Sentences with phrase «dyadic relationships»

"Dyadic relationships" refer to the kind of relationships that involve two individuals interacting with each other, like a close friendship or a romantic partnership. Full definition
Our review of measures of dyadic relationships within families revealed eight «well - established» measures: three self - report measures assessing marital relationships (MAT, DAS, and MSI - R), three self - report (CRPBI - 30, IPPA, IC), and one observational measure (CECS) of parent — child relationships, and one measure of sibling relationships (SRQ).
Hostility in dyadic relationships: An examination of perceptual bias and self - fulfilling prophecy.
Interestingly and unexpectedly, whereas female adolescents within dyadic relationships also appeared to be at risk for alcohol socialization, this did not seem to be the case for male adolescents.
Participants with relfies and dyadic relationship statuses were judged to have higher quality relationships (satisfaction and commitment).
If relationships with parents and siblings — children's earliest and most enduring relationships — have only context - and relationship - specific effects, the implication is that the same is true of dyadic relationships with friends.
At this point, it remains unclear whether excessive infant crying in the presence of post-partum depression is just a «window» onto a disturbed dyadic relationship and a reflection of developmental risk, or a «door» through which we can enter and intervene to improve developmental outcomes and mental health.
The capacity to form dyadic relationships is present from birth; identification with a group develops more slowly.
Friendship is often referred to as a close, mutual and voluntary dyadic relationship.
Dyadic relationship values in Chinese online daters: Love American style?
Importantly, teachers» reports of relationship quality are unique predictors of children's school functioning above their direct reports of student behavior, which supports the validity of such reports to capture the nature of dyadic relationships between teachers and children (Hamre and Pianta 2001).
Later studies might look at the same issue with couples to better analyze dyadic relationships.
With respect to the dyadic analyses, we hypothesized socialization effects of alcohol misuse across different stable dyadic relationships, both unilateral and reciprocal.
Maternal psychological distress appears to be enduring (Horwitz et al., 2007) and, given that the early postpartum months are especially important for the establishment of a satisfactory dyadic relationship and for infant development (Hay and Kumar, 1995; Murray et al., 2015), it may negatively affect child outcomes (Goodman et al., 2011), mother — infant interactions (Singer et al., 2003), conjugal and family relationships (Whisman, 2001; Sutter - Dallay, 2006).
On another level, it may be that more specific patterns in the infant — parent dyadic relationship will provide a glimpse into the mechanisms for these broader risks.
Specifically, the quality of each of the three dyadic relationships composing the triad influences one another (Heider, 1958; Thibaut & Kelley, 1959).
Surprisingly, children with no or very poor dyadic relationships experienced less anxiety than those with existing, but limited, friendships.
When considering the results of the present study it should be noted that differences in parental assessment of dyadic relationships emerged at the alpha level of p <.05 (when Bonferroni correction was applied, they sank below statistical significance).
In short, viewers can glean your relationship quality relatively accurately from what you post about your relationship on Facebook, and they perceive your relationship as better when you have a dyadic profile picture (like a relfie) and dyadic relationship status.
Having a friend undoubtedly makes a child happier and less lonely, but is there any good evidence that dyadic relationships with peers have long - term effects on personality or socialized behavior?
Conversely, not only male adolescents were not found to socialize their drinking behaviors within dyadic relationships, but also within reciprocal very best friend dyads they emerged to decrease their similarity over time.
Must we go on and say the relationship does not yet exist even in part, since there can be no dyadic relationship where one of the members related does not exist?
That is, there is a «persistence of play... in precisely those social contexts involving the closest, most intimate, and potentially most emotionally positive kinds of dyadic relationships» (Fagen, 1995, p. 36).
The rating of the dyadic relationship ranged
Occasionally this was recognised as a feature in which symbiotic involvement characterised all relationships between family members (in an early description of this Bowen 1978 wrote of such families functioning as «an undifferential ego mass»), the term is usually applied to dyadic relationships, such as that which may be observed between a borderline child and a parent.
For example, within the dyadic relationship of a drug - using parent and pre-school child, where the parental inconsistently fluctuates between a manifest lack of involvement (apathetic disinterest in the child) and a critical intrusiveness.
In some of the profiles we included a dyad profile picture (or not); likewise, sometimes a dyadic relationship status was provided.
More than 25 % of our participants (who were all in romantic relationships) had a dyadic profile picture and nearly 70 % had a dyadic relationship status on Facebook.
According to GS theory, dyadic relationships and group processes are governed by separate mental modules (Harris, 1995; see also Bugental, 2000).
This study joins a growing literature highlighting the role of PPR in dyadic relationships.
Relationship quality can be measured with the Dyadic Relationship Scale.
More specifically, we explore the possibility that the effects of perceived student misbehavior on teacher wellbeing are mediated and / or moderated by mental representations of the dyadic relationship with students.
Overall, the findings suggest relational aggression becomes increasingly common among elementary school girls, and girls» close, dyadic relationships may fuel relationally aggressive behavior in some contexts.
Moreover, there is some empirical evidence that perceptions of disruptive student behavior shape mental representations of the dyadic relationship.
CPT also produced greater improvements in anxiety, depression, social and dyadic relationships than usual treatment.
When emotional tension threatens a dyadic relationship (think marital discord, parent - child conflict, in - law distress, grandparental meddling) a third person is sought to help calm the anxiety.
He developed methods for studying the interactions among children that led to friendship and gained early expertise in measuring dyadic relationships.
This option can work for couples who have various sexual incompatibilities, and for couples who simply don't believe that fidelity — faithful commitment to a partner — is the same as monogamy, people who believe that having multiple sexual and / or romantic partners at the same time enriches their lives and the quality of their dyadic relationships.
That is, feelings of loneliness can arise from deficits in dyadic relationships, but also from deficits in the peer group, which Hoza and colleagues describe as «network loneliness».
With regard to the social structure of the relationships, female adolescents tend to prefer and interact more frequently in dyadic relationships, whereas male adolescents engage more often in relationships within larger peer groups (e.g., Benenson 1990; Markovits et al. 2001).
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