Sentences with phrase «dying cells produce»

Following an initial brain injury, the dying cells produce substances that go on to damage other brain cells.
Specifically, the dying cells produced seven times as much of the protein as normal brain cells did.

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These symptoms arise because nerve cells producing the neurotransmitter dopamine, located in an area of the brain known as the substantia nigra, slowly die.
Patients with RPE65 or LRAT mutations can not produce this crucial molecule thus the retinal cells can not create vision, and slowly die.
When both these drugs are given, both pathways are blocked with a one - two punch, the leukemia cells can not produce dCTP nucleotides, and the cells die.
The tremors and other movement impairments of Parkinson's are triggered by the death of dopamine - producing cells in the brain, so the investigators used flies that had been genetically engineered to have their dopamine cells die off as they age.
The following year, a paper by Ben Lehner's group at the Center for Genomic Regulation in Barcelona, Spain, drove the point home: When a cell produces too many of these proteins, they found, it dies.
The study, published in Nature Communications, shows that membralin regulates the cell's machinery for producing beta - amyloid (or amyloid beta, Aβ), the protein that causes neurons to die in Alzheimer's disease.
Small energy factories can't produce enough fuel to keep nerves alive, so the cells slowly die off, the thinking went.
But hair growth depends on the ability of cells in the hair follicles to keep dividing and so producing cells which die and are built into the hair shaft.
This is thought to be due to the beta cells dying off or at least gradually producing less insulin, amongst other things.
One produces pigment for the hair before dying off, while the other becomes a new melanocyte stem cell.
In the cold seep worm, the cells at the edges of the trophosome die at about the rate that new cells are produced, slowing the worm's growth and keeping the worm stocked with young cells.
In meiosis, a precursor cell — primordial germ cellproduces four spermatozoids during spermatogenesis, while only one oocyte is formed during oogenesis (the other three cells die during the process).
Binding to the family of NOD - like receptors triggers the assembly of large protein signaling complexes called inflammasomes, leading infected cells to die and produce inflammatory mediators.
The solution was targeted to each animal's striatum, a brain region involved in motor control; it is the dopamine - producing nerve cells in this area that die during Parkinson's disease.
They maintain healthy tissues and organs by producing new cells to replenish dying cells and rebuild damaged tissues.
The gonidial cells undergo embryogenesis to produce new juvenile spheroids that hatch from their mother spheroid, whereas the somatic cells that are left behind eventually senesce and die.
Greene told The Scientist that these «bystander» cells are not active enough to facilitate viral replication; they typically die off without producing more HIV.
They produce facsimiles of themselves (by a process known as mitosis) a finite number of times before the process stops for good and the cell dies.
Reporting in the May 8 issue of Cancer Cell, Semenza and his colleagues found that if they reversed the switch and forced kidney cancer cells to start making mitochondria again, the cells produced increased amounts of free radicals, which can cause cells to stop dividing or even die.
As Parkinson's progresses, more dopamine - producing brain cells die.
These stem cells can then be differentiated into insulin - producing pancreatic beta cells that provide a living window into diabetes: they mature, get sick, and die in the same way that they do in the patient from whom they are made.
Cells die and do not renew the way they used to, which we need to produce overall healing and health.
Dysfunctional mitochondria can no longer produce enough energy and «starving» cells may degenerate and die.
When you produce higher than normal levels of antibodies to certain parts of the body (it's normal for old and dying cells to be tagged for removal), this means you are having an autoimmune reaction against that tissue or enzyme.
So too do the islet cells that manufacture insulin in the pancreas die when drugs, nay doctors, whip them to keep producing more insulin when they are tired and sick.
A careful balance exists where there are the same number of new cells are produced as there are dying off - and if this balance is disrupted, extra cells begin to replicate, undergo genetic changes, and it is these excess, mutated cells that gather together to form masses and tumors.
The condition occurs when the cells responsible for producing pigment stop functioning or die.
Energy within the Infrared Region sufficient to produce the «greenhouse warming» platformed would infact stop the cellular processes as the WATER encapsulated began too «heated» and the contained chemistry ceased (directly or due to a cells «internal organelles» failing) with the cells then dying.
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