Sentences with phrase «dying coal industry»

It's another thing to see pre-jaded children approach their teens already aware of sexual harassment, the dying coal industry and the word «feminazi.»
«It also stands as a major reality check to President Trump and his attempts to use public lands and coal to prop up the dying coal industry at the expense of our climate.»
PM Malcolm Turnbull is known to have serious concerns about the burning of coal and the resulting climate change, yet he still follows the Liberal party line and promotes the dying coal industry.
We can not allow the dying coal industry to desecrate our clean air and water — stop the Millennium terminal today.
The (Liberal - National coalition) federal government is holding Australia back because it is fixated on trying to prop up the dying coal industry.
At the same time it is proposing spending an additional five billion dollars of taxpayer's money, on top of all the existing subsidies, to support the dying coal industry.
An anti-establishment candidate for his party's presidential nomination proposes to scrap the Obama administration's Clean Power Plan, phase out the nation's largest source of zero - carbon power, and implement policies that will offer the nation's dying coal industry a second life.
Japan continues to prop up the dying coal industry, financing over $ 22 billion in coal projects between 2007 and 2015.
Blaming damage caused by burning coal on the renewable energy industry is classic Orwellian political reasoning by a political party devoted to the dying coal industry.
The Abbott and Turnbull governments were notably obsessed with supporting the dying coal industry and demonising renewables.
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