Sentences with phrase «during the first year of life»

Relationship between infant feeding and infectious illness: a prospective study of infants during the first year of life.
The study also compared health costs for babies during the first year of life.
However, parents can fight this gene with loving, involved and tender parenting especially during the first year of life.
Your baby will go through many changes in terms of social and emotional development during his first year of life.
The crib is the central piece of any nursery and the place where your baby will spend most time during the first years of his life.
The main purpose of this study was to examine to what degree the level of maternal relationship satisfaction during pregnancy predicts the risk of infectious disease in children during their first year of life.
The rapid growth that occurred during the first year of life slows when a baby becomes a toddler.
Most doctors recommend an iron - fortified infant formula during the first year of life.
Experts agree that most cats will do most of their growth during the first year of their life, and many breeds will continue to develop until around 18 months of age.
Your pediatrician will check your baby's teeth as part of the well - child visits during the first year of life and beyond.
The children usually have the first symptoms of the disease during the first year of life.
Children with the mutation were twice as likely to develop eczema during their first year of life.
Attachment, maternal sensitivity, and infant temperament during the first year of life.
He'll develop this crucial skill, which is the foundation for all later movement — such as sitting up and walking — little by little during the first year of life.
In general, your baby will gain and lose weight during his first year of life.
It may seem like it's too much to give an infant three or four shots at a time every couple of months during the first year of his life.
Young dogs should not be exercised heavily, especially not during the first year of their lives.
Indeed, behavior problems are the dog's most common terminal illness during his first year of life.
A new study has found that having a dog or cat as a pet at home during the first year of life may actually help prevent allergies later on in life.
As a puppy or kitten, your pet will need a series of vaccines during the first year of its life.
Young cats require a particular series of vaccinations during the first year of life to protect them from harmful, but preventable diseases.
The first question is how much does milk does an average baby eat during their first year of life.
No one needs to show me biological or developmental studies to prove that I was either born gay or developed the orientation during the first years of life... I know it.
-- the fundamental feeling that grows in a healthy mother - child relationship during the first year of life.
We're continuing our series that breaks down what moms can expect during the first year of life.
When you hear reports about babies dying of flu during the first year of life, you need to understand that those babies were not breastfed.
Most breastfed babies are given breast milk from the breast and from a bottle during the first year of life.
If your baby is ready to experiment with solids, the following foods are all excellent choices during her first year of life.
They also serve another purpose: the soft spots allow a baby's brain and skull to develop properly during the first year of life.
The transition from bottle or breast to eventually eating solid «table foods» is a big development that happens during the first years of life.
This section describes some of the milestones in social development that your baby will reach during his first year of life.
Considering that development is vast and rapid during the first years of life, it's as though they are continuously on the brink of a new developmental skill.
The cost — your baby may go through 3,000 diapers during that first year of life (yes, you read that right).
The calorie requirements per pound of body weight are greater during the first year of life than at any other time.
Many feel that affectionate bonding during the first years of life help reduce social and behavioral problems in both children and adults.
However, if a baby doesn't gain weight for 3 months in a row during the first year of life, doctors usually become concerned.
Don't decrease your baby's breast or formula milk volume too quickly as milk feeds still provide an important source of nutrition during their first year of life and beyond.
The majority of infants do reflux during their first year of life, and most of them are completely healthy.
This occurs due to the proteins which are partially broken - down, making the formula gentle for the baby's digestive tract which still needs to mature during the first year of life.
So whenever we travel overnight (which was surprisingly often during his first year of life), we were completely without a monitor.
During the first year of life selective eating shows the real need of your baby's body in certain food products.
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