Sentences with phrase «during the cold spells of»

Jurassic metriorhynchoids did not go extinct during the cold spells of the early Cretaceous, unlike the teleosaurids, another group of marine crocodilians.
In the winter, during the coldest spells of freezing temperatures, we would have to board the dogs to keep them from suffering frostbite or worse.

Not exact matches

A Swiss - led group using tree - ring data to look at Central European summer climate patterns during roughly 2,500 years saw that periods of prolonged warming and of colder than usual spells coincided with social upheavals.
Last winter during a long frigid cold spell neighbors in the town of Williamson complained of a barking dog.
This cold spell occurred during a period of extremely low sunspot activity.
There was an even lower number of sunspots during the Maunder Minimum between 1645 and 1710 coincident with an even colder spell, known as the Little Ice Age.
During Record Cold Spell, The Guardian Warns of Global Warming
The mall, which is already set up to function as a place of refuge during emergencies, could also provide power to other places of refuge for medical services, warming during a dangerous cold spell or cooling during a heat wave.
This «scenario is believed to have exacerbated the persistent warmth and drought in the western United States, along with cold spells in the east during the winters of 2013 - 2014 and 2014 - 2015 that were popularized as the ridiculously resilient ridge and polar vortex, Francis wrote in a new study.
The nano - diamonds are buried at a level that corresponds to the beginning 12,900 years ago of the Younger Dryas, a 1,300 - year - long cold spell during which North American mammoths, saber - toothed cats, camels and giant sloths became extinct.
Data extracted from tree rings and Antarctica ice cores indicate that solar activity has indeed fallen to unusually low levels at least three times during the past one thousand years, each drop corresponding to a long, cold spell of roughly a century in duration.
As this relative polar warming increased during February, the NASA maps show that colder than normal temperatures expanded over North America through Canada and parts of the Northern U.S. even as a cold spell began to blossom in Europe.
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