Sentences with phrase «duty of government»

The first duty of government is to protect the life, liberty and property of its citizens.
The third and equally important duty of the government is to ensure an equitable distribution of resources and positions.
I want to urge the present administration to be serious with human life as it is the primary duty of any government to provide security for the citizens.
This unprecedented legal effort is called Atmospheric Trust Litigation (ATL) and it is rooted in what is perhaps themost fundamental duty of government.
«The cardinal duty of the government is the protection of lives and property.
«Indeed, every country has its share of idle population, and it is the bounden duty of government at all levels, to create an enabling environment for them to actualize their potentials.
Horace Mann, the great American educator who played such a vital role in helping to establish common schools, once said: «I believe in the existence of a great, immutable principle... the absolute right of every human being that comes into the world to an education; and which, of course, proves the correlative duty of every government to see that the means of that education are provided for all.»
Renewable Energy Act — This Act described duties of the government, business and other users in renewable energy development and utilisation.
Indeed, ITAR invite questions as to the positive duty of the Government of Canada to act to uphold not only constitutionalized rights guaranteed in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, but also, specific provisions of major international instruments in civil, political and human rights which Canada has rafitied since the late 1960s.
With regards to the disagreement over whether the email from the senior employee relates to the duty of care and fiduciary duty of the government, Toronto labour and employment lawyer Shana French of Sherrard Kuzz LLP says that, because of the size of the federal government, it's a bit different than a private employer telling an employee to contact the accounting department.
Adam also approvingly cites from Allan Hutchinson who characterized government lawyers as «the orphans of legal ethics» because so «little energy has been directed towards defining and defending the role and duties of government lawyers
Speaking after the latest threat to the security of the country, newly - appointed prime minister Gordon Brown said: «The first duty of the government is the security and safety of all the British people.
The primary duty of government is to ensure lives and properties and that is why we have to be regularly briefed.
«Some will say this is an old - fashioned view, but I say that giving every child the chance to master the basics and succeed in life is a fundamental duty of any government
It is, therefore, the duty of the government to judge the relative importance of economics and other concerns.
They were not published until 1851 (translated into English under the title «The Sphere and Duties of Government,» 1854) but ever since then they have been regarded as a classical document of liberal German thought.
But it is the duty of government to make difficult choices about priorities and to get maximum value for every pound of taxpayer money it spends.
«The first duty of government is to protect its citizens,» he said, adding: «We will change the law where it helps to fight terrorism.
«Protecting our children is one of the first duties of government and that is why the issue of alleged Islamist extremism in Birmingham schools demands a robust response,» the prime minister said.
Speaking at an event in Nottingham, Mr Cameron said: «The first duty of any government is to keep our country and our people safe.
I believe it is a duty of Government to help and support the next generation who want to live with the dream, and sometimes the nightmare, of running your own business.
Mr Speaker, liberty is the first and founding value of our country and security is the first duty of government.
While emphasising that it is the duty of government to guarantee the welfare and security of all people in its area of jurisdiction, the governor stated that the present administration in the state will do the best with all the resources at its disposal, without fear or favour to guarantee security of lives and property.
«It is the duty of government to guarantee the welfare and security of all people in its area of jurisdiction.
«The first duty of government is the defence of the realm, and our most vital asset in that is our people,» said Dr Fox.
Mr Brown said: «The first duty of the government is the security of the people and as the police and security services have said on so many occasions we face a serious and continuous threat to our country.
«National security is the first duty of government but we are also committed to reversing the substantial erosion of civil liberties,» Ms May said.
«The first duty of any government is to keep our country safe and I firmly believe that leaving the EU would leave our country less secure.
On the idea that the App would help Ghanaians to develop their own unique address code, Mr Mortey said, that itself was a sign of total failure of the government, stating that, «it is the duty of the government to provide address and code to the citizens and not the other way round.»
Surely it is the duty of government to correct both state and market failure.
«As social democrats, the NDC believes that it is the duty of the Government to pull the marginalized, disadvantaged and the poor into the mainstream of the socio - economic order.
We can correct this imbalance by reallocating power and responsibilities between the States and Federal government by amending the list of exclusive and concurrent powers and duties of these governments to reflect current realities in the nation.
The first duty of any government is defence of the Realm and law and order at home.
He said, «I am not saying it is not the duty of the government to protect the interest of its citizens, but they must be careful to get the limitation line between the provisions of the Constitution and the various laws passed by the states.
It is the duty of the government to ensure that Southern Kaduna and other part of the country struggling with herdsman are brought under control.
«The way the Labour leader has answered that question undermines our deterrent and demonstrates that Labour can't be trusted with our national security, which after all is the most important duty of government
It is the duty of the government to ensure that there is protection for lives and property as required by the constitution.
There is however a case for such bans — it rests on the duty of government acting in the name of public health to restrict smoking in order to protect smokers themselves.
It mentions the powers and duties of the government and guarantees rights to the citizens.
The duty of any government is to put the long term financial future of its people first — taking on bank debt was obviously not a contributor to this financial future.
It applies the same values (rights of the individual, duties of the government) to many situations and avoids contradictions that other party leaders espouse (e.g. Republicans supporting small government except in certain military and social situations, or Democrats supporting both equal treatment of all groups and race and college / job applications).
This doctrine holds that it is the duty of government to protect the natural resources that are essential for our collective survival and prosperity.
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