Sentences with phrase «dying craft like»

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who breath, sweat, eat, make love, laugh, and die like you can, tell you «I have a personal relationship with God» aka «The Being Who Crafted All OF Reality»....
Like MaeveQ, I am now dying to see a picture of this «restyled» sweater - What a sweet story to kick off Crafting Passion month!
Like screenwriters creating a bad sci - fi movie where the monster just won't die but keeps morphing into an even more heinous beast, marketing geniuses in the junk - food industry are even now crafting deceptive new messages to make you think their latest products are healthy.
Game Republic has crafted a gem of its own that will be often compared with games like Ico and perhaps even Zelda, but the story bond between gamer and characters has truly been mastered in the senses that if one of the characters died (as in story line) then you would shed a tear or two (something movies can hardly ever achieve).
Perhaps only at the end of his career, when he was dying — and he played for John Frankenheimer, superbly, the role of Larry Slade in the American Film Theater film of Eugene O'Neill's «The Iceman Cometh,» did he get something like the full recognition as a master of his craft, that he always deserved.
The core gameplay in 7 Days To Die will be appealing and familiar to anyone who enjoys voxel - based crafting mechanics, open - world exploration and sandbox - approaches to gaming — similar to games like Ark: Survival Evolved, Minecraft, and Terarria.
Traditional crafts like wool dying and tanning take place next to stalls selling CDs and hi - fi's.
The core gameplay in 7 Days To Die will be appealing and familiar to anyone who enjoys voxel - based crafting mechanics, open - world exploration and sandbox - approaches to gaming — similar to games like Ark: Survival Evolved, Minecraft, and Terarria.
Housed inside the procedurally generated areas (the game features a «permadeath» option, which resets the world whenever you die) is a game that will have you needing to scavenge, craft, and stave off things like thirst, hunger, disease, and even fatigue in order to survive.
It doesn't seem choc - full of the more lighthearted elements we see in the likes of Dying Light and Dead Island in which you chop up masses of sluggish zombies with hand - crafted weapons, toying with them like a child on an ant hill with a magnifying glass.
Most of the gamplay shown in the trailer is basically what you had in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, however there are new melee weapons that can be enhanced by combining with other materials, items and some gameplay elements like climbing tunnels, crafting equipment, gathering resources, basically adding survival mechanics that are seen in most zombie horror games like Dying Light or more survival oriented games like Tomb Raider.
Equipment, weapon degradation and the constant need to craft new gear was a significant mechanic in Dying Light, and it remains so in The Following, and it seems like there is always something useful to pick up.
Part of the fun of Dying Light is using blueprints to craft some outrageous and powerful weapons, like an electrified bat or a flaming knife.
A game like Dark Souls is so masterfully crafted that the player eventually falls into the creator's rhythm: I may die ten hundred thousand times, but I can I always place the blame on myself (except when I accidentally a friendly NPC early in the game and I had to reset.)
Like Dean, he was a charismatic rebel who upended conventional notions about his craft, inspired countless younger artists, died at an early age, and left cult - like legions of fans who mourn his loss to this Like Dean, he was a charismatic rebel who upended conventional notions about his craft, inspired countless younger artists, died at an early age, and left cult - like legions of fans who mourn his loss to this like legions of fans who mourn his loss to this day.
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