Sentences with phrase «during the discovery process»

The arbitrator may serve as a referee when the parties exchange documents and information during the discovery process.
Do you follow the lead of your outside counsel concerning storing, collecting, analyzing, processing, reviewing and producing documents during the discovery process?
The added insight you gain during this discovery process could enable you stay competitive by adjusting pricing as needed.
The concepts are based on information emailed to me from the Getting Started form and from our design consultation by phone during the discovery process.
Do not attempt to hide anything from your attorney — it will come out at some time during the discovery process.
This post assesses the role and application of search terms and alternative methods of data reduction during the discovery process.
When you receive this message, you report state on all of the properties you define during the discovery process.
Evidence will be gathered during the discovery process, and expert witnesses may be employed to further prove your case in court.
Keep the following in mind during this discovery process in order to convert a «customer» into a «client»:
Those statements are based on depositions of key Author Solutions executives, taken during the discovery process which concluded in January.
«We communicate these realities during the discovery process and have planned touch points with each franchisee to explore the next step on their franchise journey,» he adds.
There is a new app, running on Relativity, that gives lawyers and litigation professionals the ability to code and search for specific emojis during the discovery process.
Your company must ensure the data is protected, is readily available, and can not be materially altered or deleted during the discovery process.
Principle 9: During the discovery process parties should agree to or, if necessary, seek judicial direction on measures to protect privileges, privacy, trade secrets and other confidential information relating to the production of electronic documents and data.
When representing yourself in court, it's important to leave no stone unturned during the discovery process.
The use of technologies like TAR assists parties in litigation to meet the requirements «of a just, efficient and cost - effective resolution of the dispute» by reducing the time and cost involved in large scale document production during the discovery process.
The issue in the story discussed by CTV arose in the context of a personal injury case where Facebook was specifically discussed during the discovery process, but the ruling by Justice David Brown of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice appears to go beyond the narrow context in... [more]
In his January 29, 2014 decision, Justice Paul Perell referred to the mind - set of counsel to request every document and look under every rock during the discovery process.
We suspect much more information concerning the health impact of talcum powder use for feminine hygiene will be revealed during the discovery process in these lawsuits.
There can be serious consequences for mishandling ESI during the discovery process and it is important to have appropriate and defensible practices in place.
For Philips Hue lights, you'll need to press the button on the center of the Hue Bridge during the discovery process, but with WeMo gadgets, no extra action is required.
New properties and directives can be added to an interface, but Alexa will not attempt to use these with an endpoint unless they are specified as supported during the discovery process.
Couple this with the immense amount of information that may need to be gathered and exchanged during the discovery process and you can see how even a simple divorce can take upwards of a year.
Documents drawn up by the coalition's advisers were provided to lawyers by the Association of International Automobile Manufacturers, a coalition member, during the discovery process in a lawsuit that the auto industry filed in 2007 against the State of California's efforts to limit vehicles» greenhouse gas emissions.
Another way to gather information during the discovery process is through depositions.
I will provide you digital artwork in the file formats you request at the time the order is placed or during the discovery process.
Elegant Book Design will provided digital artwork in the file formats requested by the author at the time the order is placed for the work or during the discovery process.
During the discovery process, we can conduct further research into whether the tire manufacturer has liability.
During the discovery process, we will request relevant documents, conduct depositions to ask questions under oath, review pictures and accident reports, speak with witnesses, and more.
During the discovery process we figure out all of the online assets you already have that can be used to your advantage in search.
Depending upon the basis for your motion and the nature of the evidence brought out during the discovery process, a plenary hearing might be required in which the parties appear and testify.
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