Sentences with phrase «dwarf star by»

A type Ia supernova represents the total destruction of a white dwarf star by one of two possible scenarios.
Three new planets classified as habitable - zone super-Earths are amongst eight new planets discovered orbiting nearby red dwarf stars by an international team of astronomers from the UK and Chile.

Not exact matches

So, too, do astrophysical exotica such as neutron stars and white dwarfs — the remnants left by normal stars when they die.
The supernova, known as SN1987A, was first seen by observers in the Southern Hemisphere in 1987 when a giant star suddenly exploded at the edge of a nearby dwarf galaxy called the Large Magellanic Cloud.
The first and second planets from the dwarf star are probably less than 15 percent water by mass, still far wetter than Earth, the researchers found.
«The gas which forms the major part of the insterstellar medium,» explains Jorge García Rojas, a researcher at the IAC who is the first author on the paper «can be observed because its atoms are ionized by the photons emitted by the hot stars embedded inside it (which can either very massive stars, or white dwarfs, which are also very hot).
An oversized free - floating planet formed by agglomeration would not have a disk, explains Lada, so these dwarfs must have formed like stars.
• How might the burned - out stars called white dwarfs be brought to ruin by other stars in so - called Type Ia supernovae, inciting the fiery alchemy that yielded much of the iron in our blood and the potassium in our brains?
A team led by astronomer Steven Majewski of the University of Virginia in Charlottesville sorted through a half - billion objects in the 2MASS catalog to find several thousand M giants, a distinctive class of red - giant star common in the Sagittarius dwarf but rarely seen above or below the plane of our galaxy.
Like young stars, brown dwarfs are surrounded by protoplanetary disks in this artist conception.
Researchers have discovered a white dwarf star with an atmosphere dominated by oxygen, a type of white dwarf that has been theorized to exist but not identified to date.
As Wetzel explained: «By improving how we modeled the physics of stars, this new simulation offered a clear theoretical demonstration that we can, indeed, understand the dwarf galaxies we've observed around the Milky Way.
Two rivers of stars — and possibly dark matter — are all that remain of the low - mass dwarf after it was unraveled by the gravity of the much larger spiral, NGC 5907.
The diffuse cloud in this image, taken with the Carnegie Institution for Science's Swope telescope in Chile, is the shell of hot hydrogen gas ejected by a white dwarf star on March 11, 1437.
Led by Christopher Manser of the University of Warwick's Astrophysics Group, the researchers investigated the remnants of planetary systems around white dwarf stars; in this instance, SDSS1228 +1040.
Red dwarf stars, which are by far the most common stars in our galaxy, were once considered unlikely places to find Earth - like planets, but new studies contradict that view.
[1] The team used data from the UVES spectrograph on ESO's Very Large Telescope in Chile (to determine the properties of the star accurately), the Carnegie Planet Finder Spectrograph (PFS) at the 6.5 - metre Magellan II Telescope at the Las Campanas Observatory in Chile, the HIRES spectrograph mounted on the Keck 10 - metre telescope on Mauna Kea, Hawaii as well as extensive previous data from HARPS (the High Accuracy Radial velocity Planet Searcher) at ESO's 3.6 - metre telescope in Chile (gathered through the M dwarf programme led by X. Bonfils and M. Mayor 2003 - 2010.
Using data involving the temperature and brightness of the stars collected by the Hubble Space Telescope, they observed 44 blue stragglers among the cluster's many thousands of red - giant and white - dwarf stars.
Using data gathered by an infrared camera during a survey of such stars, astronomers have found that the brightness of a brown dwarf — dubbed 2MASS 2139, which lies about 47 light - years from Earth — varied as much as 30 % in less than 8 hours.
By throwing a wrench into the theories of planet and star formation, brown dwarfs may help fix them
Researchers led by space physicist Chuanfei Dong of the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) and Princeton University have recently raised doubts about water on — and thus potential habitability of — frequently cited exoplanets that orbit red dwarfs, the most common stars in the Milky Way.
The planet, dubbed Gliese 581 g, was found to orbit a dim, red dwarf star every 37 days, according to an analysis by Steven Vogt of the University of California, Santa Cruz, Paul Butler of the Carnegie Institution of Washington in DC, and their colleagues.
