Sentences with phrase «duty rise»

The increase in investment and higher spending will generate enough extra VAT and income tax receipts to make up most of the losses from expected fuel duty rises.
The FSB want the planned 3p fuel duty rise in January scrapped.
The National Insurance Contributions (NICs) cut goes beyond what we were asking for and we are pleased to see the 3p fuel duty rise due in September completely scrapped.
KARACHI: The import duty on all kinds of imported milk powder in the country would surge around 60 percent from 45 percent in the wake of duty rise in fiscal budget 2017 - 18, the leading importers said.
In 2010 plans would have seen fuel duty rise above inflation every year — and cost motorists 18 pence extra a litre.
Brandon Lewis: Will she confirm that, despite what has been said, my hon. Friend the Member for Dover (Charlie Elphicke) is right: there were 12 fuel duty rises under the Labour Government, and six more were set to come into force before they left office and would have done in the next few years?
In the last autumn statement, he scrapped an increase he had already deferred until January and now it appears he may freeze fuel duty rises throughout this parliament.
Cuts in corporation tax, higher infrastructure spending and delay to fuel duty rise among measures announced by chancellor
But pointing to the fact that the announcement came just a day after the transport secretary, Justine Greening, publicly defended the fuel duty rise as an important part of the government's deficit reduction strategy, Miliband said: «So it was all part of a seamless political strategy?»
And he adds that the 6p beer duty rise won't just be cancelled, but that there will be a 1p cut instead.
At the budget, on 8 March, chancellor Philip Hammond will decide whether to postpone duty rises again.
If there is a shortage or deficit, the import duty rises correspondingly, and vice-versa.
The statement was trailed in some circles as being one for «strivers» and, as well as the benefits squeeze, headlines this morning have focused on help for drivers as the 3p fuel duty rise due next month was scrapped.
During its comically long stint in development, we've seen entire series like Grand Theft Auto and Call of Duty rise up and conquer the industry.
George Osborne is planning to freeze the planned fuel duty rise in his autumn statement, after coming under pressure from his backbenchers and receiving support from key Liberal Democrat colleagues.
With a fuel duty rise due this summer and the possibility of strikes by fuel tanker drivers, it will be interesting to measure the impact on the oil companies and whether BP and Shell can ensure that any blame attached is shared around equally, rather than disproportionately focused on them.
Let me congratulate the Chancellor for taking our advice, and stopping January's fuel duty rise, even though they all voted against it just a month ago.
Balls says the scrapping of the fuel duty rise was done «On Labour's advice» even though they voted against it.
Fuel duty rises will probably be delayed (at least according to the Sun), so the 3p rise tabled for January probably won't happen.
«Investment in infrastructure is welcome and increases in the income tax threshold and scrapping fuel duty rises will make life a little cheaper.
The autumn's fuel duty rise may be put off, our plucky soldiers might be getting a 1.5 % pay rise (don't spend it all at once) and the # 10,000 personal allowance might materialise in 2014, not 2015 as previously scheduled.
A planned fuel duty rise has been scrapped, and there will be help for people struggling to find mortgage deposits.
«There is an inconvenient truth, which is that the fuel duty rises that the right hon. Gentleman refers to are the ones put in place by the Labour Government, which he and any Labour Member who was in the previous Parliament voted for.
That is why over the coming weeks and months, I will be urging Ministers to give a strong signal that there will be no further fuel duty rises this Parliament.
EasyJet chief executive Andy Harrison said the duty rise removed any incentive for airlines to use the most fuel - efficient planes as it was applied equally to all flights.
George Osborne's decision to halt August's planned fuel duty rise and freeze it for the rest of this year is an adroit retreat which will be greeted with relief by motorists - and, furthermore, has been played by the book, since he's just announced it in the Commons.
Inexperienced minister struggled to answer basic questions about George Osborne's deferral of fuel duty rise
Small business community claims corporation tax reduction only benefits bigger businesses and August's fuel duty rise will hit it hard
George Osborne's decision to halt August's planned fuel duty rise and freeze it for the rest of this year is a panic climbdown which will be greeted with contempt by everyone - and, furthermore, is extremely badly timed, since Ed Balls called for it today.
Many MPs have also suggested he announce a further postponement of fuel duty rises, and others want measures to cut energy bills, including the abolition of green levies.
Simon Calder, travel editor of the Independent, said that while the duty rise had been expected, the liability of those who had already booked had not.
Sean Tipton, of the Association of British Travel Agents (Abta), said it would have preferred the duty rise to be postponed until the summer but airlines should be collecting the extra payment at check - in.
The plaintiff argued that the duty rose from the special relationship between a physician and a patient.

Phrases with «duty rise»

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