Sentences with phrase «during the later stages of pregnancy»

But they start action during the later stages of pregnancy when the puppies in the womb.
We know that babies can hear sounds from outside the womb during the late stages of pregnancy.
How you sit during the late stages of your pregnancy might affect your back labor as well.
They are important during the later stages of pregnancy, as painful as they are for you.
This vacation is usually taken during the later stages of the pregnancy, (during the final trimester).
While umbilical cord compression occurs more often during labor, it can still occur during the later stages of pregnancy when your baby begins to move around more vigorously.
Varicose veins most commonly appear during the later stages of pregnancy, usually in the third trimester.
However, women can experience upper back pain during the late stage of pregnancy when the uterus attains a significant weight and reaches the maximum size.
If during the later stages of pregnancy, you feel extreme pain in your rib and abdomen, then the baby is head up or in a breech position.
Benner cautions that nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen and aspirin also reduce fevers, but some NSAIDs are not safe to use during the later stages of pregnancy.
Preeclampsia typically manifests as a sharp rise in blood pressure during the late stages of pregnancy.
Colostrum is a type of milk that is produced by all mammals during the later stages of pregnancy.
Delayed C - sections often occur when a doctor fails to notice that a fetus is in distress, or does not otherwise adequately monitor mom and baby during the late stages of pregnancy and labor.
However, all this happiness might be cut down by some pains and discomforts that occur during the later stages of the pregnancy.
During the late stages of pregnancy, the milk changes to colostrum.
During the late stages of pregnancy, a licensed acupuncturist stimulates a few points on the body around the hands, legs, and low back.
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