Sentences with phrase «dust swirling»

At 6.4, our ancestors were just dust swirling around in space, fragments of a star that had exploded.
There is dust swirling around, as well as larger elements, in a flurry that gains realism through its depth of field.
Such feelings can come from small things; in a fey vision of fairy dust swirling in marble moonbeams, or at the end of an epic where a wave of emotion washes over you, sweeping away the mundane world for a moment.
Rays of sunlight shoot through the windows of the LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts, illuminating specks of dust swirling in the spacious, high - ceilinged office of Laura Marks.
Even at the film's beginning, Anarene, Texas (filming actually took place in Archer City) is already much like a ghost town or graveyard, with constant wind and dust swirling on the empty streets and into the nearly empty small business establishments.
Because the film is told — in narration and in its cinematography — from the point of view of Ma's five - year - old son Jack (Jacob Tremblay), who has lived his whole life within the space, Abrahamson was able to focus his lens on the minutiae that feed a child's imagination: dust swirling in sunlight, eggs being cracked into a bowl, the novelty of a rat skittering across the floor.
The keen vision of NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has detected a mysterious gap in a vast protoplanetary disk of gas and dust swirling around the nearby star TW Hydrae, located 176 light - years away in the constellation Hydra (the Sea Serpent).
Sage also knew that dust swirling that near the star would absorb so much heat over those millions of years that the dust would vaporize into the vacuum of space, so no planet would form, especially a Jupiter - size planet.15
That past began 4.56 billion years ago, when the first solids cooled and congealed from the hot gas and dust swirling in the newborn solar nebula.
Okin points to dust swirling around a new housing development.
Forest thinks the machine is on the verge of mimicking astrophysical phenomena such as accretion disks of gas and dust swirling into a black hole.
Quasars are bright disks of gas and dust swirling around supermassive black holes.
Dust swirls at our feet as we walk row after row at the sweltering Canton, Texas, flea market, visiting shacks and stalls and little trailers where scores of people — ranging from families to professional breeders who've traveled hundreds of miles — are selling dogs.
As the stadium fell, a cloud of dust swirled up from the debris.

