Sentences with phrase «dying more so»

«Is it really because these children are dying more so than other children?

Not exact matches

One reason that taller people are more likely to die of many types of cancer is because they tend to have bigger organs, so there is a greater chance that one cell in the organ will become cancerous, Batty said.
Lots more people today can go online in some fashion than were able to a decade ago, so, what, we wait 20 years for the olds of today to die off so the olds of tomorrow have smartphones?
GRAHAM: He said, «So we connect more people, maybe someone dies in a terrorist attack coordinated on our tools.
However, by retiring early and saving so much, it is actually MORE CONSERVATIVE, b / c dying in your 60s and 70s is much likelier than dying in your 40s.
You end up with too much money when you die, but you may not want that so you also want to withdraw more money if things turn out really well.
So far, more than a dozen people died as a result of the storm, with hundreds registered as missing.
I pray to whichever holy name (God, Allah, Jehovah, Krishna, Jesus, etc.) suits the ONE Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent being that ignorance is wiped away from our species and we become a closer, more loving, peaceful creature and that we realize how much time we waste and how much further we push our fellow neighbor and brother under God, regardless of creed, away debating over who's God is better and discover the error of our ways before we destroy each other... before it's too late, because The End is Nigh!!!!! LOL!!!!! Really though, isn't the world full of enough tragedy, and aren't their so many more important things that need our energy and attention like the innocent children in Pakistan dying from diseases from the flood or the homeless children in our own country, or the lack of education, which is exactly what leads to this kind of debate?
but forgive me, they were more likly closer to us being om.niv.orous, so for that I'm SO sorry for pointing out that they were eating veggies before man was, I'm the liar I guess... We also have theorized that it was the neandrathals lack of hostil.ity that they died out in the first placso for that I'm SO sorry for pointing out that they were eating veggies before man was, I'm the liar I guess... We also have theorized that it was the neandrathals lack of hostil.ity that they died out in the first placSO sorry for pointing out that they were eating veggies before man was, I'm the liar I guess... We also have theorized that it was the neandrathals lack of hostil.ity that they died out in the first place.
And while I'm not particularly phased by death (people die, it happens), even I am not so callous as to make the day someone loses their mother more difficult than it already is.
Just think of their horror of finding out that people just stop when they die, nothing more, and all the divine punishment they so dearly love just does not happen.
So then no Adam and Eve = no original sin = Jesus didn't need to be sent to die for my sins by a God who concluded «He» couldn't forgive us without one more blood sacrifice.
jesus died for your sins so there is no need for animal sacrifice, eating kosher, avoiding a woman when she has her period, etc etc. god suddenly became much more of a sweet and loving god, where before he was jealous and prone to killing people that defied him.
those who accepted Him as their Lord and Savior will live with Him for eternity where every tear will be washed away, no more pain and sorrow and those who denied Him until death will still bow a knee and call Him Lord, but they will do so in the lake of fire where the worm never dies, where there will be weeping and nashing of teeth.
So when all the conservative old fogies finally die off, this country will be a much happier, freer, more liberal one.
It's a fact the sun rose the day your dog died, but that fact doesn't suggest any of the possibilities is any more likely than any of the others, so it's not evidence.
We need symbols which are more naturally and immediately grasped by all people so that they are compelled to ask why you are dying to your past.
So, an unstable person is more likely to want to die, rather than keep on living.
Nay, as they occur in Exodus 9:16, they scarce mean even that, but only that God had kept Pharaoh from dying in the preceding plague, so as to be made the more fully an object lesson to all men.
Since the gospel is about way more than just receiving eternal life but is also about how God's people are to live their lives in this world, then the goal of living out the gospel is not primarily to rescue people from hell so they can go to heaven when they die.
So when God said to Adam that if he ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that he would surely die I read it more as a threat than as a warning.
The good news is so much more than «heaven when you die», as evidenced by Jesus» own teachings.
One story in his book entitled More Than Conquerors, tells the story of a woman who died after having a premature baby that was so weak would not last without assistance.