Known as 2014J, this was a Type la supernova caused by the explosion of a white dwarf star, the inner core of star once it has run out of nuclear fuel and ejected its outer layers.
SS: TESS will do an all - sky survey to find rocky worlds around the bright, closest M - stars [red dwarfs that are common and smaller than the sun — and therefore more likely to reveal the shadows cast by planets], about 500,000 stars.
Artist's impression of a rocky and water - rich asteroid being torn apart by the strong gravity of the white dwarf star.
GALACTOSEISMIC ACTIVITY The Milky Way's gas (left image) and stars (right) might have been disturbed by a close run - in with a dwarf galaxy (blob at bottom left of both images), as seen in this computer simulation.
Type Iax supernovae may be caused by the partial destruction of a white dwarf star in such an explosion.
Type Ia supernovae are caused by the complete destruction of a white dwarf star in a thermonuclear explosion.
The globular cluster M4 (left) hosts a pulsar circled by a white dwarf (arrow, right) and a Jupiter - sized planet orbiting both stars.
At the meeting, he argued that brown dwarfs in tight orbits get devoured by their sunlike parent stars.
According to a very rough statistical analysis, the new discovery suggests that up to one - third of all red dwarf stars in the Milky Way galaxy are accompanied by small, rocky planets, many of which might be in wider orbits.
Most brown dwarfs are «failed stars», objects that were born with too little mass to shine brightly by fusing hydrogen in their cores.
The Milky Way Has a Posse Astronomers have known since the 1920s that our galaxy, the Milky Way, is surrounded by smaller collections of stars, essentially dwarf galaxies.
I was rather concerned by speculation that white dwarf stars could harbour habitable planets simply because these stars emit light...
The new survey will pick targets from a list of about 70,000 red dwarfs compiled by Andrew West at Boston University, and will listen to the stars in radio frequency bands between 1 and 10 gigahertz.
How such a dense planet formed is unclear, the researchers say, but it's probably the crystalline vestige of a white dwarf star whose atmosphere was stripped away by the parent pulsar.
Astronomers have detected a sub-stellar object that used to be a star, after being consumed by its white dwarf companion.
Some stars in the spheroid are the remains of galactic cannibalism, having come from dwarf galaxies that fell into the spiral galaxy, were ripped apart by powerful tidal forces, and were incorporated into the larger galaxy's structure.
Red dwarfs, by far the most abundant type of star in the galaxy, can create planet - like signals during their powerful flares.
«Many of the stars in the bridge appear to have been removed from the SMC in the most recent interaction, some 200 million years ago, when the dwarf galaxies passed relatively close by each other.
Halo stars die by becoming red giants and then white dwarfs — dense stars little larger than Earth.
Prabal and his team modelled cases where the planets are in orbit close to small red dwarf stars, much fainter than our Sun, but by far the most common type of star in the Galaxy.
Neither study searched for the stars responsible for so - called type Ia supernovae, which are explosions of white dwarf stars that have grown overweight by feasting on material from a companion star.
In the 1980s, for example, researchers proposed that an unseen brown dwarf star could cause periodic extinctions on Earth by triggering fusillades of comets.
As general relativity predicts, light from the background star bent around the white dwarf, distorted by its gravitational field.
Those remnants, which McConnachie calls «the partially digested remains of these dwarf galaxies,» take the form of large, diffuse streams of stars, former galactic groupings that have been pulled apart by the larger galaxy's gravitational pull.
New research by Harvard astronomers shows that half of those stars might have been ripped from another galaxy: the Sagittarius dwarf.
Similarly - aged stars moving through space together in a group — described by astronomers as an association — are of great interest to researchers, because they are considered a prime target to hunt for brown dwarfs and free - floating planet - like objects.
Rather than studying bright stars, the two students used Hubble Space Telescope data from 274 dwarf stars, which were serendipitously observed by the orbiting observatory while it was looking for the most distant galaxies in the early Universe.
«Brown dwarfs are far easier to study than planets, because they aren't overwhelmed by the brightness of a host star,» Faherty explained.
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