Sentences with phrase «during the past decade in»

(We saw this most obviously during the past decade in China, peripheral Europe, and the United States.)
Although progress has been made during the past decade in the diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer's disease, there is still no cure.
There is considerable evidence that during the past decade in Texas the needs of minority students have received increased attention as a result of an accountability system that demands that a school show not only overall progress, but also progress among its most disadvantaged charges.
The Baltimore Museum of Art's (BMA) enormously successful Campaign for Art has secured more than 3,500 objects during the past decade in honor of the museum's 100th anniversary in 2014.

Not exact matches

Hyundai and Kia both increased their shares of the U.S. new - vehicle market in the past decade, particularly during the economic downturn of 2008 to 2010 when consumers sought out fuel - efficient and relatively low - priced vehicles.
«State government revenue has grown far more sensitive to economic conditions during the past decade,» Mattoon and another Chicago Fed economist noted in a 2009 report.
While immigrant - led entrepreneur activity peaked in 2010 during the economic slowdown and has since fallen to 0.43 percent, activity among native - born entrepreneurs essentially has been flat at 0.3 percent or below during the past decade.
This was partly because low coffee prices prevailing during the past decade encouraged under - investment in infrastructure.
During the past two decades, Maitland, now 71, who generally takes four or five vacations a year, has flown in a hot - air balloon over the Swiss Alps, ridden a camel by the Great Pyramid in Egypt, seen India from atop an elephant, and taken in Bangladesh while floating down the Ganges aboard a barge.
During the past two decades, he has served in a series of senior policy positions in Washington, D.C., including the 71st Secretary of the Treasury for President Clinton, Director of the National Economic Council for President Obama and Vice President of Development Economics and Chief Economist of the World Bank.
Financial repression has been the main explanation for the enormous misallocation of capital spending we have seen in China during the past decade.
The reason for this very difficult tradeoff is that economic activity in China has become during the past two decades overly reliant on unsustainably large increases in debt, and any moderation in credit growth will very rapidly cause unemployment to surge.
For instance, during the third quarter of fiscal 2014, as we were constructing our first Shack in Chicago, we unveiled six interactive life - size sliding puzzles with illustrated pieces that celebrate Chicago landmarks, while revealing the burgers, hot dogs and frozen custards that Shake Shack guests have enjoyed over the past decade.
A real - world illustration: In 2014, the insurance industry began approaching a period during which the bonds bought many years, even decades, in the past were coming up for maturitIn 2014, the insurance industry began approaching a period during which the bonds bought many years, even decades, in the past were coming up for maturitin the past were coming up for maturity.
In September, a representative with Vancouver - based Teck Resources Ltd. told the House transportation committee that «rail service failures» had cost the company anywhere between $ 50 million and $ 200 million over 18 - month periods during the past decade.
Yet on the whole, given their positive experience both with receiving more income than they could get from the fixed - income sector in recent years and the potential for capital appreciation over the long haul, dividend stocks and the ETFs that own them have demonstrated their long - term value to the investors who've gravitated toward them during the low - rate environment of the past decade.
Flows into bond funds in the past decade have already exceeded flows into equity funds during the Internet bubble, he adds.
Forecasters tended to overestimate the drag from federal budgets deficits during the late 1980s, the banking crisis in the early 1990s, and most of the subsequent crises that we faced during the past two decades.
As a result of what happened during just one of the past twenty decades (the 1970s), most people now believe that a large rise in «price inflation» or inflation expectations is needed to bring about a major rally in the gold price.
Nevertheless, banks» standard variable home loan interest rates remain slightly below their average of the past decade, reflecting some compression in margins during this period.
During the past three decades we have seen a growth in customer and buyer - centric thinking however buyer behavior analysis remained somewhat a small component of marketing and sales thinking as well as planning.
During the past three decades, a vision of the federal judiciary as the moral tutor appointed for a recalcitrant society has become dominant in the American legal academy and increasingly within the courts themselves.
The numbers seem to suggest a decline in white Christianity across the board during the past decade.
During the past few decades, our culture has become increasingly invested in avoiding the reality of losing.
Werner Mark Linz, president of Seabury Press, identifies the challenge: «The center of serious religious thought seemed to collapse during the past decade, and nothing may be more important in the long run than rebuilding it.
A change in emphasis has occurred in Mormonism during the past few decades.
There are signs that during the past decade the New Breed has been influential in campus and experimental ministries and even in administrative positions within the churches, but our data suggest they have had little success at the parish level, where most clergymen are and where most communication between the clergy and the laity takes place.
