Sentences with phrase «duty counsel services»

A second longer - term recommendation to go before the association's board of governors would see the legal aid lawyers in the province withdraw duty counsel services completely.
The Trial Lawyers Association of British Columbia is coordinating a withdrawal of legal aid duty counsel services in support of the campaign to restore Legal Aid funding in the Province of British Columbia.
The TLABC is currently in the middle of a service - withdrawal campaign to highlight legal aid underfunding, with members refusing to perform duty counsel services for the first two weeks of February.
Last November, B.C.'s legal aid lawyers started an escalating job action that saw duty counsel services withdrawn at 50 courthouses for increasingly longer periods over each of the four months.
The lawyer in question was providing duty counsel services through the Sykes Corp., which has a contract with legal aid to assist clients via the Brydges hotline, according to LAO.
LTB offers free, taxpayer - funded duty counsel service to tenants but offers nothing to landlords.
Due to budget constraints, the Legal Education discontinued its «Public Information Seminars», and the Westend / Corrections Project cancelled its Duty Counsel service in the Stony Plain Provincial Court.
You may not qualify for all duty counsel services.
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