Sentences with phrase «dying more quickly»

The film shows him dying more quickly, and more inconsequentially, than had previously been thought to be the case.
The trimer - expressing cells even died more quickly than cells expressing mutant forms of SOD1 that are found in severe hereditary ALS cases.
«We found that diluting the diets to reduce the energy intake actually made the animals die more quickly
But scientists are divided over whether or not the change will benefit the climate, as it may simply cause the trees to die more quickly.

Not exact matches

Deputy lord mayor Tess Stroud is «dying to see more cranes on the skyline» but warns «we don't want to grow too quickly».
The ax is quickly laid to the root once more, and the shoot dies, fixed with nails to the thy barren tree that stands where all our good intentions have crashed and burned.
Your toddler's meltdown is a cry for attention, so if you can absolutely refuse to give any attention — including shouting or negotiating — then it will die down more quickly.
Children are more likely than adults to die from diarrhoea because they become dehydrated more quickly.
They found — as they did in the 2016 study — that when these cells expressed SOD1 mutants that predominantly form trimers, the cells died much more quickly than control cells containing normal SOD1.
Buds went missing because mature taste bud cells died off more quickly, and fewer new cells developed to take their place.
They died off quickly, evenwhen placed in more commodious accommodations.
When tested in laboratory samples of leukemia cells and in animals with human - like leukemia, the approach caused cancer cells to die much more quickly than with conventional targeted therapies.
Whether the hazards are from accidents, weather, food shortages, or predators, species and organisms that live in dangerous environments will breed sooner, have more young more quickly, and die earlier than species and organisms in safe environments.
While awareness campaigns may be getting women to go to the hospital more quickly during a heart - attack, a new look at hospital data shows women have longer hospital stays and are more likely than men to die in the hospital after a heart attack.
Very quickly I want to mention these shoes, this is NOT a sponsored pot at all... It's always been hard for me to find flats that don't rub weird on my big toe or heel, I generally prefer heels because for me, they were always more comfy, however, while in NYC for fashion week last september I was dying... the heels I was wearing were murderous to my feet after walking blocks and blocks in concrete so Roger and I popped into Payless to grab some «cheap» flats.
Yesterday is a great example of what the point - and - click genre has to offer, but dies down all too quickly and just leaves you wanting more.
Considering how quickly this film dies after it begins, perhaps Belly Up would have been more appropriate.
You can fight in battle as Oliver or his companions, however this is not advised as you'll die very quickly, until Oliver becomes more capable later on.
But I believe that around the mid-1980s, when corporations began to become more powerful that some nation states, that the battle for critical democratic citizenship became just a smokescreen for the production of consumer citizenship and critical pedagogy as it was then conceived became more like a dying star about to go into a supernova stage and incinerate any hope we had for real educational transformation, locked as we were within a neoliberal state that was quickly consolidating itself (and that a few decades later would have transformed itself into a security state akin to fascism).
The downside is ceramic dies wear out more quickly, but that wasn't a problem given the VehiCross» intended volumes.
Compared to a more conventional cast iron die, the ceramic equivalents can be made for fraction of the cost and in a fraction of the time, meaning Isuzu was able to make its concept a reality surprisingly quickly.
While many people still consider traditional publishing the «real way to publish,» this stigma is quickly dying as Kindle and other ebook platforms become more popular.
The goose laying it's golden eggs ever more quickly sounds like a great idea, until it dies of exhaustion.
At its simplest, larger dogs die younger because they age more quickly.
There are probably sub-strains that may be less or more virulent and this will determine how quickly the infected cat or kitten will die from the disease.
However, hatching larvae quickly died in these environments, as they're even more vulnerable to desiccating than eggs.
However, in the more rare cases of non-vaccinated puppies contracting Parvo, I witnessed firsthand ALL of them heal quickly and none of them died while only having minimal support and treatment.
I can commit murder for a cup of tea, and we are shown quickly and very efficiently (I'm used to more of an informal introduction, but nevermind) to our self - catering apartment, the former school, now called «die skooltjie» («n mens moet hier die taal kan praat, jong).
Heading back into a previously played level with free rein to choose characters from your entire collection is a lot of fun, but like always when your reward is just more bricks or items to hand in for yet another fetch quest the enthusiasm can die pretty quickly.
I still can't decide how I feel about the new time to kill average on units, but units die much more quickly in this sequel.
The mechanics here are much more basic than what is found in A Story of Seasons, as the weather doesn't change, plants won't die no matter how long they go without water and you receive the fruits of your labor pretty quickly just by playing the game.
Because of this, and more, it's not hard to see why Let it Die has surpassed the 1 million download mark so quickly.
You see, after dying, you are placed onto a temporary platform that disappears rather quickly, leaving you to drop once more should a jump not have been implemented quickly.
I played through Dying Light when it first released but sadly my character save was gone when I tried to import my character when I upgrade my HD and forgot to copy the save data, which made this review a lot more stressful seeing as I had to level up my character enough to take on the DLC, but as soon as I started playing the game again I quickly realized how much I missed and how much I loved the original game.
A typical cycle of attempts for a given boss is something along the lines of «die immediately,» «die more slowly while learning to dodge,» «die even more slowly while discovering the boss's weak point,» «die quickly when first attempting to hit the weak point» and «make the miracle shot that wins the battle and sit in stunned silence for a moment.»
As one of the original titles in the popular MacVenture series which went on to be celebrated on the NES, GBC and Nintendo 64, Shadowgate quickly endeared players with its fantastic atmospheric soundtrack, perilous locations to progress through, countless puzzles to solve, and more ways to gruesomely die than gamers previously thought possible.
It quickly became apparent that Jean - Paul was merciless in doling out justice, technologically upgrading the Batsuit so it could deal more damage, focusing on fighting instead of mental reasoning, and allowing both villains and innocent people to die.
Jim @ # 16: I also recall seeing the results of a study (perhaps someone can dig up the ref), where extra CO2 was given to trees; they grew more quickly (and a think, larger) for a time, then died as a result of having depleted the soil of its nutrients.
• Trees have been dying off more quickly over the 1990 - 2010 period.
Small - bodied birds dehydrate more quickly, which increases the risk that they will die from overheating.
On days I was outdoors longer and the brightness was at more than the medium level, battery died quickly.
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