Sentences with phrase «dwarf star contains»

Astronomers have found that the outer region of a dusty disc encircling a brown dwarf star contains millimeter - sized solid grains.
The atmospheres of some white dwarf stars contain heavy elements, which are thought to result from eating asteroids.

Not exact matches

Images of M32, a dwarf elliptical galaxy near to our own, show that stars become clustered much more closely together near its centre, which is what should happen if the galaxy contains a black hole.
However, some of the DES images also contain stars in dwarf galaxies much closer to the Milky Way.
Dwarf galaxies can be found with fewer than 1,000 stars, in contrast to the Milky Way, an average - size galaxy containing billions of stars.
Because dwarf galaxies contain so few stars, this suggests that whatever is responsible for FRB 121102 has a better chance of forming in tiny galaxies than large, spiral ones.
Of the 10 closest star systems to Earth, only one does not contain a low - mass star (the Sirius system consists of a blue giant and an ultra-compact white dwarf, the remnant of a Sun - like star).
In spite of the fact that the dwarfs contain very different amounts of stars — ranging from a few thousand to more than 10 million — the total masses in the central regions were all equivalent to about 10 million suns, the team reports tomorrow in Nature.
They found 47 faint smudges: galaxies that could be at least as large as the Milky Way, but which contain so few stars that they glow as dimly as dwarf galaxies.
NGC 3359 appears to be devouring a much smaller gas rich dwarf galaxy, nicknamed the Little Cub, which contains 10,000 times fewer stars than its larger companion.
dwarf galaxy A small galaxy, containing several billion stars.
Dwarf galaxies usually contain roughly 200 million to a few billion stars, as opposed to their bigger galactic counterparts, which can contain hundreds of billions of stars.
But contained within these dead stars, called white dwarfs, is the early history of our galaxy, providing clues on how it came to be.
Three of these faintly - lit bodies, located in the southern hemisphere near the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, were confirmed as dwarf galaxies, which contain stars numbering in the thousands in contrast to our galaxy, which is believed to contain over 300 billion stars.
There are roughly 1400 star systems within this volume of space containing 2000 stars, so this map only shows the brightest 10 % of all the star systems, but most of the fainter stars are red dwarfs.
It contains a total of about 350 stars, including several white dwarfs.
These satellite galaxies are classed as dwarfs, since they contain only a small fraction of the stars hosted in regular galaxies.
«The formation of such a binary system containing an extremely low mass helium white dwarf has to be the result of interactions and mass loss between the two original stars,» said Howell.
The 51 Eri system also contains two distant companion stars — the compact binary M - dwarf system GJ 3305AB orbiting 2000 astronomical units away from 51 Eri A and b.
This system contains a Venus - massed planet in orbit around a brown dwarf which is also in orbit around a low - mass star.
The dwarf galaxy in which it is located is reportedly much smaller than the Milky Way, they said, and contains approximately half as many stars.
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