time during a surgical procedure for ovarian cancer called cytoreduction.
Understand and provide proper instruments, supplies, and environment to maintain asepsis during surgical procedures.
Hypovolemia occurs if the patient loses a critical amount of blood or other body fluids during a surgical procedure or a state of dehydration presurgically is not corrected.
Examples of applications include the development of brain mapping procedures for neurosurgical planning that localize regions that are specialized for important functions such as language, movement, vision, and hearing in order for surgeons to protect those functions during surgical procedures such as tumor resections.
My background includes experience treating and preventing patient pain during surgical procedures while monitoring vitals and ensuring top - flight accuracy and attention to detail.
Recognized for setting up and running lab tests according to specifications and providing assistance during surgical procedures by following established policies and protocols.
Anesthesiologists treat and prevent pain, including administering general and local anesthetics, and monitor patients» vital functions during surgical procedures
We achieve the gold standard of care by performing thorough physical exams, bloodwork, and advanced monitoring during surgical procedures to make the general anesthesia as safe as possible.
Assisted veterinarian during surgical procedures by creating and maintaining unobstructive surgical fields and passing instruments.
Intense monitoring and care during their surgical procedure and recovery is provided.
A recent survey published in the cardiovascular journal Perfusionfound that not only are staff likely to use distracting electronic devices during surgical procedures, they also agree it is dangerous.
Monitoring patients conditions and progress and reevaluate treatment as necessary during surgical procedures.
«These properties allow sterilization during surgical procedures, which occur in bright light.»
Oliver Wendell Holmes coined the term «anesthesia» in 1846 to describe drug - induced insensibility to sensation (particularly pain), shortly after the first publicized demonstration of inhaled ether rendered a patient unresponsive during a surgical procedure.
Anesthesia providers are missing opportunities to clean their hands during surgical procedures, according to a study published in the July issue of the American Journal of Infection Control, the official publication of the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC).
This does not happen in procedures using the CUSA (Cavitron Ultrasonic Surgical Aspirator) ultrasound device, as study leader Shahrokh Shariat, Head of the University Department of Urology at the MedUni Vienna and Vienna General Hospital, explains: «With the CUSA ultrasound device, the kidney continues to be perfused with blood during the surgical procedure.
I have been able to correct cardiac arrythmias, bleeding, rapid pulse rates, and other physiological problems by talking to anesthetized patients in a therapeutic way during surgical procedures and by using similar techniques preoperatively.
The Pediatric Colorectal Surgery Program at C.S. Mott Children's Hospital is one of only two programs in the world to offer the surgical treatment of imperforate anus using MRI surgical guidance during the surgical procedure.
Pain relief during any surgical procedure has a profound impact on how pets feel during recovery.
Affected dogs are at great risk for uncontrollable bleeding during surgical procedures: your veterinarian should be informed so that appropriate blood products are at hand in case a transfusion is required.
There is also a significant risk of severe hemorrhage during these surgical procedures.
Apprehensive pet - parents help veterinarians stay alert and tuned in during surgical procedures.
Sophisticated monitoring procedures, anesthetic protocols, and laboratory analysis will be employed when appropriate during surgical procedures.
The blood's ability to clot effectively will also be tested, as this is of extreme importance during any surgical procedure.
We will use the information obtained from these tests to tailor an anesthetic protocol especially for your pet so that it will be as safe and comfortable as possible during the surgical procedure and later on.
The IV catheter is placed to maintain adequate blood pressure during any surgical procedure.
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