Sentences with phrase «during the divorce process»

I often have parents ask me how much their children should be involved in decisions that impact the children during the divorce process.
Decisions made during the divorce process will more likely than not have a long - term impact on various areas of your life.
You need to start to minimize the financial ties between you and your spouse during the divorce process.
In an emotionally safe environment, she guides parents toward better communication skills and helps them manage the emotional ups and downs that often arise during the divorce process.
The focus is on the present situation (the divorce) and learning how to approach and manage the challenges and decisions during the divorce process.
It is much better to take the extra time during the divorce process to make sure you have an optimal agreement that works for you both and your children.
When a couple divorces, one spouse may be ordered to pay the other during the divorce process and / or for some period of time following a final divorce.
There are many questions regarding property division during the divorce process.
A joint account mean that you'll continue to be attached to your spouse's spending habits and debts — not only during the divorce process, but even after the divorce is finalized.
At some point during a divorce process, everyone meets — there is a four - way meeting of the divorcing parties and their attorneys.
It does mean that you treat one another respectfully during the divorce process so that you can parent your children together going forward.
We are here to answer your questions and will protect your interests during the divorce process.
This type of support can be awarded during the divorce process and in some cases, after.
When a marriage ends, each spouse has certain rights during the divorce process.
Sometimes during the divorce process, a party feels the need to file a petition seeking emergency or temporary relief.
Due to the state of the economy, more and more couples are getting divorced and can't afford to live apart during the divorce process — and sometimes even afterwards.
It's important to have a list of all retirement - related accounts owned by you and your spouse to work with during the divorce process.
Even property you or your spouse obtain during the divorce process is considered marital property.
With the appropriate assistance from qualified financial and legal professionals, you can cultivate a retirement strategy during the divorce process that will be adaptable to your new individual and family financial circumstances.
Hear the guidance and the inner message inside you, your key to survival during the divorce process.
There are four key aspects of divorce that come into play during the divorce process.
Here is a discussion of some of the most important financial matters that we believe you should consider during divorce process.
One way to ease children into this situation is by making small, but cumulative changes during the divorce process.
A normal issue during the divorce process is to address the frequency and manner of communication with a parent while the other parent is with the child.
If your spouse attempts to incur unreasonable debts during the divorce process you can seek a temporary court order to halt them.
Do you have a question about how your property, assets, and debts will be divided during the divorce process?
It is important to be well - informed about your options during the divorce process.
If you, as adults are going to work to let go of the anger during the divorce process, how is that helpful to your own emotional well - being and growth?
By using collaborative divorce proceedings, options for resolution generally expand and the couple is more likely to cooperate at least to keep the business healthy and profitable during the divorce process.
Here are five money mistakes to avoid during the divorce process.
Here are a few tips to try and keep costs low during the divorce process.
You and your spouse may file a marital settlement agreement during the divorce process if you have property and debts to divide and agree on how to split these items.
Vacation should be part of the planning you do during the divorce process.
If you a re mature enough to get married and have children or a pet, you should be mature enough to be civil during the divorce process.
These are all things you should discuss with your lawyer during the divorce process.
If you did not get copies of your jointly filed returns during the divorce process, do so now.
A court may order a higher earning spouse — whether husband or wife — to assist the lower earning spouse financially by making support payments during the divorce process and / or afterwards.
There is no denying that a contract outlining financial division specifications is helpful during the divorce process.
This could ensure that a person's spouse would be unable to remove or transfer funds during the divorce process.
Here are a few things to consider about using social media during the divorce process.
Our attorneys are available around the clock to meet your needs during the divorce process, even if all you need is a friendly ear to ease your late - night doubts.
While not all states have the same laws, experts agree that this should not be the first question asked during the divorce process.
Fortunately or Unfortunately depending on how you look at it, we have a lot of experience helping people find a life insurance policy during the divorce process.
Although couples experience an emotional turmoil during the divorce process, they should not let emotions affect their judgment when it comes to finances.
She has written about the importance of fathers in children's lives for many years, and about the many fathers that have been falsely accused during the divorce process.
Make sure you set aside some cash to help cover legal fees and living expenses during the divorce process.
Fortunately, many spouses discover the depth of their love and commitment during the divorce process.
Judges generally will not order this type of visitation unless parents have demonstrated an ability to get along and work together during the divorce process.
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