Sentences with phrase «during the medieval warm period»

The sea level may also have been higher than today during the Medieval Warm Period.
Since that early century warming, temperatures have risen well - beyond those achieved during the Medieval Warm Period across most of the globe.
Figure 1 is a map showing reconstructions of temperature anomalies during the Medieval Warm Period.
Current temperatures are hotter than at any time in the past 1,400 years, including during the Medieval Warm Period (Figure 5).
But the central result of the paper is the regional temperature pattern during the Medieval Warm Period.
Also can you show me the link that you say explains that sea levels were higher during medieval warm period?
The scientific foundation of global warming theory contains much more than a few tree - rings and the temperature during the Medieval Warm Period.
In his seminal 1982 book Climate, History, and the Modern World, the renown climatologist Dr. H.H. Lamb revealed that sea ice in the subarctic and Arctic regions was much less extensive during the Medieval Warm Period (9th - 13th centuries) compared to today.
JC note: TonyB et al, please let me know if you have any information / references on sea levels during the medieval warm period
But the uppermost fossils appear to be of algae that lived in the past 1000 years, perhaps during the Medieval warm period that stretched from about AD 800 to AD 1200; the other fossils come from the past 7000 years, when it was sometimes warmer than today.
During the Little Ice Age there was a discernible warm period and during the Medieval Warm Period there was a cool period.
This is pretty much what occured in Europe and North America during the Medieval Warm Period.
Since that early century warming, temperatures have risen well - beyond those achieved during the Medieval Warm Period across most of the Globe.
The blue mussel, Mytilus edulis, returned to Svalbard in 2004 following recent warming, and after almost 4000 years of absence, excluding a short re-appearance during the Medieval Warm Period 900 years ago.
Each has been used in a unique peer reviewed study confirming that the Arctic polar regions during the Medieval Warming Period (MWP) were warmer than the modern era.
At the 29:50 mark we see that «three quarters of Germany's cities were created during the Medieval Warm Period».
A new paper Global Signatures and Dynamical Origins of the Little Ice Age and Medieval Climate Anomaly (Mann et al 2009)(see here for press release) addresses this question, focusing on regional temperature change during the Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age.
That assumption conflicts with studies finding that the Northern Hemisphere was warmer than present for several decades during the Medieval Warm Period and Roman Warm Period and for thousands of years during Holocene Optimum.
The correlation of summer precipitation in the Southwestern U.S.A. with isotopic records of solar activity during the medieval warm period.
Polar bears for example survived just fine during the medieval warm period A couple of questions for you.
Even the infamous Prof Jones at the even more infamous University of East Anglia has acknowledged in an interview with the BBC that: 1) there has been no increase in global temperature over the last decade, despite all that «dangerous» human - produced CO2; 2) global temperatures were probably higher during the Medieval Warm Period than they are today, even though that was before all the «evil» human - produced CO2.
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