Sentences with phrase «during the past decade there»

The misunderstanding stems from data showing that during the past decade there was a slowing in the rate at which the earth's average surface temperature had been increasing.
During the past decade there has been a proliferation of cultural practitioners interrogating the global politics and ethics of food production, distribution and consumption.

Not exact matches

Of course, there have been several rallies during the past few decades.
 There have been increases during recessions but otherwise the trend has been steeply down over the past two decades.
There are signs that during the past decade the New Breed has been influential in campus and experimental ministries and even in administrative positions within the churches, but our data suggest they have had little success at the parish level, where most clergymen are and where most communication between the clergy and the laity takes place.
During the past several decades there has probably been more writing on the problem of evil...
There is a suggestion that the past decade or more was a period during which the proclamation of the word was insufficiently emphasized.
He refers to Mao's writings, cites various Happy Workers, and concludes: «There is no doubt that socialist motivations, as opposed to individualist perspectives, have produced an impressive record of social and economic growth during the past two decades
During the past two decades there has been a steady increase in America's support for the right of persons with incurable diseases to end their own lives.
Increasingly during the past two decades one could also have heard complaints that there are insufficient numbers of women and persons of color within the student body and faculty, that the school is insufficiently «pluralistic.»
During the past decade, there has been a 40 % increase in marathon finishers, 66 % increase in cycling race participation and a 714 % increase in triathlon participation.
Yet during the past few decades, there has been a steady and rapid decline in the practice of nose - to - tail eating.
To name a few additional struggles: we have to compete with the richest league in the world where every team has money and isn't begging for transfers of their best players to fund themselves (8/20 of the highest valued teams), we have a poor injury record that is being addressed, we have far fewer homegrown talents in our league, the overall league quality is higher even if the highest teams are not of the quality of other top teams, selling of our best players during the past decade has lead to a lack of momentum and yes, there has been times where our manager got it wrong.
But there's no doubt that Stern played a massive role in the NBA's growth during the past few decades, and he'll be remembered as one of the best commissioners in sports history.
And he admits that previous administrations, during the past few decades have dropped the ball on protecting the state's most vulnerable people, saying there was government «atrophy and apathy» and dysfunction.
Although progress has been made during the past decade in the diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer's disease, there is still no cure.
In the past decade an overwhelming consensus has emerged that modern human anatomy and behavior first appeared in Africa sometime during the past 600,000 years, and spread from there to the rest of the world.
We then examine climate impacts during the past few decades of global warming and in paleoclimate records including the Eemian period, concluding that there are already clear indications of undesirable impacts at the current level of warming and that 2 °C warming would have major deleterious consequences.
And the pills popularity seems to be ageless: There was also a 50 percent increase in use among all adults under 45 during the past decade.
There is considerable evidence that during the past decade in Texas the needs of minority students have received increased attention as a result of an accountability system that demands that a school show not only overall progress, but also progress among its most disadvantaged charges.
During the past decade, there has been a growing interest in better understanding what constitutes teacher effectiveness.
While there always have been inequalities among the nation's public schools, the gap in spending between public schools in the poorest and most - affluent communities has grown during the past decade.
The Middle School Movement... Thirty and Counting During the past three decades, writes middle grades reformer Hayes Mizell, «there has been a lot of loose talk about middle schools being «student - centered.»
To get there, he begins by noting the «stunning» and ongoing «shift from active to passive investment management» may be «the biggest story in the finance industry during the past decade
Thus it appears that, provided further satellite cloud data confirms the cosmic ray flux low cloud seeding hypothesis, and no other factors were involved over the past 150 years (e.g., variability of other cloud layers) then there is a potential for solar activity induced changes in cloudiness and irradiance to account for a significant part of the global warming experienced during the 20th century, with the possible exception of the last two decades.
Furthermore there is no sign of any flattening in that data during the past decade.
We then examine climate impacts during the past few decades of global warming and in paleoclimate records including the Eemian period, concluding that there are already clear indications of undesirable impacts at the current level of warming and that 2 °C warming would have major deleterious consequences.
Second, there is a lot of bad news: Several effects of climate disruption have accelerated during the past decade, such as the loss of Arctic sea ice, the melting of big glaciers and the rise of sea levels.
Along with an annual - mean trend during the past 50 years of about 0.1 °C / decade averaged over Antarctica, there is a distinct seasonality to the trends, with insignificant change (and even some cooling) in austral summer and autumn in East Antarctica, contrasting with warming in austral winter and spring.
Marks said that 48 - hour track forecast errors today are the same as 24 - hour track forecast errors 10 years ago, whereas there has only been slight improvement in 48 - hour intensity forecasts during the past two decades.
There is a solid body of research now showing that any apparent slow - down of warming during the past decade was likely due to natural short - term factors (like small changes in solar output and volcanic activity) and internal fluctuations related to e.g. the El Niño phenomenon.
Monaghan et al. further note «recent literature suggests there has been little overall change in Antarctic near - surface temperature during the past 5 decades» and «the absence of widespread Antarctic temperature increases is consistent with studies showing little overall change in other Antarctic climate indicators during the past 50 years such as sea ice area and snowfall.»
University of Michigan researchers asked about 1,000 people [PDF] this past fall whether there is solid evidence that the world has been warming during the past four decades, and 67 percent said «yes.»
There is virtually no controversy among climate scientists and meteorologists that massive changes have occurred in the Arctic environment during the past three decades, and that those changes are largely due to manmade greenhouse gas emissions.
Through the ebb and flow of the modern prefab movement during the past decade, there have been vaporware prefabs, zombie prefabs, and dead prefabs.
Similarly analysts at the State Smart Transportation Institute argued that: «There is no clear evidence that fuel prices have distinctly influenced driver behavior during the past decade»
During the past half - decade, more than three - quarters of a billion dollars has been pumped into U.S. - based «legal tech,» and there's no sign of a let - up.
During the past two decades, there has been an increased community awareness of domestic violence and its significant consequences.
Whereas there is a relative abundance of research on adolescent health and well - being, and, especially during the past decades, on the «importance of the early years», there has been a relative lack of research on children's developmental health and well - being during middle childhood.
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