Sentences with phrase «during the first year»

Relationship between infant feeding and infectious illness: a prospective study of infants during the first year of life.
Once you have an idea of how much you plan to spend during your first year in retirement, multiply that figure by 25.
I put a lot of pressure on making big changes during our first year as a married couple.
The factor most strongly predictive of homelessness for veterans was social isolation, specifically low levels of support during the first year after discharge and being unmarried.
She remembered herself as «a dry sponge» during her first years at the school.
Compare all credit cards by RE ® Value, which is an estimate of how much you will earn during first year of credit card use minus annual fees.
The study also compared health costs for babies during the first year of life.
These travel credits alone can provide up to $ 400 in credits during your first year with the card.
However, parents can fight this gene with loving, involved and tender parenting especially during the first year of life.
Cards may offer a waived annual fee during the first year of opening an account.
Both cards have their annual fee waived during the first year of card membership.
Go ahead and do that math — that means new cardholders will effectively earn three miles for every dollar they spend on the card during their first year.
Learning what your child loves is one of the most exciting times during their first year of life!
The mortality rate during the first year after a hip fracture is 20 %.
It may seem like it's too much to give an infant three or four shots at a time every couple of months during the first year of his life.
Then, you'll earn another 20,000 bonus miles if you hit $ 10,000 in spending during the first year of card membership.
Easily get $ 200 more when you earn $ 200 cash back during your first year.
Often owners fear that their pet is too old to be spayed if it wasn't done during the first year of life.
Your baby will go through many changes in terms of social and emotional development during his first year of life.
What does a father or partner experience during the first year of parenthood that is uniquely stressful for him?
For the case you have a plan to go back to work during the first year of baby's life, we believe you will start storing and pumping milk.
The main purpose of this study was to examine to what degree the level of maternal relationship satisfaction during pregnancy predicts the risk of infectious disease in children during their first year of life.
If I've said it once, I've said it a whole bunch: The hardest lesson I learned during my first year of marriage was how selfish I was.
Results of this exploratory study have implications for those working with teachers during their first year of practice.
Usually, the rates that agents are paid are equal to something between 40 % and 90 % (depending upon the company and product) of the premium paid during the first year.
More growth occurs during the first year than at any other time in your child's life.
How much money will you make during your first year in real estate?
Total your loans for the first year: Add up all the loans you will use during the first year once deciding on what will be used.
The streaming leader set a new standard last Fall, when it announced unlimited paid time off for new parents during their first year of parenthood.
These rates were especially high during the first year of life.
This was especially so during the first year after surgery, when 46 percent of patients experienced a complication, most commonly pneumonia and surgical site infections.
The psychosocial development of the infant is more advanced the longer the child is breastfed during the first year of life.
Students who hit the benchmark are less likely to need remedial courses during the first year in college and more likely to complete their degrees.
Imagine taking the beginner gains that happened during the first year of training, and purposely stretching them out so that they now take 5 to 10 years to come to fruition.
Additionally, I created a safety training program that reduced work related incidents and injuries by over 50 % during the first year alone.
For example, on a loan of $ 10,000 with an annual interest rate of 4 %, you'd pay $ 400 in annual interest during the first year of repaying the loan.
A new study has found that having a dog or cat as a pet at home during the first year of life may actually help prevent allergies later on in life.
While solid foods would offer nutrients as well, they can't offer all the nutrients that the baby needs during his first year, nutrients that breast and formula milk can provide.
A number of students during that first year learned not only writing and editing skills, but learned how the library can be an excellent resource.
This is especially apparent during the first year when they're growing like crazy.
That calendar year is significant because that means it's not tied to your year of card ownership, so you can get the credit twice during your first year with the card.
Basically, they will pay out 30 - 40 % of your death benefit if you pass during the first year.
Most vaccines children get during their first year require more than one dose, and often children don't have symptoms of an illness but are still contagious.
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