Sentences with phrase «during the course of one's study»

In the latest review, people who ate 10 portions a day were nearly a third less likely to die during the course of the studies than those who ate none.
However, the rules that defined when an action led to the largest payoff changed several times during the course of the study.
Some illuminating international differences emerged during the course of the study.
Students interviewed during the course of this study further obscure the issue by describing themselves as «spiritual» and defining their general spirituality as a personal religious experience.
Researchers fed expectant moms high fiber, moderate fiber or low fiber diets during the course of the study.
It became apparent during the course of the study that portraying a vegan diet as dangerous or abnormal does hardly reach the target group.
Each home was also visited during the course of the study to collect data on project views and other information, researchers said.
After the five days, participants completed more questionnaires, including one that asked them about their dieting behavior during the course of the study.
You will receive classes from 30 highly experienced teachers during the course of your studies.
They had their weight, fat mass, heart rate and blood pressure taken during the course of the study to assess any potential benefits of consuming the nutrient - rich bean.
The participants provided details about diet and health in the form of an initial questionnaire with periodic updates during the course of the study.
Every day during the course of the study, various health markers, such as liver fat content and beta - cell function, were measured.
The better of our two methods relies on information from those students who attended schools in both the public and the private sectors during the course of our study.
During the course of our study on average credit card debt, we observed some significant differences among different demographics and regions.
She did not apply for additional financial assistance during that course of study.
It's essential to mention the specials awards won and honors earned during the course of your study.
I have developed strong organizational and customer service skills during the course of my studies.
In addition, each school received unannounced visits several times during the course of the study.
The only animals Rozin found during the course of his studies who exhibited true, laboratory - proven preference for chile, were two chimpanzees and a dog, all of which had strong relationships with humans.
Here you can see how energy expenditure changes from adaptive thermogenesis developed during the course of the study:
nimals Rozin found during the course of his studies who exhibited true, laboratory - proven preference for chile, were two chimpanzees and a dog, all of which had strong r
One caveat to the study is that because helicopter transports brought a greater number of patients to Cleveland Clinic from surrounding rural areas during the course of the study period, it is possible that the observed trends reflect changes in the hospital's patient population.
Participated in several stage and street plays during the course of my studies at Franklin Institute of Performing Arts
It's important to include the name and location of the college or university you attended along with your degree, major / minor, grade point average, honors and awards, and anything else that would show your dedication and achievement during the course of your studies.
Approximately one - third of the participants experienced PMS symptoms during the course of the study.
Consider this: In one recent study of more than 7,000 study participants, researchers found that those who ate high - protein diets had a 90 % greater risk of gaining more than 10 % of their body weight during the course of the study than those who ate less of the stuff.
What Middlemiss considers a cause for concern is that the babies» cortisol levels never dropped during the course of the study (the mothers» cortisol levels did, on the third night).
Eight percent of patients receiving ablation died during the course of the study compared to 18 percent of patients taking Amiodarone.
Of the men diagnosed with heart failure during the course of study, those who had engaged in at least 20 minutes per day in walking or bicycling were approximately eight months older compared to heart failure cases who had engaged in less than 20 minutes per day of walking or bicycling.
This poses dangers, Windle suggests: «If we have learnt anything during the course of this study, it is that releases need to be evaluated with more care than in the past.»
To control for potential bias because of the use of different blood culture methods during the course of the study, several multivariate analyses were performed.
Aware of the political ramifications of the research, his laboratory used no federal money during the course of that study (though it would have been eligible for funding).
In the Phase 1b / 2a study, children with SMA will receive either two or three doses of ISIS - SMNRx during the course of the study.
Six of the nine macaques showed no sign of SIV infection, and the remaining three did not develop AIDS during the course of the study.
• The participant has electively planned or will require major surgery during the course of the study.
In addition, the subjects who ate only once a day displayed increasing hunger pangs during the course of the study.
For example, although its model relies heavily on student self - direction, the university has added mentors from whom students can seek help during their course of study, and who check in with students if they fall off track.
Interviews conducted during the course of the study reveal that participants saw great potential for teachers to use DocSouth in their classrooms, since both they and their students have the requisite technology skills, the teachers already use the Internet to plan instruction and for research purposes, and perhaps most importantly, part of their goal in teaching history is to present multiple perspectives.
During the course of the study tour, participants learned more about Ohio's efforts to: Build a broad coalition
Of all factors examined during the course of this study, it was the size of the collection that exhibited the strongest association to usage levels and would suggest just how important the size and content of a collection can be to patron acceptance and utilization.
Ask you for papers you have written during the course of studying to identify an interesting topic
Of the 116 dogs that were exposed to health care facilities as part of their animal assisted program, 7 dogs tested positive for MRSA during the course of the study, while only 2 of the 78 dogs not exposed to health care facilities tested positive for MRSA.
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