Ok but can god take away a person from hell and put him in heaven and if god loves us so much then why he doesn't destroy satun or put him in prison forever and why doesn't he tells the holy spirit to forgive whatever any person says just like him and Jesus i want to know thst but i noticed in all your replies except one that you were telling me everything i was asking except this in short if i say «he allows us to hate him» and i also want to know that if a person is sent in hell for his sins then will he go back to heaven after completing his punishment or stay there forever and also will any person who have commited the unforgivable sin one day be freed and allowed to go to heven or be reborn on Earth and if god has infinite love for us why don't he force us to belive in Jesus just before dying and then as he goes to heven show Jesus to him and then give him a rebirth as soon as his turn comes and then countinue this becaude going to heaven would be better much more than going to hell especialy for those who have commited the unforgivable sin
Mike John the apostle was given revelation before he died that is all about the last days and what is to happen in the future so he saw our future unfold before him.So the message Jesus gave was true like everything God does it is not how we would understand it.I suspect Paul also may have seen alot more insight on what was to come than he talked about also.brentnz
They can't come to terms with the idea that there may actually be nothing after we die so they latch on to a belief that gives them comfort... belief in an afterlife, eternity or any version of «god» is nothing more than a coping mechanism for those who can't accept that we are in fact finite creatures that are born, live, and die and are not meant or destined to exist for eternity.
I take comfort in knowing that there is indeed an afterlife and there is more than just this... 20 minutes after my brother died in a car accident 1500 miles away, my 2.5 year old asked me who was standing next to me in our kitchen — it was just my son and me so I thought — believe what you will but I know my son saw my brother's spirit in our kitchen that day.
But even when he is speaking in the tones of Jeremiah, he will suddenly break in with the melody of Isaiah, offering hope that in repentance we can still go forward toward God in genuine hope; and he will do so in passages (here from «Transgressions and Infirmities») that powerfully recall the cadences of St. Paul: «On the whole, then, this may be considered a Christian's state: ever about to fall, yet by God's mercy never falling; ever dying, yet always alive; full of infirmities, yet free from transgressions; and, as time goes on, more and more free from infirmities also, as tending to that perfect righteousness which is the fulfilling of the Law.»
To make it worst, my ex spouse found out he was dying from stage 4 cancer, so I was flying between Atlanta and Austin to care for him and offered to more him here to cafe for him.
The Gospel is SO MUCH MORE than just how to go to heaven when we die.
So I guess either he LIED to the American people in the debate or on the interview... Either way, I wonder how many more Americans we will leave to die in the next 4 years just to keep the Muslims happy...
You actually sound more like a false prophet in that sense... So, while I will be burned and die a second death, perhaps you will be tortured eternally for what you have done — for what you are doing today.
Then how is it that many believers have died of plagues, and that many more will do so in future plagues?
This huge, blue planet is in existance just so we can be born, live, make a living, have a baby, then die... no connection, no spirit, no soul, no more appreciating the beauty around us, no more being astounded at the improbabilities, no more being amazed at the wonders of life... because none of that has any meaning any more, it's just a bunch of junk that happened accidently... who cares, we're just all going to fade away into nothingness... become one with the dirt, because we are actually no better than the dirt... I don't know about you, but I'm depressed now... but then that's what's great about our country, you can choose to believe or... not... in this... country... that has... no particular meaning... in the grand scheme of thngs... oh, yeah, that's right there is no «grand scheme of things»... so never mind.
«As you go down, let David die so that when you rise tomorrow, he will be no more
If — heaven forbid — they die young, I hope they will have lived beautiful lives even in their youth, perhaps even more so than those who survive them.
