Sentences with phrase «duty police officers»

We offer: Off duty police officers as coaches and driving instructors.
An on - duty police officer who was hit by a car running a red light received full compensation for his loss.
As you stated, it was an off - duty police officer which means she had the training to handle and use that gun effectively and safely.
Our driving academy is owned and operated by an active - duty police officer with 14 years of experience in law enforcement and traffic crash investigation.
It turned out an off duty police officer witnessed a woman back into my parked truck.
There is only so much money so they cut funds that hire off duty police officers.
«Previous Article Off - duty police officer in California pointed a gun at man buying Mentos candy
«It was acknowledged at the time we passed the SAFE Act, that it was not intended to apply to active duty police officers.
In a video for that exhibition, Ligon explains that the testimony of the Harlem Six (half a dozen black youth arrested for murder during the 1964 Harlem race riot that resulted after a white off duty police officer shot and killed a black student.
In the first two weeks of the season, while facing both a five - game suspension for his behavior in the 1990 American League Championship Series and misdemeanor charges stemming from an off - season fight with an off - duty police officer at a Houston nightclub, Boston's Roger Clemens proved he is one focused athlete.
Studied to pursue a law enforcement carrer, talked often to retired and on duty police officers from various departments.
Bratton also addressed a question about a police - involved shooting Sunday night, in which an off - duty police officer fatally shot a driver who, according to the police, began punching the officer through his car window following a traffic dispute.
Bloomberg reports on the case of an off - duty police officer driving his patrol car while on his phone.
He cited the hiring of off - duty police officers as security guards for private companies as a prime example of the ethical conflict of dual employment.
At about 1.15 am on August 19, 1989, Mark MacPhail, an off - duty police officer working as a security guard, attempted to intervene in the pistol - whipping of Young.
Romulo Guerrero of the New York Dominican Officers Organization had 10 other off - duty police officers pushing brooms between W. 175th and W. 178th streets.
A separate march by off - duty police officers opposing cuts to the Home Office's budget will also take place today.
UPPER MANHATTAN — Northern Manhattan elected officials are sounding off after an off - duty police officer accused of raping a woman in Inwood last week said he's being targeted by the District Attorney's office so they can «make an example» out of him.
Off - duty police officer Danny Sullivan comes home from shopping to find a corpse lying on his kitchen floor.
They've even started hiring off - duty police officers during the weekends in order to ensure problems don't spring up.
Also included in the space are life - size Teletubby police figures in SWAT gear, each with a screen in its abdomen playing videos of off - duty police officers reading transcripts of social - media feeds.
In a recent Texas car accident case, an on - duty police officer rear - ended the plaintiff's van.
The crash occurred Oct. 12, 2017, when off - duty police officer Christopher Manuel crashed into the vehicle Stephens was travelling in, killing her child.
Shortly after being seated, the plaintiff noticed that the defendant in this case, an off - duty police officer hired by IHOP to provide security, approached a booth occupied by a group of young women.
State AG Eric Schneiderman said he is «disappointed» by a Brooklyn jury's decision to acquit an off - duty police officer who fatally shot an unarmed black man in a Brooklyn road rage incident last year.
A man suspected of fatally shooting an off - duty police officer in a small Kentucky city was killed by law enforcement officials in Tennessee, authorities said Friday.
The panel included six active duty police officers, one retired police officer and a lawyer from the Westchester County DA's office.
The agreement did not specify financial arrangements of the deal, but Doig said it allows the Park District to employ off - duty police officers at a cost of about $ 16 per hour to direct traffic.
Councilman Mark Treyger, who represents Coney Island, said he would draft legislation that would close the existing loophole in the law — which bans correctional and parole officers from having sex with detainees or parolees on the job, but does not prevent on - duty police officers from having sex with people they encounter in the course of their work.
New York City will pay more than $ 8 million to settle a lawsuit that stemmed from an off - duty police officer shooting a man in Westcheser County.
A day after his controversial call to arms set off intense debate over the role of armed citizens in maintaining public safety, Ulster County Sheriff Paul Van Blarcum is standing by his statement encouraging all properly licensed handgun owners and off duty police officers to carry weapons.
A day after Davis was executed in Georgia for the 1989 shooting death of Mark MacPhail, an off - duty police officer, one contributor to The Daily Beast asked this question:
The Tasmanian Government gets tough with people who assault off - duty police officers, moving to make the crime subject to mandatory sentences.
They hired off - duty police officers to work security at secret locations across New York City.
Here's Adrian Peterson, smiling, after he was locked up for allegedly pushing an off - duty police officer:
Tranter and other advocates praised parts of Madison «s budget, including his plan to decentralize landscape services, cut 269 janitorial jobs and set up a security force of off - duty police officers.
David Cameron had tasked him with investigating that infamous «eyewitness» email which appeared to corroborate the police log, and which we now know was written by an off - duty police officer — and that he did.
Efforts by Mitchell and his allies in parliament to clear his name have stepped up in a week which began with the emergence of CCTV footage casting doubt on the accounts of on - duty police officers.
They then requested Off - Duty police officers, not one police officer volunteered.
Civil servants, lecturers, health visitors, Ministry of Defence staff, immigration officers and off - duty police officers will be among those staging walkouts and taking part in other forms of protest on Thursday.
The bus driver immediately flagged down an off - duty police officer, who was able to collar the shooter, a police spokesman said.
He says off - duty police officers were brought in and the medical center is consulting the Buffalo Police Department.
As I said the story is about discovering right from wrong and not wasting your talent, something Brancato did when he was convicted of an armed robbery, which led to the death of an off - duty police officer.
They walk their children past an off - duty police officer and step into a glass - enclosed foyer.
Along with zero tolerance policies schools often installed metal detectors and began hiring school «resource officers,» who are most often off - duty police officers.
The «good guys with guns» in these schools are on - duty police officers, otherwise known as School Resource Officers.
I did have to convince an off - duty police officer this morning at the Mobil station that I could actually put diesel fuel in this gleaming white Mercedes.
Running in parallel with King's own quest for justice is the case of a Black radical journalist accused of killing two on - duty police officers who had been abusing their badges to traffic in drugs and women within the city's poorest neighborhoods.
A Trowers & Hamlins senior associate has been found not guilty after facing charges of sexually assaulting an off - duty police officer.
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