Sentences with phrase «dying on»

His friends and colleagues have often resigned themselves to the likelihood of dying on the job.
His character is consistent, and is best revealed in Jesus Christ, and especially in Jesus Christ dying on the cross.
The Christian good news is that God has entered the world for man's salvation, that he has made himself known in the helplessness of an infant and in a man dying on a cross.
It begins by looking at Jesus, and specifically, Jesus dying on the cross.
We are forever putting conditions and qualifications on the love of God: «If you rid yourself of your racism, if you vote Democratic, if you accept Jesus as your savior, if...» Such conditional, achievement - oriented, self - made - men religion certainly doesn't need Jesus dying on the cross and rising from the dead to make itself plausible and reasonable in an achievement - oriented, you - get - what - you - deserve capitalistic culture.
Once we see that God is most fully revealed in Jesus Christ, and especially in Jesus Christ dying on the cross, this then begins to cause great changes in how we read and understand the rest of the Old Testament.
As Jesus was dying on the cross, he look towards the sky, and in a loud voice screamed, Scotty, beam me up you son of a bytch.
In 1558, he finished his final edition of the Institutes, and he preached his last sermon on February 6, 1564, before dying on May 27, 1564.
So Christians, let us follow our atheist friends in denying the existence of this false god of power, money, bloodshed, and violence, and instead call people to believe in the enemy - loving, all - forgiving God who is found in Jesus Christ dying on the cross.
The sooner we own up to this fact, the sooner we can start dealing with it honestly, and trying to understand the Old Testament violence of God in light of Jesus Christ dying on the cross.
Even when He hung dying on the cross, He was recognized by His enemies as being the chosen one of God (Luke 23:35).
Like losing your friends, being rejected by your own people and, of course, dying on a cross.
We need to be willing to carry our cross as Jesus instructed us, but we need to know if we're dying on the right hill.
God wants humanity to understand that nothing and nobody is beyond the scope of His redemptive purposes, and so by sending Jesus as the fulfillment of the most violent of religious texts, God not only revealed Himself by way of a stark contrast to that violence, but also showed how to reinterpret and understand those violent events in light of the self - sacrificial God dying on the cross for the sins of the whole world.
God looks guilty in Israelite history in the same way that Jesus looks guilty dying on the cross.
Tomorrow we will look at how to understand the tenth plague in light of Jesus Christ dying on the cross.
Redemption, sin, Jesus dying on the cross for our sins, no mention of anything that makes us want to accept Jesus Christ as our Savior.
Christ by dying on the cross bore all of our sin and by rising on the 3rd day he broke the bonds of hell as he tore down the gates of hell.
Christ dying on the Cross as our Saviour did that.
When her little one lay dying on her bed, suspended between heaven and earth, the child asked her if she could see the beautiful woman dressed in dazzling white?
But, then they don't have crosses anywhere in their churches because they believe He is alive and don't wish to dwell on the crucifixion and him dying on the cross.
GOD and thank you for saving me and dying on the cross for my sins.
The dying on the Cross was the ultimate Act of Obedience by Jesus to the Father.
This is great, but if you really want to see what what God's love looks like, look to Jesus dying on a cross for the sins of the world, including the sins of those who are whipping his back and legs until his skin is gone and then laying that back on a rough and splintery wooden cross to crucify him, and continuing the torture until he's unrecognizable as a human being.
A true Catholic doesn't worry about mere accusations and dying on the cross.
Then, near the end of the movie when he lies dying on the battlefield, it is snowing cherry blossoms everywhere.
Even while he was dying on the cross.
Doesn't that defeat the purpose of Jesus dying on the cross in the first place?
I disagree w / your respire to Abigail that Jesus» dying on the Cross gives us Salvation.
And as Jesus told them, his seed, people believing him then, the 12 apostles, that would grow like a mustard seed in to a huge tree... which it did, 33 % of the 7 billion people on the planet believe Jesus was born of the Holy Spirit, performed miracles using the Holy Spirit, and later sent the Holy Spirit to the followers after dying on the cross and raising again on the 3rd day of being in the hands of sinful men.
Christians, on the other hand, believe that we will be in the presence of God the Father and Jesus Christ solely by our faith in Christ and what He alone did by dying on the cross and rising again on the third day, so we believe it is a free gift of God and it doesn't just come after all we can do as Mormons believe.
Jesus dying on the cross was an act caused by man's sin, but, look, He applied the pain and suffering for the good of the world that all might have life everlasting.
OTOH, disregarding denominations, 33 % of the world population believes Christiantiy in one form or another, where Jesus was born of Mary, with God using the Holy Spirit to form him within her, and Jesus using the Holy Spirit later, dying on the cross, and then giving the Holy Spirit to the Apostles after ascending to heaven.
Given that he rejected the Holy Spirit... it's obvious that he was wrong, and they'll as Mohammed said, have to answer for all their sins... to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob... in that they reject Jesus dying on the cross for their sins.
Meanwhile the startup faces the risk of dying on the vine.
Centuries of men dying on their way toward Africa, Asia, and the New World left the culture with a sense of longing that English can't touch.
It lives or dies on its own.
The senior vice president of Oracle's Cloud solutions died on Tuesday, October 25, 2016, of cancer.
If you've every had a disk drive or computer die on you, you will understand the importance of having a great offsite backup of your important data.
Track which opportunities end up being real and which ones die on the vine based on the answers to those questions.
There's really no other way United could respond to the terrible mishaps and horrible press it went through earlier this year, starting with the death of Kikito the French bulldog, and culminating with the revelation of the fact that almost half of all pets that die on planes, die on United.
The outspoken veteran comedian, loved and loathed the world over for her witty, cut - to - the - bone humor, died on Sept. 4, 2014, in her native New York City a week after she went into cardiac arrest during vocal cord surgery.
That's $ 270 million more than News Corporation paid for MySpace, in 2005... Richard Burke, the founder of Milwaukee - based Trek Bicycle, died on March 10.
Zig Ziglar, a revered author on leadership, sales and personal development, died on Wednesday at the age of 86.
He died on Thursday at Ochsner Medical Center in Jefferson, Louisiana, outside New Orleans, according to the Saints website.
And two pilots died on Aug. 14, 2013, when a United Parcel Service plane landed short of a runway before dawn in Birmingham, Ala..
After Cranberries lead singer Dolores O'Riordan died on Monday, sales of the 1990s band surged on music services.
Rick George, who helped pioneer Canada's oil - sands industry during two decades at the helm of Suncor Energy Inc., died on Tuesday after a year - and - a-half battle against acute myeloid leukemia.
A total of 74 people — 68 soldiers, 11 of whom were killed in cross-border tunnel attacks; and 6 civilians — died on the Israeli side of the conflict.
and continued as a solo artist, died on Sunday at his home in England.
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