So the secret is to continually be in love with Jesus, be empowered by the Holy Spirit, it is all about passion, i am so hungry for more of Him, but then do I want to let Him have more of me, a continual dying to self............ being stripped I like to share one amazing thing that happeneSo the secret is to continually be in love with Jesus, be empowered by the Holy Spirit, it is all about passion, i am so hungry for more of Him, but then do I want to let Him have more of me, a continual dying to self............ being stripped I like to share one amazing thing that happeneso hungry for more of Him, but then do I want to let Him have more of me, a continual dying to self............ being stripped I like to share one amazing thing that happened.
I feel like My heart just doesn't want to Repent, it just wants me to be free of all the anxiety, and the stress, and the sorrow, and I then realize how much more of my life I have and I don't want to live my life in fear that I'm not being serious about my repentance and I just want to go to heaven so I don't have to suffer when I die, and I'm selfish and wicked..
If in our vital habitat [bi-mqom hayyutenu] we are afraid, in a place where we will certainly die, how much more so
On the other hand, his narrative of Louverture's tragic end — lured across the Atlantic by Napoleon and then locked away to die in a stone fortress in the Jura without so much as a trial — is told with more pathos than the average academic historian could manage.
So the the religious leaders» argument is that they'd rather send in manned jets so that if one gets shot down MORE people can diSo the the religious leaders» argument is that they'd rather send in manned jets so that if one gets shot down MORE people can diso that if one gets shot down MORE people can die?
I don't know how much more I could simplify it... but I really do need to add that God is the most incredible being I have ever tried to consider, completely beyond my comprehension in so many ways... and I love him, he is the best, especially when he sent his son Jesus to die for our sins.
Thus no matter what may happen to the body, man's soul is immortal and since it is this which constitutes his distinctive human quality, death is an important and tragic incident, certainly to those who loved and cared for the one who dies, but it is not a final incident — there is more to come, so to say.
And I made another effort, and almost succeeded, yet I did not reach it, and did not grasp it, hesitating to die to death, and live to life; and the evil to which I was so wonted held me more than the better life I had not tried.»
I didn't really talk about it in this post, but so much of evangelism and witnessing today is limited to just getting people to heaven when they die, and the Gospel is about so much more than that!
People born with birth defects so they can't choose, people who are psychotic or sociopaths and incapable of controlling their minds, people who are born in fundamentalist Muslim areas who never had the opportunity to choose or who would be murdered on the spot if they so «chose», people who God gave too much intelligence too to believe such an inane demand without more evidence, people who die in natural disasters before they were quite willing to convert etc. etc..
Because although most Christians think «saved» means «get forgiveness of sins and receive eternal life so you can escape hell and go to heaven when you die» (or something like that), the truth is that the vast majority (99 % or more) of the times the word «saved» is used in the Bible, it has almost nothing to do with such an idea.
Limbo, for example, was touted by pope after pope as a place where un-baptized babies who die go, until Pope Benedict XVI just eradicated it (or, more accurately, so watered it down as effectively eradicate it in a face saving way).
Janet i think what you have said is quite insightful and you are right and there is another meaning to Go and sin no more and that speaks to me of repentence making a decision to Follow Christ the one who saves.The words Go and sin no more is referring to a continual ongoinging process of living for Christ rather than dying in our sins daily there is no comparison.I thought that was awesome pointing the law back to all of us for we all have sinned and the judgement is death but Jesus came that we might have life in its fullness.Many people only see the adulterer when she portrays who we are as sinners that he came to save all of us sin is sin and the punishment is death so again you are quite right people use the scriptures to judge and that was never Jesus intention.I hope that helps when someone uses that scripture incorrectly and you can you use it like Jesus did to point it back at those who judge i hope that helps.brentnz
(And yet Hans Urs von Balthasar, who in many respects appears more cautious in his theology than either Rahner or Schillebeeckx, has endorsed, through his reflections on Trinitarian theology, the notion of a suffering and dying God much more strongly than most other Catholic theologians: «the death, and the dying away into silence, of the Logos so become the centre of what he has to say of himself that we have to understand precisely his non-speaking as his final revelation, his utmost word: and this because in the humility of his obedient self - lowering to the death of the Cross he is identical with the exalted Lord.»
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