Sentences with phrase «dying tissue»

These are symptoms of release of bacteria toxins and by products of dying tissue into the blood stream.
When one particularly nasty specimen called turtle weed (Chlorodesmis fastigiata) rubs against A. millepora, for instance, wide bands of dying tissue girdle the coral.
It was an opportunist and would sometimes infect ears and stalks when insects drilled into the plant, creating a convenient landing pad of dying tissue for the fungus.
Your vet will drain the pus and remove dying tissue which promotes more rapid healing and resolution of the infection.
If there is a section of dying tissue on the stomach wall, this must be discovered and removed or the dog will die despite the heroics described above.
The uterus with pyometra swells dramatically and is filled with pus, bacteria, dying tissue, and toxins.
Most venomous snakes inject toxins that cause tissue necrosis (dying tissue).
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