Sentences with phrase «during their cycle phases»

However, it would be inaccurate to say that only definition exercises are what you need to perform during the cycling phase.

Not exact matches

As CNBC anchor Becky Quick pointed out this morning during their segment in which I joined, we may be entering that phase of the cycle where good news on Main St. is bad news on Wall St.. That is, accelerating wage growth may lead the Federal Reserve to tighten faster, slowing overall growth more than currently expected.
This is equivalent to saying that the most expansionary setting reached during the downward phase of the interest rate cycle should be maintained until such time as a move to a clearly restrictive setting is required, and only then should a move be made.
As more consumer and B2B buyers participate on the social web during the discovery and consideration phases of the buying cycle, sales people can monitor for comments and conversations that indicate engagement opportunities.
The gold market is generally weak relative to the industrial metals markets during the boom phase of the inflation - fueled, central - bank - sponsored boom / bust cycle and strong relative to the industrial metals markets during the bust phase of the cycle.
But even during this decade of underperformance, Japan has gone through cyclical fluctuations around that trend, and it is at least clear that they are in the upward phase of one of these cycles at the moment.
Rearfoot and Forefoot Gel ® technology cushioning systems: Attenuates shock during impact and toe - off phases, and allows movement in multiple planes as the foot transitions through the gait cycle
Nightmares happen during the REM cycle of sleep, whereas night terrors occur during a phase of sleep when dreaming does not occur.
Vitex does not contain any hormone in itself but it helps the body in increasing the production of luteinizing hormone which boosts the production of progesterone levels during the luteal phase of the ovulation cycle.
He then talks with patients so they can make an informed decision about which embryo to choose during the embryo transfer phase, the final stage of the IVF procedure, in a subsequent frozen cycle.
If your menstrual cycle is regular, and you chart your basal body temperature (BBT) every month, then you may notice an implantation dip (or a drop in temperature) during your luteal phase (about one week after ovulation).
During the warm phase of the cycle (coincident with the 1938 hurricane, the flurry of storms in the 1950s and Hurricane Donna), there is an increased chance that weak storms will evolve into more intense hurricane systems.
The birds likely benefit when milder temperatures and more rain during the warm phases of the climate cycles make food more abundant in their winter quarters, Nott says.
The team was also able to discern that auroras were more prevalent in the maximal phase of solar cycles rather than the minimum, and that during the sun's least active cycle (1010 - 1050) no auroras were observed.
There are as many as 14, but the scientists found that cyclin D adds just a single phosphate at one, and only one, of the 14 locations during the early G1 phase of cell cycle progression, essentially make 14 different versions of the Rb tumor suppressor.
Women in the early phases of menopause are more likely to have trouble sleeping during certain points in the menstrual cycle, according to a new study published in the Endocrine Society's Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.
These are other proteins that are periodically formed and again broken down during the various phases of the cell cycle.
«Whereas the avian annual cycle may be synchronized to segregate the major energy - demanding functions of molt, migration and reproduction, we recognize that events during any one phase of the annual cycle have repercussions across the entire annual cycle,» adds Frank Moore of the University of Southern Mississippi, the ornithologist who first outlined the two hypotheses.
Quasars constitute a brief phase in the galactic life - cycle, during which they shine as the most luminous objects in the Universe, powered by the infall of matter onto a supermassive black hole.
In this new study, licensing refers to origin licensing, the process of helicase loading onto DNA for genome duplication purposes during the G1 phase of the cell cycle.
According to Wikipedia, old pores are disassembled and assembled during different phases of the cell cycle.
SOHO is observing these events during the current minimum phase of the sun's 11 - year activity cycle.
While during S phase the cell automatically suppresses Cyclin D1 formation because it has the ability to inhibit DNA synthesis which may block the cycle progression and lead to the cell - arrest in this position [9].
Linkage on cp26 of a gene such as ospC, which is needed only during a brief phase of the infectious cycle, with a gene encoding a presumably essential housekeeping function, such as telomere resolution, assures retention of a critical trait during extended periods in which it confers no selective advantage.
Fluorescence was acquired in each cycle to determine the threshold cycle, or the cycle during the log - linear phase of the reaction wherein the fluorescence increased above background for each sample.
We might shift slightly during sleep — say, when an arm becomes numb — without even realizing it, probably around the time in each sleep cycle when we exit deep REM sleep and enter the lightest phase of sleep, Dr. Paruthi says.
During the next two weeks (the second half of your cycle is the luteal phase) you are less insulin - sensitive so you can't tolerate carbs as well.
Also, some women experience spotting during the most fertile phase of their cycle and mistake it for their period.
I also recommend eating certain greens during each phase of your cycle.
The cervix remains closed and everted during the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle, however, during ovulation the cervix perks up into an erect position and opens slightly.
After ovulation, the vaginal readings will typically remain high, reflecting the high levels of progesterone that are present during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle.
Natural progesterone is a hormone normally produced by a woman's ovaries around the middle of her menstrual cycle, or during the luteal phase.
Try seed cycling — this is a technique that helps to naturally rebalance estrogen and progesterone levels with the use of various seeds during the two phases of your menstrual cycle.
Seed cycling is a technique that helps your body naturally re-balance it's hormone levels (namely estrogen and progesterone) by including different seeds (flax, pumpkin, sesame and sunflower) during the two different phases of your menstrual cycle.
In women on BHRT, the 24 - Hour Urine sample should be collected during the Luteal phase (days 19 - 21 of the hormone replacement cycle).
Many women will notice changes in digestive function, bloating and other areas during different phases of their hormonal cycle and lives.
The bitter components in yellow dock can also be a very useful ally for naturally balancing hormones by supporting the elimination of excess estrogen during the luteal and menstrual phases of our monthly cycles.
Even though the length of a woman's menstrual cycle can vary from cycle to cycle, the variation occurs during the period of time before ovulation (the pre-ovulatory or folicular phase of the menstrual cycle).
During the second phase, progesterone is dominant and necessary to support body in the second part of the cycle.
During this phase of the cycle which is called the follicular stage, the hormone estrogen dominates.
The follicular phase comes next and is usually during days six through 14 of your cycle.
Female athletes need to be particularly aware of the balancing act of maintaining blood volume during exercise without inducing swelling of the joints, sausage fingers and toes etc. and with just the right amount of Salt especially during the mid-luteal and menses phases of their cycle.
These fluctuations may warrant consideration when dealing with both fasting and dieting as evidence from human studies indicate that food intake fluctuates during the menstrual cycle; it is lower in the periovulatory phase and greater in the early follicular and luteal phases.
(For female athletes, it's also useful to consider where she is in her menstrual cycle, as there are benefits to lower carb eating during the luteal phase for fat burning.
Dr. Brent Ruby was the senior author on a study demonstrating that carbohydrate utilization is decreased and fat oxidation is increased during exercise when women are in the luteal phase of their cycle (1).
The exact foods you need to eat during your follicular, ovulatory, luteal and menstrual phase of your cycle
This phase of the recovery cycle is ignored at great peril to your gains; if the muscle fails to receive additional stimulus during this time, overcompensation gives way to «involution,» which is basically a return to normal.
Perfusion also changes in relation to the menstrual cycle: it is higher in the fertile days and lower during the luteal phase.
Estrogen helps produce cervical mucus during the first phase of a monthly cycle.
The stretch - shortening cycle is simply the time it takes your muscle to transition from an «eccentric» phase, in which a muscle is lengthening (such as when your foot lands during running), to a «concentric» phase, in which the muscle is contracting (such as when your foot pushes back off the ground).
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