Sentences with phrase «during the planning phase»

For teachers, this occurs during the planning phase of instruction.
While teachers typically decide on their main mode of delivery during the planning phase, they will not actually implement these methods until they are face - to - face with their class.
Local authorities had warned about such dangers during the planning phase but were overruled.
Mainly a brand should consider the following during the planning phase: make sure their targeted audience is smartphone equipped, always create a user - centric experience by thoroughly going over how the user uses the application and making sure the typical user journeys are simple and flawless.
Promotion is a critical part of a content blueprint and something marketers should think about at great length during their planning phase.
But when influencers are intelligently researched, qualified and engaged during the planning phases of a content marketing program, the benefits of the collaboration can include improved content in a variety of ways:
Stark's experience varies from supervising 11 operations and air traffic personnel while providing oversight of all manned and unmanned air operations operating in installation air space supporting 19,000 personnel to providing recommendations and technical advice to an allied nation Air Force during the planning phase of $ 25 million airfield upgrades.
Mandy said, «The hardest thing to contend with during the planning phase was the 1,000 - metre depth horizon.
The BarCamp Philly organizers were unbelievably supportive and helpful during our planning phase.
To ensure that the learning objectives are achieved, an eLearning course requires extra attention during the planning phase of the eLearning Project.
By clarifying and incorporating teachers» individual beliefs, values, and priorities during the planning phase, Collaborative Lesson Study circumvents a common roadblock toward improvement (Lewis, Perry, & Murata, 2006).
I was a biological technician (bears) at Brooks Camp for 11 seasons including during the planning phase of the elevated bridge.
Finding cheap accommodation through AirBnB and cheap flights through SkyScanner might not be enough, and so budgeting during your trip is just as important as making sure you are saving money during the planning phase.
Selecting a soldier to command during the planning phase of a round gives you many options.
During your planning phase look at how you might circle the wagons around a specific industry or sector.
The need for travel insurance often falls to the wayside during this planning phase, left as an afterthought.
Recognized for ability to spot performance inefficiencies during planning phase that allow for faster project completion times and decreased need for re-engineering during development and implementation.
Requirements Analysts interview the future users of a system during the planning phase of a software development project in order to understand what the software should be able to do in order to meet the needs of the customer.
The training modules were shaped by the input of a workgroup made up of foster and adoptive parents and from focus groups with foster and adoptive parents that were conducted during the planning phase of the project.
This entire space was custom built for our clients and we got to get involved during the planning phase and then once the home was ready for them to move in we spent a few sessions at their previous home purging and packing up... Keep Reading >>
It was during the planning phase of that project and I wanted the staff to take charge of the new title,» explained Kojima.
During the planning phase, each program goes through a brainstorm process with the manager of digital learning to investigate innovative ways in which technology can support learning goals or create efficiencies for staff.
Only in this way, designers and engineers can evaluate the design and the product features in an early stage and optimize it during the planning phase.
«During the planning phase, we go over the lessons with the mentors with regard to goals and objectives, but it is up to them to determine how they will present the material.»
During your planning phase you should strategize how to ensure you can build the momentum you need.
During the planning phase we were told the villa had 2 master bedrooms and the web site also lead us to believe this.
During the planning phase, we knew the fireplace needed to stay in the same spot, but when our client wanted to fit a piano in the space we were nervous!
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