Sentences with phrase «during turkey day»

You may have seen these images on instagram during turkey day.

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During holiday meal preparations, the sauce is started before any of the other dishes, being stirred all day while the turkey roasts and the lasagna bakes.
Canadian turkey is the perfect ingredient for many of your everyday meals, and you can also count on leftovers to make some healthy and quick dishes during those busy days when you have your hands full.
We treated her with Pancur for 5 days and she had VERY loose watery stools during that time and for a couple more weeks after, we decided to switch her to raw diet cold turkey and the runny poop continued.
He was developed initially as the ideal dog for hunting wild turkeys in the Wateree River Swamp during the early 1900s and now beautifully adapts to the dove fields, the duck marshes and the homefires of his modern - day masters.
The animals are an homage to the life around us we momentarily notice during our days, and nights — Bees in the Bee Balm, wild turkeys in step strutting through the yard, noisy Blue jays, cicadas» syncopated rhythm reminding us this is late summer.
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