Sentences with phrase «during the week»

I wonder with only manipulating insulin on the weekends, if there is any loss of benefit during the week of not having insulin driving amino acids into the muscle cells.
Participating bloggers can add their link any time during the week of the party.
I also make time during the week for different types of batch cooking to ensure I have what I need to make the meals.
You will need a couple of appointments during a week in the last weeks of pregnancy.
But circumstances are now calling for 10 - hour days during the week with periodic working over the weekends.
For example, the decree may state that you can spend one evening during the week with your child and have overnight visits during the weekend, certain holidays and on special occasions.
It is perfect for taking with me to work during the week for lunch.
Others choose two days during the week when they're going to indulge, based on their social plans.
One simple craft we did during the week involved making pet rocks!
Do you think we have some things to learn from the French way they encourage taste during this week at school?
Make sure to pack a few with your lunches during the week so you can enjoy for your afternoon snack.
I generally do very little after my work day during the week so I can get caught up on the alone time I require.
The fee includes phone time during the week as needed.
When I looked at all the materials that came in during the week before, I couldn't envision getting this job done in just a few hours.
... rain means green grass, but what a pity if it happens during the week end!
Participants also completed a 55 - question survey of their Internet use during the week leading up to their physical exam.
Since it uses mayo rather than fresh eggs, I make up enough of the dressing to last through a couple of meals during the week.
We have a CC right near us, and I go during the week as the weekend can be madness!
You may only take advantage of open studio hours during the weeks in which your class is in session; please plan to finish all projects by the last day of class.
There are evenings during the week when you just fancy something a bit more special.
I'm still breastfeeding her at night during the week, mornings, and nights on the weekends.
This infographic will help you navigate the free events happening during the week so you can squeeze the most networking into your trade show experience.
An easy meal to make during the week after work.
Love love love that the toddler room is being used during the week.
He helps out with dinner during the week fairly often and if we haven't planned ahead, we know we can make tacos because we always have everything we need in the house.
You will be very busy during the week with most new jobs anyway.
Active brain growth is also taking place during this week.
You will be given the tools to train your dog at your home during the week between classes.
If there's one thing that helps me eat well during the week it's making a big beautiful salad.
We recommend bringing two to three swim suits, as you'll want to switch it up every couple days during a week long stay.
Most recipe books that I buy I am only able to approach on the weekends, but yours fit into my schedule during the week as well, which means a lot.
I am done with working so hard during the week only to erase all the good with bad habits.
Especially during the week where my 10 hour days and 2 hours of commuting leave little time and energy for anything.
This schedule shows an overnight visit during the week for the parent who has less time.
Growing up it was rare to have him around the house during the week because of the hours he was putting in managing the factory.
Families are asked to practice or prepare to learn new skills during the week between group sessions by completing various activities.
Apparently, they are operating under the impression that teachers have not thought about school during the weeks of summer vacation.
The location will also act as a hub for other events during the week.
Plus, there might be times during the week where I go out for dinner and I can not really enjoy the meal because there are no healthy options I like eating.
In our recent reader survey, we found that most of our readers practice two or more activities during the week.
Often held during the week, conferences can last three, four, or even five days.
Apparently he did not get a return phone call during that week!
Each camp session will be held daily during that week from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m..
I'm lucky if I put real clothes on once during the week and then I normally make up for it on the weekends.
All of this comes together in a plan that has you doing a long run on the weekend and at least one track workout during the week.
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