Sentences with phrase «dust near the sun»

To make the modeled zodiacal cloud as dense as the real one, the dust had to come from comets falling apart, not just those shedding dust near the sun, the team reports in the 20 April issue of The Astrophysical Journal.

Not exact matches

Ice gives comets their characteristic tails: As a comet passes near the sun, the heat warms the ice, causing it to sublimate, releasing gas and dust.
Unlike the Solar System where most of the gravitational pull comes from the Sun and is simple to model, it is much harder to describe the gravitational field near the centre of the Galaxy, where millions of stars, vast clouds of dust, and even dark matter swirl about.
As comets near the sun, they start to melt, releasing a tail of dust and gas that stretches out a pretty long way, sometimes hundreds of miles.
The best - observed dust clouds near the Sun have masses of several hundred solar masses and sizes ranging from a maximum of about 200 light - years to a fraction of a light - year.
Along with intense neon and psychedelic colours that could cause near fits of epilepsy, WE ARE DOOMED may require you to dust off those eclipse sun visors you hid away.
Doesn't mean I think we're done or that sun science is anywhere near «settled» nor does it mean I accept cosmic pixie dust as causal though it does mean I think «the sun did it» is stronger than AGW computer fantasies.
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