An obvious change in the study of religious ethics during the past couple of decades is its drift from its traditional moorings in the study of theology.
Then social conflicts can arise, as in many parts of the third world during the past two or three decades.
China does not have same democratic freedoms as understood in the Western tradition, but the one fifth of the human race in China have realized a considerable improvement of their overall human condition during the past few decades, with changes within their «socialism with Chinese characteristics».
In general, American process theology is consciously dependent upon the process philosophy of either Whitehead or Hartshorne or both; and Hartshorne deserves a large amount of credit for doggedly advocating Whiteheadian - Hartshornian process philosophy during the past four decades when such advocacy was not popular among either philosophers or theologians.
The openly conservative Sinarquista party («without anarchy») flourished briefly in the lg4os, and the second largest political party during the past several decades (PAN) is generally recognized as a «Christian Democratic» party.
As the new literature about «theological education» began to grow during the past decade it quickly became clear [l] that for some participants the central issue facing «theological education» is the fragmentation of its course of study and the need to reconceive it so as to recover its unity, whereas for others the central issue is «theological education's» inadequacy to the pluralism of social and cultural locations in which the Christian thing is understood and lived.
«During the past decade the number of high school youth in our congregations increased fivefold, and the number of young adults increased sixfold,» said Buehrens, who this fall is a visiting professor at the UUA's Starr King School for the Ministry in Berkeley.
The Faith Alive group in Southampton has in the past decade initiated Alpha courses, an ecumenical programme sharing ideas about leadership, formation and outreach methods with other denominations, a city guildhall event with a Catholic inspirational speaker and prayer teams, a city mission, an introductory programme for «new seekers», that is people interested in the Church and who might wish to continue with the RCIA, displays outside a church on a main road and a manned gazebo to provide information and resources to passers - by during the papal visit, and the Anchor catecheticscourse making use of the «way of beauty» for evangelising parishioners, seen as a primary target.
During the past couple of decades, however, philosophy of religion and philosophical theology have experienced a rebirth in the British Isles and North America.
I have retraced and reviewed these conversations, and attempted to assess their contribution to our contemporary understanding of process metaphysics, in a number of other works (e.g., The Rehabilitation of Whitehead, «The Compositional History of Whitehead's Writings,» «Outside the Camp: Recent Work in Whitehead's Philosophy»), which help contextualize historically the many contributions Ford has made in over 100 scholarly articles published during the past three decades.
From the Federal Council of Churches to the Consultation on Church Union (COCU), they have involved themselves in ecumenical relationships; with a restructure of polity during the past decade, they have amplified the connectional dimension of a traditionally congregational ecclesiology.
During the past two decades there has been a steady increase in America's support for the right of persons with incurable diseases to end their own lives.
It was remarkable because, although he died in 1947, Whitehead was only a few cards in the library catalogue until, during the past decade and continuing into the present, literally shelves of books have been written explaining his thought, interpreting it, and applying it to a variety of areas.
This is the least understood, yet potentially the most important form of cultural imperialism.7 During the past four decades, communication has become increasingly a central component in all industries.
To put recent trends in even sharper relief, 205 abortion restrictions were enacted over the past three years (2011 — 2013), but just 189 were enacted during the entire previous decade (2001 — 2010).
During the past decade, ICPF has donated or placed over $ 11.5 million in corrugated equipment (CAD systems, sample tables, testing systems, presses, rotary die cutters, stackers, dryers and related equipment) and other resources to advance college and university curricula to better prepare those students planning to enter the corrugated industry.
During the past decade, there has been a 40 % increase in marathon finishers, 66 % increase in cycling race participation and a 714 % increase in triathlon participation.
Yet during the past few decades, there has been a steady and rapid decline in the practice of nose - to - tail eating.
«During the past four decades, significant progress in rice research has taken place, where IRRI played a great role not only in supporting the development of new varieties but also by advancing knowledge.»
This book centers around the structural and economic changes in rice farming that have occurred in the Philippines during the past five decades.
During the past decade, the recovery rate for old corrugated containers continued to climb, reaching a remarkable 91 percent in 2012.
With the advent of germplasm collecting programs during the past three decades, and concomitant improvement in herbarium collections we have come to better understand the nature of variation in the genus Capsicum.
During the past two decades, large numbers of Koreans have emigrated to the United States, many of them settling in Texas cities such as Dallas and Houston.
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