Sentences with phrase «during the industrial revolution»

Did you know that the model for modern - day public education was created by the need for on - time mechanical workers during the industrial revolution?
A breathing sculpture or «elephant» at its heart is based on 19th century attempts to measure and control time during the industrial revolution and high point of European colonial expansion.
Until recently, anthropogenic climate change was deemed to begin with the burning of fossil fuels during the industrial revolution.
Therefore, the increase in human emissions during the industrial revolution can not be the cause of the increase in carbon dioxide.
Its cultivation spread rapidly during the industrial revolution and it is now responsible for a large part of global water pollution in rivers and coastal areas.
A breathing sculpture or «elephant» at its heart is based on 19th - century attempts to measure and control time during the industrial revolution and high point of European colonial expansion.
Syndicate will take place in London during Industrial Revolution in 1868.
This year's game, Assassin's Creed Syndicate, will take place in London during the Industrial Revolution around the year 1868 and follow twin assassins Jacob and Evie Frye.
Assassin's Creed Syndicate takes place during the Industrial Revolution in London.
Assassin's Creed Syndicate takes place during the industrial revolution of 19th century London.
The Cambridge - Sheffield study shows that the same gene that influences these butterflies» bright and colorful patterns also turned the peppered moth black during the industrial revolution.
To be sure the jumping gene was responsible for the black wings seen during the Industrial Revolution, Saccheri and his coworkers figured out how old the mutation was.
Set during the Industrial Revolution in London 1868, you'll play as Jacob Frye...
But I noticed too that in discussions he was engaged, offering thoughtful comments about the growth of cities during the Industrial Revolution.
Chicago was the nation's second largest city for many years and played a major role in the U.S. economy during the Industrial Revolution and both World War I and II.
Both Marx and the founders of capitalist theory did their work during the industrial revolution, when the question was whether industry should be controlled by private investors or by the state.
The now - famous rise of the dark form of this moth during the industrial revolution and its subsequent demise following the Clean Air Act, may have never been detected if only three years» data were available.
But what Malthus did not foresee were the great leaps in agricultural technology brought about during the Industrial Revolution, which allowed growth to continue unabated.
Decades ago during the industrial revolution, leaders of companies settled on a management style that involved relating to their employees that I call, «Park your brain at the door.»
One of the most notable growth spurts in human history saw West Europeans shooting upwards during the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century.
Best quote: «Conditions have changed, but we are still operating financially by the rules established during the Industrial Revolution — rules based on creating more material possessions.
In the deck, there's a slide that outlines the market cap of companies during the Industrial Revolution, including the Pennsylvania Railroad, U.S. Steel, and Standard Oil.
Informational technology today is replacing human cognitive power much like steam power, the internal combustion engine and electricity replaced physical power during the industrial revolution.
With the economy booming during the Industrial Revolution of the late 19th century, investors wanted to buy shares of companies not included on the NYSE.
Last month, The Week author modernized a question dating back to economist David Ricardo in 1814 and the Luddites» chief worry about the automatic loom during the Industrial Revolution.
Immigrants built American railroads in the 1860s, expanded the early agricultural sector, and helped grow factories and businesses during the Industrial Revolution.
While the Church in Europe was losing the working class during the Industrial Revolution, American Catholicism, against the historical odds and in the face of vicious nativist opposition, brokered the passage of ten million immigrants into mainstream American society while retaining the religious loyalties of the overwhelming majority of these new citizens.
Graham despised the discarding of nutrients such as germ and bran when flour was made for white bread, and believed that using all of the grain was a remedy for the poor health of many people during the industrial revolution.
Walk through the historic streets that were home to diverse families trying to survive in a growing Chicago during the Industrial Revolution.
Technological progress during the Industrial Revolution of the late 18th and early 19th century shifted production towards greater emphasis on industry and technology and moved capitalists, who previously were solely a supporting cast, into the centre of the economy and society.
The narrator starts by praising Britain's dominance during the industrial revolution.
«Emerging economies benefit from efficient technologies that weren't available to developed countries during their industrial revolution,» says Michel den Elzen from PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency in The Hague.
While we're unlikely to get atmospheric CO2 concentrations down as low as they were (275 ppm) before we started pumping pollution skyward during the Industrial Revolution, climate scientists and green leaders agree that 350 ppm would be a tolerable upper limit.
This transformation will happen in the same way that we offloaded muscle work onto bulldozers during the industrial revolution.
Peppered moths changed from speckled white to mostly black (examples of each here) in Britain during the Industrial Revolution.
Even during the Industrial Revolution, «invention» not innovation (here is the difference) was the byword.
Rapeseed oil first appeared during the Industrial Revolution, where it served as a lubricant in ships, steam engines, and other machinery.
Interesting facts: Reverend Graham, the inventor of Graham bread and crackers believed that chemical additives in food (becoming a popular practice during the Industrial Revolution) were unhealthy.
He probed history — including child exploitation during the Industrial Revolution — and argued that the past «teaches us about English society's callous disregard for children, especially the poor and the sick».
And so, like during the Industrial Revolution, we need to upskill ourselves and we're facing several impediments to do that:
A higher level of overall expertise is needed to be able to survive in this new environment, as it became the norm during the Industrial Revolution — the Digital Revolution is placing an even greater pressure on all of us.
This worksheet is intended to supplement wider work on medicine and public health during the Industrial Revolution.
Intro overview lesson on the main changes that took place during the Industrial Revolution Print off the Cards and cut them up and get pupils to pu...
For example, set up an assembly line in the classroom representing the factory model during the Industrial Revolution.
What are the individual character traits that were necessary to bring about the explosion of inventions that occurred during the Industrial Revolution?
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