Sentences with phrase «during the birthing process»

Birth injuries can be attributed to a number of causes, including medical error or negligence that occurs during the birthing process.
A birth injury is harm suffered by the baby during the birthing process, usually occurring during travel through the birth canal.
This may result from trauma during the birthing process, and is considered a life - threatening emergency.
This online class teaches the pregnant couple tools for the birth partner to help the mom during the birthing process.
In addition, both partners will discover ways to offer effective communication and support during the birthing process.
Unfortunately, many of the devastating injuries that occur during birth can be difficult to diagnose and may have causes aside from inadequate care during the birthing process.
Mothers who are assisted by a doula see fewer interventions during the birthing process.
Both of our birthing suites have large built - in birth tubs that many women choose to utilize during the birthing process.
Your body changed dramatically to accommodate your growing baby, and then changed even more during the birthing process.
This is a normal, natural process that helps the birth canal (vagina) to open during the birthing process.
Nevertheless, its position in the uterus indicates that the two did not die during the birthing process.
Indeed, the mode of delivery during the birthing process has been shown to affect an infant's microbial profile.
The reality is, most dogs will hide and don't want to be bothered during the birthing process.
Line the box with plenty of clean newspapers that can be easily removed during the birthing process.
This includes cases in which the condition was caused by mistakes made during the birthing process.
Unfortunately, in some cases a birth injury is the result of a medical mistake made by a doctor or hospital staff during the birthing process.
The term «birth injury» refers to any injury sustained during the birthing process.
It is also during the birthing process that many newborns are susceptible to suffering from physical injury.
The most common cause of this condition is negligence on the part of a physician during the birthing process.
This often results due to physical trauma during the birthing process.
In short, they are talking about a way to mimic the natural gut bacteria transfer that happens during the birthing process with microbial wipes (I wrote about this last year in my gentle cesarean post).
«The findings suggest that water birth is a reasonably safe, low - intervention option for women who face a low risk of complications during the birthing process,» Bovbjerg said.
But many people don't realize that cerebral palsy, or CP, can also be caused by problems during the birthing process, such as a doctor waiting too long to deliver the child.
Perinatal Asphyxia occurs when the newborn baby has been deprived of adequate oxygen during the birthing process.
Can't think of any reason not to share that orgasm during the birthing process happens... and, not surprisingly, truly enhances the experience.
It showcases six Lamaze practises, discusses why so few women give birth naturally, offers tips during the birthing process and for taking care of your newborn.
Many of the studies above indicate that babies who are born following the use of epidural and syntocinon may well have altered neurobehaviour as a result of exposure to these medications during the birthing process.
Other benefits of doing squats to induce labor include strengthening leg muscles, which will prove useful during the birthing process, and helping to reduce labor time by 11 minutes (if squatting when pushing during labor).
Having said that, the use of experienced and trained caregivers during the birthing process is something that is consistent in all cultures and has been throughout the ages.
The explanation for this is that a mother can become dehydrated during the birthing process or may need emergency medical interventions.
I have two kids of my own so I know there is a lot going on during the birthing process but, at the same time, if you never had a kid before and you don't have the Doula experience that you have, I am just wondering who would freak out?
Gathering information and weighing your options for childbirth is the best way to feel more secure especially if you face an unexpected challenge during the birthing process.
Vaginally birthed babies have more diverse gut flora that they acquire in the birth canal during the birthing process.
An excellent new movie called Microbirth delves into the way a baby's gut bacteria is cultured during the birthing process and how this affects the baby throughout his or her life and can even affect things like cancer and heart disease risk later in life.
Babies are born with a sterile gut and (hopefully) pick up some beneficial gut bacteria from mom during the birthing process which allows them to begin culturing the billions of gut bacteria that make up the micro-system of their intestines.
Research is now showing that babies culture their gut bacteria and set the blueprint for gut health during the birthing process when they come in contact with mom's flora.
Production of these endogenous opioids is increased during the birthing process.
The word «midwife,» is from Old English midwif, meaning «with woman», which frames the idea of midwifery - to be with a woman during the birthing process - along side her, rather than doing something to her, or delivering her baby for her.
Some bitches, especially new mothers, are not very cooperative during this birthing process and may even bite due to the pain.
In this situation, Rankin said what likely happened is that adult dogs at one or more breeding facilities were fed a food source that was compromised, which contaminated the environment and then was passed along to the puppies during the birthing process.
Still, there are many cases of cerebral palsy that occur during the birthing process due to medical negligence.
Before a parent files a lawsuit to recover compensation for harm caused to their child during the birthing process, the parent wants to know what their chances of success will be.
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