Sentences with phrase «during the last few decades»

The sun has been getting quite the bad rap during the last few decades.
With the advancement of technologies during last few decades, the face of publishing has been transformed a lot as they have allowed the authors to become indie publishers of whatever they write.
In addition, a large portion of government investments during the last few decades targeted community improvements, educational drives and transportation systems.
It went on to say «the committee finds it plausible that the Northern Hemisphere was warmer during the last few decades of the 20th century than during any comparable period over the preceding millennium.»
Women have made tremendous strides during the last few decades by moving into jobs and occupations previously done almost exclusively by men, yet during the last two decades there has been very little further progress in the gender integration of work.
Although they haven't been that successful during the last few decades, British culture always liked a charismatic under - dog, and Tottenham have certainly been that over the years.
Dr. Yuuki Watanabe, associate professor at the National Institute of Polar Research, Japan, compiled the migratory tracks of 196 species of flying birds recorded by electronic tags during the last few decades.
A curious detail also shown by the study is a reduction in atmospheric pollution from lead during the last few decades, which, as Lozano concludes, «suggests that the global measures taken to reduce lead emissions, such as the use of lead - free gasoline, have helped to reduce the levels of this metal in the atmosphere.»
The team's findings provide one possible mechanism for an observed increase in the concentration of dissolved organic carbon in the surface waters of North America and Europe during the last few decades, and have implications for management of water quality in coastal zones worldwide.
«Other studies have shown that the overturning circulation in the Atlantic has faced a slowdown during the last few decades,» said Dr Julia Gottschalk of Cambridge Department of Earth Sciences, the paper's lead author.
«Almost every discovery in exoplanet science during the last few decades has challenged or expanded our view of planets,» said Brian Jackson, a planetary scientist at Boise State University, who did not take part in this research.
Overprescription and overuse of drugs during the last few decades has led to bacteria that have evolved resistance to them.
During the last few decades there has been a tectonic shift in publishing.
And, while painting has certainly been subject to a reappraisal during the last few decades as postmodern theory, conceptual and time - based art practices have challenged the primacy of painting and increasingly advocated for the dematerialization of the traditional art object, the tenets and practice of painting far from disappearing or being weakened by this realignment, have indeed emerged revitalized and re-imagined in the hand of many a creative practioner.
After several decades of pioneering work, the «environmental» movement was captured by environmental extremists during the last few decades of the last century; EPA, in turn, was effectively captured by the «environmental» movement starting during the Clinton Administration and in a very accelerated way during the Obama Administration.
Frequent outbreaks of insects and diseases have been recorded in the native forests of western North America during the last few decades, but the distribution of these outbreaks has been far from uniform.
Examining data sets of surface heat flux during the last few decades for the same region, we find that the SST warming was not a consequence of atmospheric heat flux forcing.
In particular, historical evolution of atmospheric GEM concentrations during the last few decades remains poorly characterized, even though GEM represents as much as 95 % of the atmospheric mercury burden (4).
Ferrin notes how this unique ecological park is bringing kids and their parents (who get to let their inner children out) together; and during the last few decades Osteria ai Pioppi has become quite a popular destination for locals and tourists alike.
For instance, one can colour the extent of the loss of Arctic sea ice during the last few decades, or the projected loss of shoreline if sea levels rise, or how many football fields of global forest we are losing every minute.
Observations during the last few decades indicate that extreme events, including tornadoes and hurricanes, have been decreasing, rather than increasing, both in number and in intensity.
Most of this rise comes from warming of the world's oceans and melting of mountain glaciers, which have receded dramatically in many places especially during the last few decades.
While jobs predominantly done by women pay less on average than jobs predominantly done by men, women have made strides during the last few decades to fill the gaps and move into occupations and industries previously filled almost exclusively by men.
To make his case, Jasanoff offers an extensive yet entertaining review of the schools of thought and representations of the brain in the media that led to the rise of the cerebral mystique, especially during the last few decades.
During the last few decades, developmental science has exploded with discoveries of how, specifically, learning happens.
Come on people: We have learned, during the last few decades, how to utilise satellite observations in combination with other observations and (very good) models.
Even if it CAN be said «with a high level of confidence» that the «global mean surface temperature was higher during the last few decades of the 20th century than during any comparable period during the preceding four centuries» ALL that is being observed is the cumulative effect of the rematerialing OF the surface by Human activity and habitat production.
«The Earth has indeed warmed during the last few decades and may warm further in the future.
For the Eastern Fraim Strait, the Southeast Barents Sea, and North Iceland, there was considerably less sea ice coverage (as assessed in months - per - year) during the late 1600s to early 1700s than there has been during the last few decades.
According to the Union of Concerned Scientists» 2007 report, «Smoke, Mirrors, and Hot Air,» the National Research Council recently published research concluding that the «global mean surface temperature was higher during the last few decades of the 20th century than during any comparable period in the preceding four centuries.»
A 2006 National Research Council review of the evidence concluded «with a high level of confidence that global mean surface temperature was higher during the last few decades of the 20th century than during any comparable period during the preceding four centuries» — which is the section of the graph most relevant to current climate trends.
It also means that during the last few decades the spread has typically compressed before cap rates actually decompressed.
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