Not exact matches

Video from the minaret shows a bright blast and a swirl of dust.
It is true that the cosmos was at one point a swirling mass of gas and dust out of which has come the extraordinary complexity of life as we experience it.
The sun is coming through the windows and dust is swirling like fairies in the light.
After the years of tear - drying and tissue - passing, the closed - door conferences above reproach and beyond remembrance, he packs files of sermons, reread books, thank - you notes and complaints, receipts from now - broken air conditioners that can't cool this fear that swirls up the unexpected dust of the lives he thought he saved.
Or swirl on fudge icing and plunk a chocolate cherry heart in the middle and dust with confectioners» sugar.
Cream room temperature butter and brown sugar together for 5 — 8 minutes / Add egg & milk mixture (w / extracts) a little at a time until fully incorporated / By hand or with mixer on lowest speed, alternately add flour and buttermilk until just incorporated — don't overmix at this point for the tenderest cake / By hand gently stir in 2 — 3 cups of rhubarb sauce so that it swirls through the batter / Place in a 9 - inch square or 10 - inch round pan coated with just a little butter and flour / Sprinkle evenly with chopped almonds (or, use local hazelnuts instead, or omit the nuts) / Bake at 325º for about an hour, until skewer comes out clean when tested / Macrina Bakery dusts the cake with powdered sugar and coarsely chopped almonds / Cake is tender until completely cooled so handle with care.
But for now, it looks like I will only have to imagine the swirl of colors, naans, dust, spices, curries, mukhwas (seed mixtures), animals, chutneys, music, and fiery chiles that all come together in that fascinating country.
All this is another way of saying that my Sunday plans got buried somewhere under a bowl of rich chocolate cupcake batter, rosy swirls of strawberry frosting, and a heavy dusting of cloudy - white confectioner's sugar covering my kitchen like sweet snow.
Vet checkpoint No. 2 is swirling under steady explosions of dust; it's up there at 6,600 feet, at an intersection of trails high in the forest.
On the second day a 20 - mph wind snapped around the course to push shots in all directions and raise up great swirls of gray - white dust far out in the surrounding desert.
And when a draft comes through they swirl around and create a dust image of Derrick Rose.
The Mommy Vortex describes the tornado - like whirlwind that sucks moms - to - be up into the world of Babyland, in contrast to the dust devil swirling around dads - to - be.
This is where warm dust is very bright, and the swirling pattern you see is from all that dust.
Our black hole's violent meeting with G2 began last year, and as it continues, it should give astronomers a chance to peer inside the galactic center — the neighborhood around the black hole — rather than just simulate the swirling disc of gas and dust surrounding it.
Months later, the evidence crumbled: A swirling pattern, seen in light released 380,000 years after the universe's birth, was due to cosmic dust bunnies, not inflation (SN: 2/21/15, p. 13).
Helling used the model to simulate how dust whirls and swirls around in the atmospheres of brown dwarfs: gassy bodies too big and warm to be planets, but too small and cool to be stars.
In the old view, the planets formed in an orderly manner, born from a swirling disk of gas and dust, known as the solar nebula, into stable orbits at their present locations from the sun.
But a new study shows how just a few such monsters should emerge from a swirling protoplanetary disk of gas and dust.
But the material that swirls around them — dust and gas stripped from stars — shines all the way to its inanimate death.
But teasing out this primordial signal is difficult, as swirls in the CMB could also be caused by galactic dust, and confidence had started to wane by the official publication of the BICEP2 results in June.
A beautiful mixture of hot, blue star - forming regions, redder, cooler regions of gas, and dark lanes of opaque dust can be seen, all swirling together around a bright core.
The tiniest contaminant — a speck of dust, a blade of grass — can disrupt a waterslide's flow, touching off larger irregularities that in turn create swirling eddies, and so on.
To see how much dust was swirling around their chosen 30 stars, the HOSTS Survey detected the dust disks using a technique called «Bracewell nulling interferometry,» after Ronald Bracewell, the astronomer who first suggested the method.
Swirling columns of sand and dust, known as dust devils, are a feature of desert areas on Mars and on Earth.
This is a function of the way the planets swirled into existence from the same cloud of dust and gas that gave rise to the sun itself — and is one of the things that got poor Pluto booted from the planet club altogether back in 2006.
Desert soil has a living crust that is essential for fixing nitrogen, a critical plant nutrient, and for avoiding erosion that produces a swirl of itinerant dust.
Unlike the Solar System where most of the gravitational pull comes from the Sun and is simple to model, it is much harder to describe the gravitational field near the centre of the Galaxy, where millions of stars, vast clouds of dust, and even dark matter swirl about.
Then our luck turns — in a tall, filmy, swirling pillar that is either a dust devil or a mirage.
Their constituent gas, dust, and stars are swirling together in a vigorous cosmic blender, igniting newborn stars in bright star formation regions across the galaxy.
Astronomers believe that planets form from disks of dust and gas that swirl around young stars.
But NGC 4696 has sprouted something never seen on another galaxy: a huge swirl of dust that stretches for tens of thousands of light - years and whips back around like a question mark.
The swirling dislodged particles travel upward with the human convection plume, or currents of warmed air that rise around any human body, then get swept into a filter that takes out contaminants like dust, lint, and skin cells.
The collected dust, ranging in size from a few to a few hundred microns, is thought to be a piece of the swirling cloud from which the planets emerged.
Our solar system began as a swirling cloud of dust and gas, the remainders of exploded stars.
On Earth, when wind blows dust off the surface, the swirling particles collide and exchange electric charge.
When dense regions of a cloud collapse, the massive inner part becomes a star while the rest forms a swirling disk of gas and dust that may give rise to planets.
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